Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1639 Returning the Pearl 5

Chapter 1639 Huanzhugege fifteen
Perhaps the Empress Dowager also noticed Qianlong's abnormality. She gritted her teeth and said with a gloomy face, "Dancing in public is really shameless!"

Qianlong touched his nose in embarrassment, "Emperor Niang, this is my wish!"

The Empress Dowager turned her head aside, ignored Qianlong, and continued: "Since you have entered the palace, you must abide by the rules from now on!"

Qianlong nodded quickly, "Emperor Niang, don't worry, my son is not a womanizer, and I will never be addicted to beauty!"

Hehehe...Your Majesty, what you said is an antonym, right?

Lin Lang kept her head down and didn't want to interrupt the topic of their mother and child. After Xiang Fei finished covering her, Qianlong applauded, "It's really beautiful!"

The patriarch of the Hui people stood up and saluted respectfully, "Your Majesty, Hanxiang is the treasure of our Hui people. He has a strange fragrance since he was born. I dedicate the most precious things of our Hui people to the emperor to represent Daqin and the Hui people." Hui people's friendship!"

Still wanting to hear this, my heart is broken, her Mengdan, but she can't refuse, let alone object, because she still has her clansmen!

Qianlong quickly agreed, "You are welcome, patriarch, as long as you are honest, I will never send troops!

As for Hanxiang, she is indeed a beauty, come on, let's make her Xiangfei! "

Fragrant Concubine?Talking about right and wrong, but this title is neither fish nor fowl, and as expected, Qianlong said that night: "I said I was a concubine, but it was actually for the Hui people's face. You can arrange it according to the title of a nobleman!"

Lin Lang nodded, but on the second day, a headache came, and the Xiangfei side refused to wear the clothes of the imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty, let alone serve her bed.

Lin Lang wished she could slap that woman hard, to the point where she had to bear the responsibilities she should have borne after enjoying the glory and wealth.

Lin Lang took a deep breath and said word by word: "It's fine not to wear Daqing's clothes, then from now on, take away all the clothes in his room, and only enlarge the clothes of the concubine Qing, if he If you don't wear it, you can go out naked if you have the guts!

As for things, if she doesn't want to serve the emperor, she can stay in the palace for the rest of her life! "

After all, since the last stroke, although Qianlong was lustful, he also knew that his health was not as good as before, and he seldom invited his concubine to sleep with him.

Qianlong really liked Concubine Xiang. After all, this woman had an exotic style and a strange fragrance on her body. What's more, this woman was unruly and unruly, which made him feel conquered.

After Qianlong learned of what Linlang had done, he didn't speak out against it. On the contrary, he also helped Linlang. Except after going to see Concubine Xiang that night, he never went to Concubine Xiang's palace again.

Those concubines thought that Concubine Xiang had fallen out of favor, and came to his palace one after another, making sarcastic remarks.

Forget it, when she was favored by the emperor, Concubine Xiang had her own palace and her own small kitchen, but when she fell out of favor, all kinds of problems came one after another. The first thing she ate was leftovers, even the tea she drank. It was also old tea, and the clothes on her body.

All the clothes that Xiangfei brought from the Hui nationality were taken away by the queen, and they were completely burned. Xiangfei had no clothes to wear. After suffering such grievances and crying, she had to swap clothes with the maid.

But the clothes are always washed bad, and Xiangfei really doesn't want to touch the tattered and old clothes every day. Later, he comforted himself that although he was wearing the clothes of the imperial concubine of the Qing Dynasty, his heart was still Mengdan. I will never submit like the emperor.

In fact, Lin Lang didn't do anything cruel to deal with Concubine Xiang, she just sat there and watched coldly, without entertainment, the indifference of the palace could drive people to death.

Concubine Xiang could survive for a month, but she couldn't take it for two months, and almost collapsed in the third month. She is also a holy daughter of the Hui nationality. Everyone is devastated.

She is not a fool, she knows that her glory and wealth are placed on the emperor, but she does not want to betray Mengdan, but she is even more reluctant to part with her glory and wealth.

Therefore, when Qianlong passed by the imperial garden, he watched Xiangfei dancing and butterflies flying around her, Xiangfei was like a fairy concubine.

"My God!" Little Swallow covered her mouth, "Are you a fairy in the sky? You can even attract butterflies?"

Wu Fujin frowned, if it wasn't for the fact that Little Yanzi was the fifth elder brother's favorite concubine, he would have wanted to punish Little Yanzi a long time ago, this woman has no brains and acts impulsively, if she hadn't seen her give birth to a son , and for the sake of being favored by thousands of people, Wu Fujin has already done it.

"Little Swallow!" Wu Fujin warned: "Don't make a fuss, it will disturb others!"

Little Yanzi curled her lips, she didn't like Wu Fujin either, she felt that this woman was very much like Nanny Rong, she talked about the rules every now and then, it was terribly annoying.

And I had several disputes with her, but fortunately Fifth Prince was still standing next to me, and never let myself be wronged.

"But I'm telling the truth, it's really beautiful!" Little Swallow said indignantly.

"The emperor's concubines are not something we can comment on at will!" Wu Fujin felt a little headache, "It's getting late, let's go back early!"

Little Swallow was still a little reluctant, "But I want to ask that fairy why she is so fragrant and why she can attract butterflies. I..."

"Okay, she's the emperor's concubine, not something you, a little princess, can grab!" Wu Fujin took a deep breath, suppressing the anger in his heart, "Go back early, your child is probably awake, if If I don't see you, I will cry!"

Hearing the child, Little Yanzi reluctantly nodded and went back with Wu Fujin.

Qianlong stepped forward, his eyes full of affection, "I really never thought that you would bring me so many surprises, Concubine Xiang, you are so beautiful..."

Concubine Xiang bowed aggrievedly, "Your Majesty!"

Qianlong grabbed Xiangfei's hand, "Aifei doesn't need to be so polite, by the way, I haven't been to Aifei's place for a long time, so I'll sit with you today, okay?"

sit down?What does it mean?Everyone knew in their hearts that Concubine Xiang withdrew her hand in fear, "Your Majesty, my concubine...I feel a little uncomfortable..."

Qianlong flicked his sleeves. Although Xiangfei is beautiful, there are many beautiful women in the harem, and she is not the only one, "Xiangfei, I thought you knew what you were going to do by dancing in the imperial garden. I didn't expect... you I still haven't figured it out, since I haven't figured it out, then stay in your own palace and don't come out and wander around if you have nothing to do..."

After being scolded for a while, Concubine Xiang said aggrievedly, "Your Majesty, how can you be so ruthless? Although you are the master of the world, everyone submits to you, but you can't make my heart submit to you..."

The emperor lifted Xiangfei's chin, and said indifferently: "Don't surrender to me? It's funny, I'll give you another chance, think about it carefully, if the answer this time doesn't satisfy me... I remember your father still In the capital, let him be buried with you when the time comes!"

When Xiangfei heard this, she knelt on the ground in fright, "You... how can you be so heartless and indifferent?"

Qianlong sneered and said, "Xiangfei, it seems that you still don't know your current status. Do you think you are still a holy woman of the Hui nationality? There is a lot of response, no, you are just given a gift. If I don't treat you If you are satisfied, I can kill you at any time!
But I won't be so cruel, after all, this is the first time I've seen someone like you, I'm quite interested, but no matter how much interest you have, there will be a day when all the interest is exhausted, I hope you take good care of it! "

(End of this chapter)

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