Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 1717 Aunt Xianglin 3

Chapter 1717 Xianglin's Wife Thirteen

Sister-in-law's eyes turned red, "Anyway, I don't want to marry, and I don't want to marry ordinary people. If you force me again, I'll die right away!"

The stepmother was also taken aback, and waved her hand casually, "Alright, you can think whatever you like, I just hope that when you get wronged, you won't cry to me!"

A month passed quickly, and the younger brother-in-law also married his wife in. The new second sister-in-law was indeed a virtuous person, busy and kind to everyone.

The sister-in-law was worried at first, but she was relieved when she saw the kind person of the second sister-in-law, but once she relaxed, she wanted to start being a demon again. She rolled her eyes, and went to I found my second sister-in-law.

"Second sister-in-law, I didn't say it. It is said that your family background is more innocent than my sister-in-law. You are a decent and decent woman, but you are much better than my sister-in-law, and my parents like you so much. It is said that you have so many Confidence, why do you still listen to my sister-in-law and work?" The sister-in-law stood aside and reminded: "You don't have to work at all, and leave the work to that woman, she is used to it anyway!"

The second sister-in-law slightly raised her eyes. She didn't understand why the sister-in-law said these words. Could it be that the sister-in-law was happy when she and the sister-in-law started dating?
"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law now has a child, so she naturally focuses on the child, and I have no children, and I am a newly married daughter-in-law. It's nothing to help, but... sister-in-law, you are not young anymore. You will get married in a few years, so you should learn to help with housework, you can't do nothing and just eat rice, right?" The second sister-in-law showed a gentle smile, but her tone was very cold.

The sister-in-law's face changed, "What do you mean? Do you dislike me for eating free rice? My parents are in charge of this family, and it's not your turn to make the decision, so what does it have to do with you if I let me eat free rice? It's just a girl, after all, you are the outsider of this family, so why do you condemn me here?"

The second sister-in-law lowered her eyes, "Sister-in-law, don't be angry. I can say whatever I have. I always speak directly. If you don't want to listen, don't listen!"

The sister-in-law was so angry that her lungs would explode, "You...what are you talking about? You obviously have a problem with me, I...I just said those words for your own good, don't even think about it, you just Doing these jobs, I don’t have time to do my own things at all. I want to help you and win some benefits for you, but you bite Lu Dongbin like a dog, and you don’t know good people..."

"Is my sister-in-law fighting for my interests, or do you want to see us dogs bite dogs so that you can reap the benefits?" The second sister-in-law smiled slightly, "I'm not a fool, sister-in-law, you might as well think about it instead of messing around with me." Thinking about what to do in the future, girls as old as you are basically engaged, and some of them have children... The family is also generous. I don't care about your sister-in-law, but I can't let you stay at home all the time Let’s go inside, we don’t say anything when we’re idle, but there’s only one Yunying unmarried girl in the house, others will gossip, we can’t afford to lose face!”

"Okay, okay!" The sister-in-law waved her sleeves, "Don't you just want to be the watchdog of the sister-in-law? Then you go and be it. I see if you are as happy as you are today after suffering a loss!"

The stepmother also knew that her little daughter was being a demon, so she went to the little daughter's room that night and slapped her hard, "You...you let me tell you what is good about you? You should use your brains. I didn’t charge you a penny for eating and drinking, and I didn’t charge you anything, so why don’t you know how to keep yourself safe?”

"Mother, I..." The little daughter covered her face, "I did this for your own good, and you don't even think about it, if the two of them really fight, then you, as a mother-in-law, wouldn't you be sitting on the fisherman's boat?" profit?

Besides, the second sister-in-law is your own daughter-in-law, she does less work, so she can help my second brother more, isn't that great..."

"Okay, there's no need to say anything, either you find someone to marry tomorrow, or you go out and find a job to support yourself tomorrow, anyway, I've had enough, if you don't want to make a decision by yourself, then I will do it for you Make a decision!" The stepmother said with a sneer.

"What can I go out like a girl, mother, don't force me, I don't want to marry!" The little sister pouted, "I know how to force me all day long, and one day I will be forced to death , I won’t regret it after seeing you!”

The stepmother said with a sneer, "You are such a greedy person who is afraid of death, how could you die?"

The sister-in-law cried even louder when she heard this, "I really don't want to die, and I don't want to add those ordinary people, don't I just go out to find a job, I'll go out to look for it right away, if it's a big deal, I'll go out... go out and do some work Shameless job, anyway, I'm pretty..."

"You...you..." The stepmother was terribly angry, "You just want to lose the face of me and your father, if you really do such a thing, don't say it's me, just say it's my family!" The clansmen inside can drown you!"

The sister-in-law shrank her head, "You guys forced me first!"

The stepmother narrowed her eyes, "Although you are my daughter, if you really want to do something shameless, I will be the first to let you go!"

The sister-in-law was a little scared, and said quickly: "I see, I was just talking casually just now, don't take it to heart, I will go out to find a job tomorrow..."

But what kind of work can a girl in such a small town do?Do someone else's laundry?She couldn't bear it, so with the help of her second brother, she found a job teaching girls to read, but the salary was very low, but at least she could make money.

Another year passed, and my sister-in-law didn't want to get married, but there were too many gossips outside, so she became honest, and reluctantly found a scholar's family, married there, and from then on she would spend her entire life in daily life.

In the next few years, thinking about it was getting better and better every day. The new society came. Because Linlang's family had no fields or land, so their family was classified as an ordinary family. After that, they didn't suffer much, so they lived happily. its fine.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she felt that her eyes were going to blind me, my God, what's the matter with this all pink?Pink bed, pink walls, and pink clothes, this girl's roommate is visually impaired, why is it all pink?Could it be that she is a pink girl with a little pink princess living in her heart?

But even if pink is beautiful and cute, it can’t be all pink, like red, blue, white and black are actually pretty good.

Linlang looked at the decorations in the room, and sure enough, they were all decorated by little princesses. When she opened the closet, there were all kinds of bubble skirts and princess dresses inside, and even the shoes were cute little leather shoes, which looked very ladylike. Very little princess, as for the dressing table, most of them are small crowns, or some pearl hairpins, full of the style of little princesses.

Although Lin Lang likes this kind of decoration very much, the all-pink color really blinded her eyes. When she went to the bathroom and saw her face, she almost threw up my god, this pink color What's with the colored hair?My goodness, pink is the most picky, if you have fair skin it's ok, but if you have darker skin, you'll be a black widow!

(End of this chapter)

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