Chapter 1691 My sister wants to repay her kindness ten
Xiaoqing's face was flushed by the words, "I... I did not do well enough in many areas, but without me, you wouldn't be able to live a good life now!

Besides, my request is not too much. I just scared a mortal to death, and I didn't kill him on purpose. Why do you insist on my life for another life?It's all right now, Mr. Lu hates me so much, he won't accept me anymore, I also lost a tail, my skills have plummeted, and it's even difficult to transform into a human form..."

Lin Lang showed a mocking look, "You deserve these things. It was agreed that you would go with me if Mr. Lu didn't accept you. It was you who didn't keep your promise and ran away secretly. Later, you quietly hid under Mr. Lu. All of this is caused by your arrogance, that you shamelessly followed others, and now you are even more shameless and want to plant everything on my head!"

Xiaoqing was so angry that she said, "Okay, I haven't seen you for a few days, your mouth has become more and more slick, okay, it's all my fault, since you don't regard me as your sister, you will not be my sister from now on, please don't do it again." Leave me alone!"

Naturally, Lin Lang couldn't wish for it, so he couldn't understand a sister with a love mind. This younger sister knew that her sister was not good enough, and had tried her best to dissuade her, but why would she use all her merits to make such a wish? Obviously that elder sister is not worthy at all. Now that I think about it, everyone's heads should be flooded.

Xiaoqing ran out angrily, but where could she go?After walking around the world, she finally understood the horror of the world, and she couldn't transform into a human form, so she could only honestly find a cave and practice obediently there.

As for Lin Lang, as long as Xiaoqing doesn't want to die, she won't be afraid. After Lu Xiucheng leaves, her mission will be considered complete.

But he never expected that ten years later, Xiaoqing would run out and go to find Lu Xiucheng.

"Little Qing's character has a broken tail. It is said that it is impossible to recover within 80 or [-] years, so why did she recover so well in such a short period of time, and even transformed into a human form?" Lin Lang said confidently.

Grandpa Turtle took a deep breath and shook his head quickly, "What a crime, Xiaoqing became obsessed when she was cultivating, and now he is no longer a monster, but a monster, not only that, she also sucks human souls, if you don't stop it quickly If not, maybe more people will suffer!"

Lin Lang naturally knew the horror of monsters eating people. He didn't care about 21, and hurried outside, following Xiaoqing's footsteps. Lin Lang also found more and more victims, most of whom were young people who were sucked dry After the energy is lost, the heavier ones will die on the spot, and the lighter ones will take at least a few years to recover!
"Master Lu!" Lin Lang naturally knew who Xiaoqing was looking for, so she went one step ahead and went directly to Lu Xiucheng, but she didn't expect that he was now an official, protecting the people.

Lu Xiucheng was sitting on the desk correcting the official case, and suddenly came out from the dark. A girl shocked Lu Xiucheng, but after experiencing Xiaoqing's incident, Lu Xiucheng quickly recovered, and found that this time she came It turned out to be an acquaintance, "Miss Lin Lang? I didn't expect Miss Lin Lang to still look the same after decades of absence!"

Lin Lang nodded and explained, "Because we monsters have a very long lifespan. If we cultivate well, we can survive the Nine Heavens of Profound Lightning and become immortals. So appearances are just trivial matters!"

There was a hint of envy in Lu Xiucheng's eyes, "You said that this world is really strange. Some people yearn for immortality, but monsters have the ability to live forever, but they yearn for becoming a person. It's really strange..."

"It's nothing strange, what you can't get will always be a commotion!" Lin Lang waved her hand lightly, and said hastily: "Master Lu, I didn't come to catch up with you this time, it was about my sister Xiaoqing. I understand that many people have died for no apparent reason in the county recently, most of them were young men, and the one who caused the trouble was none other than my sister Xiaoqing. monster!"

Lu Xiucheng squinted his eyes, showing a trace of displeasure, "After what happened last time, hasn't she learned her lesson, and now she dares to come out and cause trouble, she really is desperate!"

Lin Lang also had a headache, "According to her actions, more people will be victimized, not only that, but I'm also afraid that she will take revenge on Mr. Lu, so I came to you!

Mr. Lu, Xiaoqing has indeed done a lot of things wrong, don't worry, I will never show mercy after becoming him, but I also hope... I hope you can spare her life..."

"Her life is life, isn't the life of those common people life? Isn't my mother's life life?" Lu Xiucheng slapped the table, gritted his teeth and said, "I let her go, that's what I regret the most. , and now she came out to make trouble without repentance, how could I just let him go so easily, I have to peel him off to relieve the hatred in my heart, and to return the common people to a clean world!"

Lin Lang was also furious, and she wished to make Xiaoqing a monster and beat her up, but she had a mission to accept, and if Xiaoqing died, her mission would not be complete!

"Master Lu, let's not talk about this for now, let's think about how to do Xiaoqing, although she is not high in cultivation, but she has absorbed so much energy, I am afraid she can compete with me!
But I don't know how to clone, so I thought about whether I could invite some Taoist priests over. As for the money spent, it's all up to me! "Lin Lang said hastily.

Lu Xiucheng nodded, "I'll send someone to the temple to invite the master, and...Miss Linlang, I will never let Xiaoqing go this time!"

Lin Lang couldn't say anything. After the master came, they bought ready-made ones and looked for Xiaoqing, but they didn't expect Xiaoqing to be incapable of other skills. This hiding skill is also first-class, otherwise the one who hid in Lu Xiucheng's house back then At that time, Lin Lang didn't even notice it. After finally finding some clues, Xiaoqing had disappeared as soon as he walked over.

During this period of time, they were running around like headless flies. Lin Lang couldn't take it anymore. She stared at Lu Xiucheng and said cheekily, "I haven't seen you for ten years. Mr. Lu is still as handsome and elegant as ever!"

Lu Xiucheng didn't react, and it took a long time before he recovered his voice, and said with a flushed face, "Why did Miss Linlang say that?"

Lin Lang said straightforwardly: "It's because you are so good-looking, so Xiaoqin thinks of repaying her kindness regardless, and thinking of marrying you is all because of your face, now you can't find it, Just sacrifice your appearance and lure her out!"

Lu Xiucheng: ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍ blame me

Lu Xiucheng gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want to. I am an upright gentleman after all, how could I do such a thing!"

Lin Lang still said cheekily: "Mr. Lu, I know you don't want to do that kind of thing, but you have to think about those Limin people. If you delay for a day, one person may die because of it!"

Several masters nodded quickly, "Yes, Mr. Lu, anyway, that monster likes you so much, you can lure him out by sacrificing your appearance, anyway, he likes you and won't harm you, so you should do something for the people of Liming." Contribute!"

(End of this chapter)

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