Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1705 Aunt Xianglin 1

Chapter 1705 Aunt Xianglin One
When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she was lying on a icy kang. The cold wind was blowing outside, blowing in through the small hole in the window, making one shiver uncontrollably.

Lin Lang wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, feeling chills all over her body, and kept shivering over there, no, this hole must be patched, otherwise the wind will keep blowing, even if she has an iron body, she can't stand it .

Linlang rummaged in the dark and rummaged through the cabinets, and finally found a few thin clothes. No wonder 21, she covered the leaking windows tightly, and waited for the temperature in the room to rise before she lay down on the bed and began to accept the plot.

[I really don't understand, I haven't done anything evil in my life, but why did God treat me like this!

When I was just born, my mother left, and my father married a stepmother and said that with a stepmother, there would be a stepfather. They didn't want to see me. I sold it to someone else as a child bride, but there is no such good mother-in-law to buy a child bride. On the one hand, I came back to be her daughter-in-law, and on the other hand, I was used as a maid to make trouble. Where to go, so I can only swallow it in my stomach after suffering!

After all, when my husband grew up, I thought my parents-in-law would live with my brother-in-law after I got married. Just when I thought the good times were coming, my husband died again. I was really heartbroken, although he loved him I'm not very good, but at least it's my man who left, and I'm a woman, how can I survive in this world?
Forget it, my mother-in-law wanted to occupy our house and land when she saw that my husband had left, and my uncle was not married, so he wanted to sell me to someone else. Good money to marry my brother-in-law!

I was really terrified, and finally went to the town to work for the master of the Lu family. Before I was ready, I was tied up by my mother-in-law and sold to Yang Laoliu as a daughter-in-law. Pension Liu was really good to me. I also gave birth to a son, and when I thought the good times would come like this, Yang Lao Liu died of exhaustion because he was still alive, and his son was taken away by wolves!

The master of the Lu family saw that I was a father-in-law, and everyone didn't want to see me, so he died on that snowy night, but looking back on my life, I didn't do anything wrong, and I didn't feel sorry for anyone, but why did I Is life so hard?
I just want to not be disgusted by others and to live a good life as a family. Why is it so difficult? 】

Lin Lang opened his eyes after accepting the plot. He thought that when he saw Mrs. Xianglin, he sympathized with this woman. He obviously didn't do anything wrong, but in the end he was disgusted by everyone. Not letting people touch it is too harsh.

The original owner's wish was very simple. He only wanted to live a good life. A good life did not refer to a day of riches and wealth, but a peaceful, happy and happy life.

The wish is quite simple, but it is difficult to implement it. Now is the period of the Republic of China, the era of warlords, and the era of feudal society and progressive ideas. Some people are very open-minded, but some people are very feudal. Now, a little widow like him who has lost her husband is the most disliked, because they think it is a kind of bad luck, and they also think that woman Kefu!
In addition, the original owner's mother left within a few years after he was born, and now he is married, and his husband left within a few years. This can't help but make people think, they are a small place here, their minds are not open, and they still stay In ancient times, it was stricter than in ancient times. A woman like him was despised by everyone, disgusted by everyone, and avoided by everyone.

Lin Lang had some headaches, probably caused by the wind blowing the day before yesterday, but he couldn't care less about it. After a while, his mother-in-law would have to find a side door to sell it to someone else. His tone was that it's better to do it yourself than to do it yourself. It's not that I sold myself, but I sold everything in advance, so that my mother-in-law's bamboo basket will be empty, and I will take the money to go to the town, no matter what I do, I will have something to eat.

To be honest, although Sister Xianglin is called Sister Xianglin, Sister Xianglin is still very young at this time, only 18 years old. People say that an 18-year-old girl is a flower, but due to the oppression when she was young and after getting married She hasn't had a good few days, so Mrs. Xianglin looks very old, but she looks a bit like a 25-year-old woman.

Lin Lang touched her dry face, then her rough hands, cleaned up everything, and ran to the richest family in the village when no one was around at night.

"Why are you here? Don't come in!" Seeing that Lin Lang was about to come in, the family frowned, with a trace of disgust on their faces, "You just died, and your husband is smiling, if you enter my house Didn't it collide with us and leave quickly!"

Lin Lang was furious, this damn feudal society didn't treat women as human beings, what happened when her husband died?Besides, the death of that man is none of your business, and you are also a woman, why do you dislike women so much?

Although Lin Lang was angry, she didn't show it on her face. She picked up the things she was carrying and raised them up, "I wanted to talk to you about something, but if you despise me so much, then I will left!"

The woman frowned, "What can you talk to me about? Hurry up and stay away from my door, so as not to bring bad luck to us!"

Lin Lang originally wanted to turn around and leave, but thinking of her current situation, she could only grit her teeth and said word by word: "I remember that there are several boys in your family. They are all grown up and should get married. What about this house? What should I do? I won’t keep it from you anymore, my guy left, I want to keep it for him, but you know that my mother-in-law doesn’t want me to keep it at all, she wants to leave all my things to my brother-in-law, I don't want to, if I really give it to my mother-in-law, what will I do in the future? I can't drink the northwest wind, so I want to discuss it with you. I will sell it to you. As for the price, you can see Kai...except for our house and the back mountain, I can sell you the few acres of land..."

Hearing this, the woman's eyes lit up, "Are you really willing to sell it to me? But your house is worthless, as for your land, it's also barren land, and it's not worth much at all, so... "

"Don't give me sloppy eyes here, you only need to give me 50 yuan for 50 yuan, and everything we have is yours. Of course, if you don't want to give it, then I will find someone else, anyway There are a lot of people in our village who can afford it, and I can come to you just because I saw that you were kind to me before, so I'll give you a favor!" Linlang took a step back.

The woman was a little hesitant. She originally wanted to buy it for 20 yuan, but seeing what Lin Lang said, he didn't dare to continue to bargain. If he really went to find someone else, wouldn't it be that the meat in the end was gone again?The yard was also newly built a few years ago. Although it is an adobe-brick house, it is worth a little money. There is a well behind them and a small garden... If you buy it, the marriage of your sons will be a big deal. It's gone...

The woman hesitated for a moment, "This is a big deal, wait a minute, I'll go and discuss it with the head of our family!"

Lin Lang was a little anxious, "Then hurry up, I'll just wait for you for a while, if you don't agree, then I'll go find someone else!"

The woman was also anxious, "Okay, I understand, you can wait at ease, I will be back in a while!"

The woman went into the house and discussed with the head of the house for a while, and felt that it was indeed a good deal, so she walked out and took out 50 yuan, "Okay, I want the house and the land, where is your title deed? "

Lin Lang handed over the land deed, and at the same time drew up a document. Taking advantage of the darkness and no one to carry the burden, Lin Lang left here without hesitation.

But where could she go?Lin Lang wanted to go to Shanghai. After all, Shanghai was extremely prosperous, but the original owner was not willing at all. She didn't want to go to other places, she just wanted to stay in her hometown and live an honest life.

(End of this chapter)

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