Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1631 Returning the Pearl 7

Chapter 1631 Returning the Pearl Seven

Lin Lang was not stingy either. First, she changed Jin's clothes to another yard. After all, Shufangzhai was a good place, but it was also a place for singing operas, which was not conducive to the concubines in the harem to raise babies. She was promoted to a higher position, and now she has agreed.

Two months later, the fifth elder brother and the others came back, but they were not found by the emperor, but came back by themselves. As for Xiao Yanzi, she was also pregnant.

Qianlong was very angry, but he didn't want to kill his son. He gritted his teeth and pinched his nose to admit the matter, but for Little Yanzi, Qianlong was not so kind, so he told the fifth elder brother directly, little Yanzi You can only be a princess, and you can only be a princess in this life.

Little Yanzi didn't know the difference between Huanzhu Gege and Fifth Brother's Gege, but they were both Gege, so Little Yanzi agreed without hesitation. Fifth Brother wanted to fight for Little Yanzi, but was afraid that Qianlong would take Little Yanzi when he was angry. His life, so the fifth elder brother also acquiesced.

Apart from the serving maids and eunuchs, there are three princesses in the fifth elder brother's yard. Seeing that the fifth elder brother loves the little Yanzi so much, they are all jealous, and everyone's means are endless. It didn't take long for the little Yanzi to have a miscarriage Yes, Brother Fifth was furious, but he couldn't find the murderer, so this matter can only be let go.

After the miscarriage, Little Swallow was depressed for a while at first, and then started bouncing up again, until Ziwei was fine and became a princess again, completely forgot about the fact that she robbed Ziwei's identity before, and wanted to reunite with Ziwei with the cheek Make it up.

But Ziwei is no longer that naive girl. After passing through Vulkang and Xiaoyanzi, she has matured a lot, knowing how deadly she was before, so she rejected Xiaoyanzi without hesitation.

Little Yanzi was still very angry, "Ziwei, you have changed a lot, you are no longer the Ziwei I am familiar with, have you forgotten what we said when we became sworn brothers? Blessed to enjoy together, difficult to be together, now you have become princess, You don't recognize me anymore, do you?"

Ziwei looked at Little Swallow, feeling very sad in her heart, "Swallow Swallow, I used to regard you as my sister all the time, but now I can see clearly that you didn't regard me as your sister at all, otherwise you wouldn't have robbed me. Identity, even though I have so many opportunities, I wouldn’t tell the truth... And if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be a slave, do you know? Just because of my status as a slave, no one in the Eight Banners of Manchuria asked to marry me I……"

"What did I say? It turned out that you were blaming me because you couldn't get married. Don't worry, I left the palace some time ago and saw Erkang. He said he missed you very much and asked you Do you still remember that there is no mausoleum in the mountains and heaven and earth are united, so you dare to marry the king!" Little Yanzi continued, "Erkang likes you so much, you two should be together!"

If it was her former self, she would definitely be overjoyed, but now, Ziwei showed a wry smile, and does Connors like herself?The only thing he likes is his own identity and status, because the dismissed official position of the Fu family has nothing now, in order to make a comeback, so Fu Erkang will be enough to hit him, but if he does not have Gege's identity, Erkang still has nothing to do. Will you like yourself?Will you still ask for yourself?
Certainly not, so Ziwei will not be a fool, "Fulkang didn't like me at all when I encountered such a thing, and he ran away without hesitation after hearing about it, which shows that he doesn't have me in his heart at all!
Little Yanzi, for the sake of the former sisterhood, let me remind you, cherish the life you have now, don’t do it to your death, brother five likes you very much, but no amount of affection will fade away one day, be honest Really be your princess! "

Little Yanzi's face changed, "You...you have changed, you are no longer the Ziwei I am familiar with..."

Ziwei gave a wry smile, "Maybe it's because I have suffered a lot, so I understand a lot of things with a long memory. Little Yanzi, maybe you think that Gege and Gege are the same and different. My Gege is the emperor's own daughter. Your Gege is just It's just a concubine of a certain elder brother, just something that can't be seen on the stage... Any concubine in the palace who is a bit dishonest can crush you to death, so you should stay in your own palace honestly, don't Thinking about going out to die again, maybe after the fifth elder brother is separated from the mansion, and after you give birth to a child, for the sake of the past, you may be able to be a side concubine..."

"What and what are you talking about? I can't understand any of them, but forget it, if you don't want to play with me, I will play by myself!" Little Swallow left angrily.

Ziwei shook her head, and put this matter out of her mind. During this time, she stayed in her palace, except for copying scriptures and chanting Buddha, and went to Jinsuo's palace. The two girls depended on each other.

Lin Lang didn't know much about them, because he was busy with his children's affairs. After pulling out the nails, Lin Lang arranged for his own staff, and the children became much better behaved.

Especially Elder Brother Twelve was very timid at first, but after Lin Lang's education, he knew the importance of his identity and understood the responsibilities he shouldered, and he matured a lot.

Although he is young, Elder Brother Twelve has already begun to make his mark, and has received a lot of praise from Qianlong.

Although Qianlong had many sons, there were only a few sons who were born in the Manchurian clan. The fifth elder brother was highly valued because after the seventh elder brother died of smallpox, he became the highest status among the princes.

But helplessly, it’s too desperate. After decades of reading, I have read it in the stomach of a dog. It’s fine to contradict the emperor. It's dangerous to be a prince.

Lin Lang also understood that the ministers of the court were unwilling to cook easily. After all, the emperor was still young, and the thrones below were still young, so it was unknown who would ascend the throne.

But it's different now, Qianlong's body is getting worse day by day after a stroke, and it is estimated that the child in Jin's promise will be Qianlong's last child.

Maybe knowing that his health was not good, Qianlong began to train the princes below, but he picked and chose, the most suitable one was Lin Lang's twelfth elder brother, after all, he was the eldest son, and he was also very intelligent.

Lin Lang was naturally very happy to see her son being valued, but she never expected that someone would reach out to his child. Looking at the cotton coat stained with smallpox, Lin Lang showed a sneer, and first grabbed those people and removed them. chin, hands and feet, directly imprisoned people for interviews, and then saved all the evidence to the emperor, letting the emperor decide for himself.

You must know that Qianlong's most beloved son, Seventh Brother, is because of smallpox, and now there are people who stretched their hands on 12th Brother, Qianlong was so angry that he finally had a capable son. How can I explain myself to my ancestors?

Qianlong was not an embroidered pillow either, he directly sent hidden guards, but when he saw the things that were investigated, he had a second stroke.

It never occurred to him that the matter of how many sons he had was not a normal thing, but was calculated by others, and those who calculated were none other than the coated slaves.

He finally understood why Huang Ama paid so much attention to identity back then. It turned out that Huang Ama had already noticed the conspiracy of the abalone stewed vegetables, but it was a pity that he himself could not recognize the people clearly, causing the princes who were born in the Eight Banners to die one after another.

After knowing who the murderer was, Qianlong was not merciful at all. Coupled with the greed of the Ministry of Internal Affairs these years, Qianlong directly killed him happily.

As for those low-risk concubines, especially those concubines who were slaves, Lin Lang ate it no matter whether she had given birth or not. With a bowl of sterilization soup for them, it is estimated that they will never be pregnant in this life.

When favoring concubines, those who go to the Eight Banners can be let go, but once they are coated slaves, Qianlong will directly pour a bowl of sterilization soup, and will give them any position in this life!
Lin Lang stayed in her palace obediently, and only came out to preside over the overall situation after all the matters were dealt with.

(End of this chapter)

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