Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1677 Divorced Male 4

Chapter 1677 Divorced Male Four
After Wang Li came out, she found that she had nowhere to go, so she called Xiao Xianrou, and after a while, Xiao Xianrou drove over in his Maserati, and said to Wang Li with a bright face: "Honey, you finally Contact me, you know? Without your news, I feel like every day is like a year!"

Wang Li was overjoyed by being praised, she quickly smiled, and got into the car under the envious eyes of the people around, "Actually... I really like you, but I'm married, do you really mind?"

"What do I care about? On the contrary, I'm still very jealous. I'm jealous that I'm not as lucky as your husband and didn't meet you sooner!" Xiao Xianrou said affectionately.

Wang Li was very moved. Thinking of everything she experienced today, she shed tears, "Honey, I also regret it very much. I regret why I married such a man in the first place. If I persevere, I may be able to meet you." Now... Maybe I won't live so badly like now, dear, we..."

Xiao Xianrou shook his head and hugged Wang Li tightly, "It's not too late, you can divorce that man and marry me!"

Wang Li raised her head, showing some hesitation, "Will your parents agree to this?"

Xiao Xianrou said very firmly: "Of course they will agree. You are so beautiful and considerate. It is my luck that I married you. It is too late for them to be happy. How could it be possible? Against it!

My dear, don't worry, if you are really worried, or else you and I will go home and meet my parents tomorrow! "

Wang Li's eyes dodged for a moment. One was an honest and honest man, and the other was a handsome and unrestrained rich second-generation man who was deeply in love with her. A woman knew how to choose. She gritted her teeth and seemed to have made up her mind, "Okay, I go with you!"

On the second day, Wang Li went to his house with Xiao Xianrou, and when he walked in the door, he saw a villa from a distance. A man in a black suit came out, opened the door gracefully, respectfully Said: "Master, you are back!"

"Master? Isn't your family just a demolition household? Why... so rich..." Wang Li looked at the big villa, covering her mouth in surprise. The front and back are wide, and there is a fountain in the middle of the yard. Planted with red roses, it looks very beautiful and magnificent, like the residence of a princess in a fairy tale.

Xiao Xianrou smiled, "My family is indeed a demolition household, but my family also does a little business. I invested in some things a few years ago and doubled it several times... plus the rent of some shops and houses, and a few factories. shares, our family is doing well... But you don't have to be restrained, our family is rich and rich, not the kind of people who look down on others. What is more important to us is the character of a girl. You are very beautiful, and And so considerate...my mother will definitely like you very much..."

The mother who really likes Xiao Xianrou first gave her a big red envelope when she saw her, and then gave her bags and jewelry.

"Oh, I've heard my son tell you about you a long time ago, saying that you are beautiful and kind-hearted. It is really like this when I saw you today. My son is really lucky to have such a good girlfriend like you!" Xiao Xianrou's mother kept praising her.

Wang Li was a little embarrassed when she heard this, "Auntie, I'm not as good as you said, but in fact I..."

"You don't need to say, Auntie is quite accurate. You are a good girl. By the way, you and my son are not too young. When are you going to get married? Set the time as soon as possible so that we can make preparations." !

What kind of wedding dress, banquet, and everything I want you to do, I have to arrange it..." Xiao Xianrou's mother kept talking over there, "There is also a betrothal gift, and the betrothal gift is for the woman. To save face, when I got married, his father gave 8 yuan, which is really not enough to look at now, but 8 yuan at that time was already very rich. You are our daughter-in-law, so you can give 188 million yuan Well, it's a lucky start!

And your house and car. I have a few good houses under my hands, all of which are in the school district, and the apartment type is good. When the time comes, I will transfer the ownership to your name. As for the car... my son has a car, but you No, let me buy you another car. How about BMW? "

Wang Li was elated when she heard this, and said shyly, "Auntie is in charge of everything!"

The aunt smiled happily, and then left Wang Li to have lunch together. When Wang Li was about to leave, she said reluctantly: "His father is working outside today, and he really can't get out. When he is free , you call your parents, our family sit together and have a good meal!"

Wang Li nodded quickly, and after she came out with Xiao Xianrou, she really made up her mind, "I've decided, I have to work hard for my own life, and I want to divorce him!"

Xiao Xianrou nodded, and patted her hand, "It's good if you can think so, go through the formalities as soon as possible, don't worry about the property, just suffer a little bit, get a divorce as soon as possible, if If it drags on for a long time, my parents may have objections!"

Wang Li nodded, and after going back, regardless of 21, she directly proposed a divorce to Lin Lang.

"I don't agree. Our family finally married you. After spending such a large amount of money, I also gave you all my salary. If you say divorce, you will get a divorce. How is that possible? Anyway, I will never leave!" Lin Lang said forcefully. Said.

"Why are you so shameless? I can't live with you anymore. What's wrong with your divorce? Besides, you spent money on marrying me, but you and I are still with you. Now I'm a second marriage woman, am I not at a loss?

How about this, let's take a step back and give you everything in the house, even this house, I don't want anything! "Wang Li took a step back, but compared to this small and dilapidated house, as long as she and that little fresh meat get married, she can get a house of her own without repaying the loan. Li felt that all the losses were worth it.

"You want to be beautiful!" Lin Lang said very firmly: "If you want me to divorce you, you can also return the dowry gift from my family and my salary to me, otherwise I won't divorce, anyway, I am Man, I can afford it, when you are 40 or [-] years old, no one will want you anymore, why don't you continue to live with me!"

Wang Li's face was extremely ugly, she couldn't drag it on, she wanted to get married this year, but he didn't want to give this dead man money, after all, you still had money for banquets when you were approved back then, and the wages for these years are all considered If you really want to give this man a large sum of money, you will die at a loss.

But if we don't get a divorce, if we continue like this, if my boyfriend and my mother know about my situation, will they still agree to marry her son?Thinking of the more than 100 million dowry, a big house, and a BMW car... Wang Li's eyes are red, divorce must be divorced, I can't spend my whole life with such a man, as beautiful as him And an excellent woman should be with an even better man.

"Okay, I agree to divorce!" Wang Li lowered her head, "I'll chip in for you later!"

Hearing that you can get the money back, your old eyes flickered for a moment, but he didn't show any joy. Instead, he knelt on the ground with a sad face, and cried bitterly, "Wang Li, what did I do wrong?" Why do you want to divorce me? Do not divorce, okay? I am willing to give you all the money, I really love you, please don’t leave me, I can give you all the salary, I will work hard To make money, I will buy you a bag, buy you everything you want, don't leave me, okay?"

Hearing this, Wang Li became more determined to get a divorce. With such a man, she had to live with a loan every day, but with that little fresh meat, she could live the life of a young grandmother. What is right and wrong? , can be clearly distinguished by individuals.

(End of this chapter)

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