Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1563 Twin Sisters Flower 3

Chapter 1563 Twin Sisters Flower Thirteen

Lin Lang followed with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not a fool, and I won't be fooled by others at will!"

Zhao Bingqian was really relieved, but when he remembered what happened today, he didn't know how to say, "I... my lady... There was a flood in Hebei. Today, the Holy Spirit appointed me to go to Hebei to relieve the disaster. I may come to You won't come back after giving birth!"

Lin Lang smiled softly, "I said why you are so hard to speak, so it's because of this, it's a big deal that the emperor appointed you to help the disaster, you don't have to worry about me, I will take care of myself !"

When Zhao Bingqian heard this, he said with emotion: "Young lady really understands righteousness. It is my good fortune to be able to marry a lady!"

With these words, Zhao Bingqian expressed his inner emotion. When he learned that his future wife was from a small family, Zhao Bingqian also complained. To be able to marry such a wife, not to mention that her family's official position is not high, the key is that the entire Wang family is hardly motivated, has no skills, and cannot bring any help to him at all. On the contrary, he has been delaying his own future. leg.

Zhao Bingqian thought that this was the end of his life, and he would marry a woman with little knowledge as his wife, but he didn't want to get along with him for a long time. He also discovered many advantages of his wife. More excellent, more capable.

Lin Lang felt a little embarrassed when she heard such praise, "These are what concubines should do!"

Zhao Bingqian said approvingly: "What I said is true, it is really my luck to marry a woman like you!"

Regardless of whether these words are true or false, Lin Lang was very happy to hear them anyway. Now that she knew that her husband was going to provide disaster relief, Lin Lang also began to prepare, firstly the clothes and then the medicinal materials. The place to go was not easy, so Lin Lang prepared a lot of medicinal materials, and bought a lot of medicinal pills specially, and made a lot of medicinal powders by the way.

After thinking about it, I took stock of my dowry silver, and Zhao Bingqian's silver, and collected tens of thousands of taels to buy some food and medicinal materials. The food does not need to be too good, as long as it can fill the stomach. As for the medicinal materials, they are precious You can't afford expensive medicinal materials, but ordinary medicinal materials are still acceptable.

When Zhao Bingqian knew what Lin Lang had done, he was extremely moved, "My lady treats me sincerely, and I will definitely treat my lady sincerely!"

Lin Lang just smiled gently, and didn't answer the question, but instead said: "Husband, you must be careful on the road. When you are thirsty, don't drink the deep water outside. You must let the attendants around you drink water." Boil it and drink it, it will not be easy to get sick, I also prepared a lot of pills for you, each kind of effect is pasted on the bottle, in case you encounter any discomfort, just drink the medicine according to the above symptoms... ..."

Hearing his wife's advice, Zhao Bingqian's expression softened a little, and he patted Lin Lang's hand, "I know it all, but I don't feel worried about letting you stay in the yard alone, so I prepared ten guards for you, If anything goes wrong, let those ten guards protect you, don't worry about the consequences, and focus on your own safety!"

Lin Lang nodded to show that she understood. After they left, she was just about to take the maid back home when she found her sister-in-law standing in the dark, looking at her clearly and secretly.

"Unexpectedly, the third brother is so capable. At such a young age, he can surpass so many brothers in our family and go to the disaster relief alone. The third brother is so fond of the emperor. Maybe one day he will surpass the prince!"

Hearing the second sister-in-law's words, Lin Lang turned her head and looked at her directly, "What did the second sister-in-law say? The emperor sent my husband to help the disaster. It's not for the sake of the prince. As for what is more important than the prince? Kind of like, our husband doesn't dare to think that the prince is his own father, my husband admires the prince, it's too late, how could he think of surpassing the prince!"

The second sister-in-law sneered, "You can fool others, but you can't fool me. You said that the emperor's rebellious husband is naturally for the sake of the prince, but why didn't you choose other sons of the prince? Why did you choose you?" Husband is on the head, after all, isn't it because you value your husband?"

"The Holy Majesty chose my husband to go to the disaster relief because he valued my husband, but he valued my husband because he is the prince's child!" Lin Lang blinked and continued, "As for why he only chose my husband and not others? The main reason is because my husband is filial, I don't have any thoughts of disobedience!

But I'm surprised, why does the second sister-in-law have such thoughts about my father?Do you think my husband can go past the prince?

Could it be that the second sister-in-law has such an idea, but think about it, second sister-in-law, you have always been high-minded, and you can't even look down on the concubine, how can you be respectful to the prince? "

"You... what nonsense are you talking about!" The second sister-in-law also became anxious, "I respect the crown prince the most!"

Lin Lang waved his sleeves, "If that's the case, let's stop talking about sowing dissension. Fortunately, my husband is not here. If I let him know, he will definitely have a good talk with the second sister-in-law and ask the second sister-in-law what is it?" Why do you have the heart, why do you provoke the father-son relationship between the husband and the prince so well?

But when I think about it, I found that the second elder brother has been getting farther and farther away from the prince recently. I heard that the second elder brother did not go to greet the prince several times. Could it be that the second sister-in-law provoked all this?Such an unfaithful and unrighteous person, I don't want to be with my second sister-in-law! "

The second sister-in-law became anxious immediately. If the person in charge of her own family knew about it, she would be in bad luck. "It's not what you think. As for greeting the prince, it's because my father was delayed by the incident." , don't worry, during this period of time, my father will definitely pay respects to the prince, so you don't need to worry about it!"

"Of course I won't worry about my second sister-in-law's affairs, and I hope my second sister-in-law won't worry about my affairs all day long!" Lin Lang sneered and turned to leave.

As a result, as soon as he returned to the yard, he was called over by the princess before his buttocks sat still.

"I heard that you were entangled with the second daughter-in-law at the door early this morning, but what happened?" The princess asked with a gloomy expression.

Lin Lang pretended to be innocent and replied: "I'm going to ask my second sister-in-law about this. I sent my husband to help the disaster, and I don't know what's going on with my second sister-in-law. She must ask me to ask questions. This is all about the prince. It's on the head..."

The Crown Princess became angry all of a sudden, "As daughters-in-law, you are so brave to say right and wrong on your father-in-law's head!"

Lin Lang pretended to be afraid and knelt down, "I really don't know about the mother-in-law. It was all said by my sister-in-law first, and I don't agree with what my sister-in-law said, and I even helped protect the prince!"

The princess didn't listen to Linlang's explanation at all, and waved her hand, "Okay, don't talk about it, you are entangled with your sister-in-law at the gate, it's yours, why don't you go to the yard to copy some scriptures later, go The anger on my body!"

Lin Lang got angry all of a sudden, it's fine if you punish me, but why didn't you punish the second sister-in-law?Obviously she was the one who started the dispute first, could it be because your husband has received the attention of the emperor to help the disaster, so you can't see it and want to punish me?
Lin Lang felt that he was absolutely the truth, but he didn't dare to disobey the princess, so he could only grit his teeth and go to the Buddhist hall, and stayed there to copy the scriptures. In front of so many people, he passed out on the spot.

At first, the Crown Princess thought that Lin Lang was loading goods, but after pinching her, she found that Lin Lang hadn't woken up, and then realized that something was wrong, and immediately called the imperial doctor over.

On the way to the imperial doctor, the princess was walking up and down the room in a hurry, with a trace of fear on her face, "If something really happened to the third daughter-in-law at my side, how should I explain it?"

The nanny also said with disapproval on her face: "Mother, you really did it this time, even if you don't want to see the third grandson, at least you have to wait until the third concubine gives birth to a child before punishing it. Ah, why did it happen at this time? In case something happened to the concubine of the third emperor and grandson, how will the empress explain to the third emperor and grandson? How to explain to the prince? How to explain to the higher-ups?"

 I'm about to cry, the 1800 words I just wrote were swallowed, I don't know what's going on, I'm really about to cry, so it took a lot of time to rewrite.

(End of this chapter)

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