Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1681 Divorced Male 8

Chapter 1681 Divorced Male Eight
Wang Li has never been so short of money. Although she was short of money when she was in college, but with the subsidies from her parents and the money she made by doing extra money, life is not bad. After leaving the society, he knows how much money he has. The job was not good, so I quit that job, found several boyfriends this year, and lived on the boyfriend's salary!

When I got older and knew that I couldn't go on like this, I found another honest man, and I held the dowry and his bank card tightly in my hands, so Wang Li Never short of money.

But today Wang Li really feels that she can't hold on anymore. She is no longer a girl of seventeen or eighteen, let alone a girl in her 20s. She is already 30 years old, although people say that a 30-year-old woman still has charm , but she really felt that she was old, and she was married, so she felt that her class had dropped a few.

Wang Li finally found another honest person, and was about to talk about the marriage, but unexpectedly, the old lady ran away, found another one, and ran away again. Today, she has been farming several times, and Wang Li is stunned. What is going on? up?You are a scourge, so you are so unpopular?
No matter how stupid Wang Li was, she knew something was wrong. She found an ex-boyfriend and asked them why they ran away, but they showed those photos and their own deeds. Wang Li's face turned pale, "You How can there be these things?"

The man didn't hide it either, "It was sent to me by someone else. I can bear that you have been divorced, but I really can't bear that you did this kind of thing before. Really, I am also a clean young man, so I can't marry you I won't want this kind of ambiguous woman, even if I pay for it!"

Wang Li's face became even paler, "What's wrong with doing that kind of thing? I... I didn't steal, and they didn't rob others. I ate by my own ability. I know that I have done those things. Morality will not be tolerated by society, but I had no choice at the time. My classmates all used brand-name bags and brand-name cosmetics. I was jealous. I am also a little girl, and I also have vanity. I thought about it What's wrong with being better? Am I wrong?"

"Little girl think about it better, there is really nothing wrong with this, but you shouldn't do this kind of thing!" The man shook his head, "The pocket money your parents gave you is enough for you to live on, if you want to buy something else If so, you can go to the Internet to find some part-time jobs, or work part-time at school, or you can be a tutor for others. As long as you do it patiently, you will not be afraid of running out of money, but if you go astray, it means that you are not right. How to be with a girl like you!"

Seeing that the man was about to leave, Wang Li panicked, "I know I did something wrong before, but can you tell me where this letter was sent from, and did you do anything other than receive this letter? Other abnormalities? Please tell me, I have already found several boyfriends, but they left without saying a word. I suspect this letter is responsible, but I don’t know who is behind I'm tripping, I'm really going crazy..."

The man waved his hand, "I'm really not sure about this, I just know that when I received this letter, I looked at the delivery address and the delivery phone number, and I also called to find someone, but nothing happened. People answered, it was an empty number..."

Wang Li started crying softly, "I really don't understand why I offended him, why did he take revenge on me like this, I really know I was wrong, now I just want to marry an honest man, honest Really live..."

"Hey!" The man showed a look of disgust, "Don't come here to harm us honest people, a woman like you should die alone, otherwise, one day when you get sick, you will know what kind of person you are. people!"

Wang Li was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then she burst into tears, "Everyone has a past, why do you have to dislike me so much?"

"I really despise you, because I have good hands and feet to do a decent job. If I quit, I will do that kind of dirty business. Everyone will despise you. This is the stain of your life!" The man shook his head. , "Okay, I don't want to talk to you anymore, don't come to me in the future, if you let others know that I have nothing to do with a woman like you, they might think what kind of person I am. Even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to cleanse yourself!"

Seeing the man leave, Wang Li sat on the ground in a daze. She didn't understand how things turned out like this. She knew that she had done a lot of wrong things and made many detours before, but he had already tasted the bitter fruit. I am willing to repent, and I want to find an honest man to live, but why doesn't God give me a chance?Who is stalking himself behind his back?Is it my ex-husband?Or that little fresh meat?
Wang Li wanted to find her ex-husband. When he went to her ex-husband’s residence, she found that he had moved out and the house had been sold. When she went to her ex-husband’s parents’ house, she found that his parents had also moved out. No one knew. Where did the family move to.

Wang Li was very sad. She felt that her whole life was a joke. Whenever she found a man who wanted to marry him, that man would receive those horrible messages from her past. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Wang Li's parents knew that What my daughter did was so angry that she had high blood pressure.

They couldn't figure it out. They didn't treat their daughter badly since they were young. They gave her food and drink, provided her with college, and provided her with a good life. But why can't this dead girl figure out how to do that kind of business? ?

After Lin Lang got rid of the ex-wife, she left the body of the task entrusting person. As for the next thing, it was their business, not her own business. As for her, she started to perform the next task again.

When she realized that she had transmigrated into something, Lin Lang felt that she had been struck by lightning. With a furry face, furry hands, and a furry tail, my darling, she wouldn't have transmigrated into an animal, right?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with transmigrating into animals, but I am afraid of transmigrating into those animals that are eaten, such as pigs, cows, sheep, etc. But I just looked at my hands and they should be some claws, no Maybe she will transmigrate into a fox or a mink or something like that. Lin Lang is a little scared when she thinks that her body will be skinned by others.

I really hope that I can become a national protected animal, preferably a first-class protected animal, the kind that lives in a zoo, with food, drink and housing included.

But it was obvious that she had misunderstood. She did transmigrated into an animal, a beautiful fox, but she didn't have one tail, but three tails. What's more, Lin Lang's coat color was very beautiful, a rare red.

In fact, the red fur is beautiful, but it is not good. In this big green forest, it is the easiest to expose the target. If it is seen by the eagle in the sky or the tiger on the ground, it will be fatal.

But what was even more terrible was a tiger running over, baring its teeth. Just when Lin Lang thought he was about to be eaten by a tiger, the tiger suddenly turned into a human figure, a muscular man in a tiger skin skirt The man walked over carelessly, "Little Linlang, why did you come here? Where's your sister?"

My dear, a tiger can still turn into a human, what's wrong?Is this still the real world?Is it possible that I have traveled to the world of Liaozhai?Or the world of cultivating immortals?

(End of this chapter)

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