Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1661 American Drama World 6

Chapter 1661 American Drama World Six

After she had the money, Lin Lang was generous. First, she bought the house. Of course, it wasn't a house here. She wasn't going to let her children live here, in this state!

The second is to find Frank and have a showdown with him!

"Oh, my God, what are you doing!" Frank sat up quickly, patted his body, trying to make the water disappear, he raised his head, and stared fiercely at Lin Lang opposite, "I already made the room Here it is, don't you even let me sleep in the living room? Don't forget that I am your father, the master of this house!"

Lin Lang put down the water glass calmly, "Are you awake? I have something I want to talk to you about!"

Frank looked at his eldest daughter as if she was joking and nodded, "What do you want to say? Could it be that you want to give me money? I heard from those little guys that you have made a lot of money recently. After all, I am also your father, and I still have your custody rights, so you have to give me some money!"

Lin Lang frowned, and took out a document, "What I'm talking about with you is the issue of custody. You can't take care of Rip and the others, but I can, so I ask you to transfer the custody of the child to me. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly, I can give you 5000 US dollars after the transfer, and I will move out with a few children!"

"5000 dollars? It seems that you have earned a lot, no, 5000 dollars is too little, besides, those children are my darlings, it is impossible to just transfer them to you, at least..." Frank meant very much obvious.

"If the police know that you have been receiving Aunt Jinji's pension, how many years will you be sentenced?" Lin Lang blinked, "Not to mention the things you did before... so don't bargain with me, be honest I actually signed the documents, and when the right time comes, I will move out with a few children. At that time, this house will be yours. You can sell it to others or rent it to others, and I will not stop it. Yes, if you can get Monica to sign this document, I will give you another $5000, which is equivalent to giving you $1..."

Frank's face changed drastically, "How do you know about your aunt, you..."

"Don't worry about how I know, I'll just ask you if you want to do it. If you don't want to, I'll call now. The worst thing is that a few children are sent to foster families, but I'm going to be 18 soon , when the time comes, I can fight for the custody of a few children, and maybe I can give you less money... But I don't want to be so troublesome, it depends on how you choose..." Lin Lang shook the document.

Frank rubbed his hair and took the documents over, "I can sign the documents, but please don't tell those children, and if you are moving, please tell me where you live, I must at least see you ..."

Lin Lang weighed the pros and cons, then nodded, "Of course, no matter how you say it, you are also my father, the father of those children, although you have never raised us, let alone taken care of us, let alone fulfilled your responsibilities. , but it is our father after all, we will always remember you!"

Frank signed and held another document, "I'll let Monica pay for this document, as for the money you said..."

Lin Lang was not stingy, and took out 5000 US dollars and handed it over, "I will give you the remaining 5000 US dollars after Monica signs it!"

Frank nodded and rubbed his messy hair, "Fiona, my eldest daughter, I really didn't expect you to be so capable. At such a young age, you not only made such a large amount of money, but also have such a sense of responsibility. I I am so happy to have a daughter like you..."

"But I'm very unhappy to be your daughter!" After Lin Lang finished speaking, she turned and left. After Li Pu came back at night, Lin Lang told Li Pu what happened today. Seeing his lonely appearance, Lin Lang took a picture Pat him on the shoulder, "I'm doing this for everyone's benefit. After all, with such a father, I'm afraid that a few children will follow him to look good!"

Lip nodded, "I know I'm just a little sad, it's only $5000, and he sold us just like that..."

Lin Lang smiled at him, "Don't take it to heart, by the way, I have a surprise for you, but it will take a while..."

A look of blankness flashed across Rip's face, "Surprise, then I'm looking forward to it!"

When the first snow fell and the children were on vacation, Lin Lang cooked them a sumptuous dinner that night, and then said to them with a smile: "Children, I am going to take you to Disneyland, and the air tickets and hotels have been booked." , leave the day after tomorrow!"

"Ahhh!" several children shouted, and even the biggest Rip jumped up happily.

"Oh my god, is there a Disney with princesses?" Debbie looked like a deer cheerfully, "I want to tell my classmates that I'm going to Disneyland to make them envious!"

Lin Lang smiled, "So, starting tomorrow, everyone hasten to get your luggage ready, so that you won't be in a hurry when you leave the day after tomorrow!"

The children were overjoyed, knowing that this was their first time traveling, they were all so excited that they didn't sleep all night.

Because the temperature of the place where he was going was more suitable, Lin Lang didn't ask the children to bring too thick clothes. The day after tomorrow, Lin Lang took the children in the car and went to the airport together, and took the plane to another continent.

The children played very happily. At night, after eating the hotel buffet, the children were still very excited and kept discussing what happened today, such as the roller coaster, Snow White, Cinderella, etc., all of them were very happy. The little stars twinkle and twinkle.

Lin Lang looked at them and continued, "Besides this, I also prepared a surprise for everyone. Do you want to go and see it tomorrow?"

"Okay!" The children quickly agreed.

When the children arrived at the place on the second day, they looked at the villa blankly, a little at a loss.

Lin Lang pointed to the villa on the first floor and said, "Children, this is the surprise I prepared for you. Our house, our home, has three and a half floors in total. Each child has his own bedroom. The yard can be used to grow flowers or vegetables!"

"Is this our home? What about the place we lived in before? Are we going to move here?" The children may be very excited when they hear that there is a new house, but they are a little scared after the excitement.

Lin Lang nodded, "Yes, this is our home, we are going to move here, I have contacted you from the school, after the school starts, you can just go to school directly!
Well, let's not talk about this, everyone, hurry up and go in, the 2nd and 3rd floors are residential, you can live in whichever room you like! "

The first floor is the living room and kitchen plus a bathroom, a storage room, and a small maid's room, next to a garage and a warehouse.

There are 2 rooms and two bathrooms on the 4nd floor. The layout of the 3rd floor is similar. As for the upper half floor, there is a study room and a place for resting. When you open the door, you can see a big balcony.

(End of this chapter)

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