Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1675 Divorced Male 2

Chapter 1675
Wang Li ran into the bedroom in a hurry and lay on the bed, thinking about what Wang Qiang said all the time, she couldn't help becoming nervous, so she didn't notice that Lin Lang didn't return to the bedroom at night, but stayed in the study all the time.

Wang Li was really scared, afraid that her husband would find out what she had done before. Although he knew that Wang Qiang loved him very much, he believed that as long as he was a man, he would never marry a wife who had such a past.

On the second morning, Wang Li saw that Lin Lang didn't make breakfast, and just wanted to open her mouth to scold, but recalling what happened last night, she swallowed her words again, and said softly, "Why didn't you make breakfast?" ?”

Lin Lang raised her head and yawned, "I'm really sorry, I went to bed late last night, so I woke up late this morning. As for breakfast, you can buy something outside, anyway, people's lifestyle is like this now Yes, who would cook breakfast at home, it's too time-consuming, and it's not worth it!"

Can that be the same?Although it takes time, the breakfast made at home is more nutritious, at least not like those outside, not to mention the bacteria, and it is not nutritious.

"This..." Wang Li just wanted to say something, but when she saw Lin Lang, she gritted her teeth again, "Forget it if you don't do it, I'll go to work before it's too early, and... last night..."

Lin Lang lowered her head, "Last night, I was indeed too irritable yesterday, but you have to be considerate of me, I work so hard every day, and I have to do housework when I get home. It's not that I don't want to do housework, and it's not that I Laziness, mainly...said that I thought you could understand me, instead of treating me as a nanny!"

Wang Li forced a smile, "That's not the case. I did make a mistake before. From now on, I will help you with housework. By the way, did someone tell you what you said last night?" What are you, who told you? Can you tell me, I want to confront her, I want to ask her, what exactly did I offend her, and let her slander me without leaving room? "

Of course no one told her, because she accepted the plot, so she knew everything!

Lin Lang sighed, "Okay, what I said yesterday was also angry, don't worry about that, it's all over, and we can live a good life from now on!"

Wang Li didn't feel happy when she heard this. On the contrary, she felt a little uneasy because she didn't know what those people told Lin Lang. This feeling was like a knife hanging above her head. There is a chance that the knife will fall.

"Honey, I really want to know, can you tell me?" Wang Lisa said coquettishly, "Just this time, I promise I will never ask you again!"

Lin Lang rubbed her nose, "I can't tell you the name, because... I promised her to keep it secret, and I swore an oath, but I can give you some clues..."

When Wang Li heard this, although she was a little disappointed, she still nodded, "That's fine, let me guess. By the way, you must give me more clues!"

Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "She is your friend, at least I have known you since college, she knows a lot about you...Actually, I think she is unreliable, some of her words are true, but I I think some words are false, my wife is so beautiful and kind-hearted, how could she be the kind of vicious woman she said, she must be jealous of you, that's why she said those words!"

Wang Li pulled her face down when she heard this, "Yeah, that woman must be jealous of me, that's why she slandered me, so don't believe it, but... I know me, and I've met since I was in college... ...This scope is too broad. I know a lot of people, and there are a lot of people who hate me. I have offended others before. You can’t give me any more hints, just a little bit…”

Lin Lang sighed, "Okay, you are my wife, so I'll tell you, that woman is pretty good-looking, but the makeup is a bit heavy, and I feel... not particularly good..."

The makeup is a bit heavy, could it be those sisters from before?Jealous of marrying an honest man and having a job again, that's why I told my husband the truth about myself?

But... what good would it do them?If I really divorced this husband, I will definitely go back to that kind of place, and when the time comes to compete with them for business, no one will be able to get better.

"Okay, stop guessing, it's getting late, you go to work quickly!" Lin Lang suppressed a smile and hurriedly said.

Wang Li nodded in a trance, walked out of the door with her bag in her hand, and came back to her senses after she came out. Although this damn Wang Qiang gave herself some clues, his clues were useless at all. I know a lot of girls who wear heavy makeup, what's the big deal, but who is it?The scope is really too wide, friends from college classmates, sisters in the workplace, those female friends I met in society... Thinking about the people I have offended, Wang Li really can't finish guessing, just like there is a bomb It's like putting it over there, it will explode at some point, and people can't help but feel anxious.

After Wang Li left, the girl went back to the study and started playing games, but she didn't want to play games, but to use games to make money. I have to say that this new game is quite good, and it only took one night , I earned 2000 yuan.

Of course, he was happy on the front foot, and someone called him on the back foot.

"Are you xx? My son bought a batch of game equipment from you. He spent the money behind our backs. We parents don't even know about it. Can you return the money to us? It's not easy for us, every penny is hard-earned money!" said the man on the other end of the phone.

Lin Lang frowned, "Then what about my gaming device? I made it hard..."

"This is just a virtual thing, so don't worry about it... Our family is really not rich, my wife is sick, and my parents are not in good health... The family is really poor... You can do it, please Return this money to me..." The man begged bitterly.

Lin Lang is not Zhou Baopi, but she is not the heart of the Virgin, "Mister, I can refund you, but you have to return the things to me!

Maybe these things are worthless in front of you, but they are very valuable in the virtual society, just like your son also spent thousands of dollars to buy my products?This shows that my things have market value. You can't just say that they are worthless and take my things for yourself. That's not authentic! "

"Good boy, I talked nicely to you, but you didn't appreciate it. I'll call the police right away, saying that you lied to children, and I'll arrest you and put you in prison!" the man said cursingly. .

"Then go to the police, I'm not wrong. When your child bought my things, I didn't know his child, and he bought it on his own initiative, and I didn't trick him into buying it!" Lin Lang continued. , "Anyway, let's put it here, the money can be refunded to you, but you have to return the things to me!"

"You..." the man said angrily, "Why are you so unreasonable? I have already said that my family is so difficult. You are in a good mood. Why don't you return the equipment and money to us? You must have a piece of meat? "

(End of this chapter)

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