Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1701 The heir of a wealthy family 8

Chapter 1701 Noble Heir Eight
After Linlang got the permission, she took her eldest son out to buy clothes the next day. After all, people rely on clothes and horses. Although her son is very good, it is always right to dress up well.

The eldest son was a little absent-minded, and suddenly thought of something, he shook his head, and asked lightly, "Mom, have you watched the news recently?"

"What news? Is it economic news or entertainment news?" Lin Lang didn't raise her head.

The eldest son couldn't help but said, "Of course it's entertainment news, haven't you seen it? My father went to the hospital with a girl, and I heard it was in the obstetrics and gynecology department. This..."

"What are you afraid of? You are so old, even if you really give birth to a son, can he compare with you?" Lin Lang didn't think so, "Just mind your own business. I'm on your father's side. I have a son in my heart." Bottom line!"

The eldest son said sullenly: "I don't care about these things, I'm just worried about you... I really can't figure it out, my dad is so old, why does he have to go outside to make trouble? Mom, stay with him After decades of hard work, he finally got rich, but he kept getting involved with women outside, and he didn't care about the inside at all..."

"Okay, don't think about it so much!" Lin Lang patted the elder son on the shoulder, "I've already looked away, so you should also look away, your father, he can play as he likes, I wish he could Play a little more and die on a woman's belly!

As for you, mother only hopes that you don't learn from your father and treat your future wife well! "

The boss nodded, "Mom, don't worry!"

When Mr. Wang celebrated his birthday, Lin Lang's family went there and brought a generous birthday present.

"You're finally here!" Mrs. Wang walked over, followed by a few girls, all of whom looked young and beautiful, "These are some girls from my relative's family, you can take a look, they are all college students studying, probably with Your son has quite a few common languages!"

Lin Lang pushed her eldest son, and went to talk to a few of their juniors. As for the few of them, the female relatives sat together and talked about the jewelry on their bodies, and gossip by the way.

"Linlang, are you really not worried at all? I heard that your family brought a little girl to the obstetrics and gynecology department. Maybe you will have another son by then!" Mrs. Gao said jokingly .

Lin Lang was very calm, "Whatever, as long as they dare to give birth, I will take it!"

"Oh, aren't you afraid that your family's property will be divided among other children?" Mrs. Gao smiled, "Mrs. Xu is really self-restraining!"

Linlang didn't raise her eyes, "Xiaosan's child was a quality in ancient times. When he grows up, he can just use some money to send it out. If you want to get involved in my children's property, it will be impossible in this life!"

"It's really tough!" Mrs. Gao gave a thumbs up.

In fact, it's not because of being stubborn, but because I have confidence, because that man will never be born again.

Xu Sixin has some headaches recently. Someone took a picture of taking a woman to the obstetrics and gynecology department. Of course, that woman is not the little girl. Celebrity, looks are also very charming, as for why he took her to the obstetrics and gynecology department, alas, the main reason was that he had a good time that night and hurt people. He didn't want to go there at first, he just wanted the driver to take him there , but the woman didn't want to live or die, and Xu Sixin didn't want to make too much trouble, so she went with him. Unexpectedly, someone else took a picture of her and it was published in the newspaper.

If it was in the past, it would be in the newspaper if it was published, but since the above said that I was about to become a father, alas, this nonsense is really a headache, now wherever I go, others will congratulate me, what is there to congratulate Yes, this is nothing at all.

Lin Lang's generosity quickly spread in the upper class, so many girls started to look at the eldest son. After all, the mother-in-law has such a good temper, but she should live happily after marrying.

Lin Lang was happy to see the results, and told outsiders that if the young couple felt uncomfortable living as a family, they could move outside. Now his son was even more popular, and basically had a blind date once a day.

But after watching too much, he was also tired. The eldest son was busy with company affairs all day long, and had to socialize outside, so he inevitably felt a little headache, so he went to his mother and wanted to push the matter of getting married!
Lin Lang still feels a little regretful, "You are the first child and the first eldest son in the family. If you get married as soon as possible and have children, you will be the third generation in the family, and you will be given a lot of points. of!"

The eldest son shook his head when he heard this, "My son is capable!"

Now that the eldest son said so, Lin Lang really didn't force her, so she put off the blind date. When the other wives asked, she said that her son was busy with his career recently and wanted to discuss marriage when his career developed. Although the wives are very disappointed, this is the only way to go.

Although the matter came to an end, some people did not give up. The eldest son always met all kinds of girls who came to strike up a conversation, which made him a little impatient, but the good recuperation did not let him show it, so once he met a woman, The eldest son had some headaches, and later even the secretary around him was replaced by a man.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Lang was really scared. Will her eldest son become a little more open when studying abroad, for example, he doesn't like girls, he likes boys or something... It can't really be like this, Lin Lang really She didn't dare to think about it anymore, and when Xu Sixin was not at home, she went to the study of the eldest son, hesitated, and asked: "Son, I heard that people abroad are more open, and there are often two males. will be together, is that true?"

The eldest son didn't understand why his mother asked this. He nodded honestly, "There are indeed such people, but this is not an embarrassing thing. After all, liking a man is similar to liking a girl, except that the gender is different. That's all!"

Lin Lang is also an open person. Hearing this, she sighed and said, "Mother is actually a very open person. If you have someone you like, then let's be together, but...you must remember to protect yourself." , I heard that the two boys are very susceptible to infection!"

The eldest son understood immediately, stood up hastily, his face flushed, "Mom, what you said is true, I like girls, I don't like boys!"

Lin Lang was also a little puzzled, "But if you like girls, why go to those girls and thousands of miles away? Why are all the secretaries around you boys? You don't have to be shy, mother knows it, it's not you who like boys It's your fault, you just happen to like someone of the same sex, mom will never discriminate against you, if you want to get married, mom will also bless you, mom only wants you to be happy!"

What a ghost of happiness, the eldest son does not discriminate against homosexuality, nor does he reject this thing, but he is very sure that he is straight and likes girls!

Therefore, the eldest son said emphatically: "Mom, let me emphasize again, I really don't like boys, I like girls. As for why you don't want those female secretaries and change them to male secretaries, the main reason is that women are too troublesome. Everyone misses Xiao Xiao and me, and those women are not interested in me at all, they are all my identity, and the money in my bag, I feel disgusting, so I don’t want to fall in love recently, I don't want to pay attention to those women, but even so, I still yearn for love very much, I still hope to meet a girl who understands me and loves me!"

It was really embarrassing now, Lin Lang smiled, clapped her hands, and quickly explained, "Don't mind, in fact, Mom doesn't want to think about you that way, the main reason is that you have changed too much these days, that's all right , since it’s all right, then mom won’t talk about it, don’t ask any questions, just keep busy with your work!”

After his mother left, the eldest son did not continue to work. He rubbed the tip of his brows and began to think about whether he should find a girlfriend. If he never had a girlfriend and did not fall in love, would his mother still Do you suspect that you like a man?

(End of this chapter)

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