Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1732 Chapter 2 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

Chapter 1732
Time passed day by day like this. Lin Lang, apart from practicing, went to the back mountain to weed and grow vegetables, and went hunting by the way. She lived a leisurely life.

That morning, before dawn, Lin Lang was woken up by a noise. She rubbed her eyes, took a Taoist robe and put it on, kicked on her shoes, and walked outside.

"Master Daoist, you are amazing, my daughter-in-law gave birth to twins last night!" Mrs. Wang showed her teeth in joy, "Don't say anything, you are the great benefactor of our Wang family! , This is a special thank you gift from us, and my grandson and granddaughter will be married in a while, Daoist, you must come over!"

In fact, Mrs. Wang was skeptical about whether the Taoist priest was a god-man, but she never thought that the Taoist priest would be so godly and say that his daughter-in-law was pregnant with a dragon and a phoenix, so she really gave birth to a dragon and a phoenix. I know that others always say that my daughter-in-law is pregnant with a girl, but I never think about twins.

Since the birth of the dragon and phoenix twins, he really gave his parents face, and his family's good luck also came. When their old man took his son to go out to work, he was rewarded with a lot of rewards by the master's family. I sent several bolts of fabric, and now I have the fabric for my grandson and grandson to make clothes.

Of course, Mrs. Wang did not forget the Taoist priest on the mountain. After all, this Taoist priest is really a god. If it is said that it is a dragon and a phoenix, it is a dragon and a phoenix. It must be true to say that their grandson and granddaughter are the reincarnation of the fairy boy in the sky. Yes, after all, as soon as the two children came out, their family had great luck, so this priest must have supernatural powers, and he must be grateful.

Lin Lang unceremoniously accepted the things that Mrs. Wang sent, and at the same time promised that Mrs. Wang would go to the washing three days later, and at the same time said: "Old lady, don't forget that I told you The two children are closely related. If one of them is having a bad life, the other will be having a bad life. If you want your grandson to be a high-ranking official, you must treat your granddaughter well. Only your granddaughter will be fine. Your grandson will be better!"

The old lady nodded quickly, "Don't worry, whoever the twins come to, it's rare for anyone not to hold them in the palm of their hand, and this is our family's first child, I will definitely treat them well!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang was really relieved, "That would be the best!"

Mrs. Wang rubbed her hands, her face still showing a hint of embarrassment, "Actually, Taoist priest, I have one important thing to ask you when I come up today... that is... I just want you to name our child... ..."

Lin Lang nodded, and pretended to be profound and said: "This is easy, you let me go back to the house and do the math. I want to combine their horoscopes and come up with a good name, so that they will be prosperous and prosperous for a lifetime!"

Mrs. Wang nodded quickly, watching Lin Lang gesturing left and right on the desk, and finally took out a piece of straw paper, and solemnly wrote down two names.

"Wang Anfeng, Wang Anlong!" Lin Lang handed over the paper, "These two children are twins of a dragon and a phoenix. They were supposed to be dragons and the other a phoenix, but this dragon will change into a prosperous dragon with a prosperous family and a prosperous career. Xinglong, descendants Xinglong!"

Mrs. Wang's eyes lit up, "The two names Daochang are really nice, thank you so much, you must come to the banquet in three days' time!"

After Lin Lang sent Mrs. Wang away, she closed the door, carried a small bamboo basket, and walked to the back mountain to pick herbs on the mountain. I have to say that this mountain is really a big guarantee, and there are all kinds of medicinal materials on it , although it is not precious, but there are many types of medicinal materials, and more herbs can be used for drawing symbols on the one hand, and can also be used to save people on the other hand.

Speaking of the talisman, Linlang didn't perceive anything after half a month, mainly because the aptitude of this pair of bodies was really bad. Luckily, Linlang was broad-minded and fat, so she didn't take this matter to heart, but the child of the talisman had to practice. Come to think of it, even if you can't perceive the aura between heaven and earth, you can still practice your skills, and these clothes can also be sold to others, so you can fool around and earn some pocket money.

Three days later, Lin Lang changed into an ordinary Taoist robe, holding a fly whisk, and walked down the mountain slowly like an outsider.

"Master Dao, you are finally here!" Mrs. Wang was waiting at the door with her child in her arms early in the morning. When she saw Lin Lang coming, her eyes lit up, "Master Dao, please take a seat!"

Lin Lang was quite satisfied with how she was treated. Sitting on it, she seemed to be an outsider, ignoring the movement around her.

The third bath soon began. Grandma carried the child to the crowd, dipped a willow branch into the water in the copper basin, gently wiped the child's head, hands, and back, and said some auspicious words at the same time.

Lin Lang was not idle either, and pretended to say a few auspicious words afterward, nothing more than saying that this child looked like a rich man or something, after all, everyone liked to hear such words.

Finally, when it was time to eat, Lin Lang was grabbed by the village head before she could sit down, "Master Dao, since you are so good, I have something to trouble you here. I have a watch Brother, I don’t know what’s going on this day, maybe I’ve run into something evil, I started eating some messy things today, and sometimes I eat dirt on the ground... Daoist, you are a high monk, can you go later Look, look at what my brother is entangled in, let him go quickly!"

Lin Lang frowned and liked to eat messy things. Isn't this pica?Generally, people who get this kind of disease must have worms in their stomachs. As for eating soil or something, it is because the soil has a hint of sweet powder, and I like to eat sweet things the most.

After Lin Lang figured it out, she agreed to the village chief's request. If she could help the village chief solve this matter, she would be able to gain a better foothold in the village in the future, and maybe expand her reputation.

Sure enough, after eating, the village head took him to the brother's house, and saw that his eyes were red, and he was extremely excited, sitting on the ground as if possessed by a demon, swallowing dirt.

Lin Lang stepped forward, grabbed the man's hand and checked his pulse. Sure enough, there was indeed a worm in his stomach. In fact, he just needed to go there, but it couldn't be that simple, so he turned around and said to the village chief : "It's terrible, your brother has collided with a monster. I need to open the altar and invite the Taishang Laojun down to get rid of the monster!"

The brother and his wife came out and said with tears in their eyes, "Master Taoist, please save my husband. Our children are still young. If I leave like this, our family will not be able to survive." !"

Linlang made a gesture, "Wuliang Tianzun, don't worry about this lady, I will leave this matter to me. When I come tomorrow, please prepare a big cock. As for the things to do, I will prepare them myself by then." Okay, but...my side is a good road, but the Taishang Laojun in the sky...he is a god, it is not easy to come down here, so..."

So you can't be stingy, although I can help you, but I have to eat, the salt poured into you is almost used up, not only that, it will be winter soon, my quilt is so thin, and I don't have any thick clothes , if you don't buy some winter clothes quickly, you might be frozen to death.

The brothers and daughters-in-law nodded quickly, "Don't worry, Taoist priest, as long as we can expel this demon, we will never treat Taoist priest badly!"

Okay, since you said that, then I'm relieved, Lin Lang went back to the mountain and pretended to get some tools for drawing symbols, and some wooden swords, but Lin Lang didn't forget the most important herbal medicine , He boiled the herbs into balls, dyed them with some colorful things, put them in a porcelain bottle, and then walked slowly down the mountain.

Hearing that someone wants to do something, those villagers naturally came to watch the excitement, so those people surrounded the yard tightly with three floors inside and three floors outside.

Lin Lang put on the Taoist robe, took out lime and drew some spells in the yard, then put the man in the center, lit a candle, and began to pretend to dance swords, and began to chant spells in his mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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