Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1735 Chapter 5 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

1735 Chapter [-] The little Taoist priest is deceived and abducted [-]
The second daughter-in-law knelt on the ground and begged bitterly: "Mother, my daughter is not dead, please let him go, he is just a child!"

"No, our family can't accommodate this monster!" The mother-in-law said very firmly.

No matter how stupid and ignorant the little girl was, she realized that something was wrong, especially the old hag, who kept saying that she would not die. Soon, she figured it out, and grabbed the corner of the Taoist priest's clothes tightly, "You must save me, I don't want to be burned to death by them!"

Lin Lang patted his hand and said softly, "Since you don't want to die, then just listen to me later!"

The little girl nodded quickly, "Don't worry, I will definitely listen to you!"

After Lin Lang received a positive reply, she looked up at the old lady and said, "Old lady Wuliang Tianzun, you must not do it, this little girl sells shoes in your family, and she died because of you. He came back just to obey the destiny, if you insist on being burned to death, old lady, you may suffer retribution, maybe you will suffer revenge from Lord Hades, and your family will be ruined!"

The old lady took a step back, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Lin Lang sighed, "Old lady, I really didn't lie to you. It's destiny to have a drink. If you don't like this little girl, well, I'm destined to be with her too, so let her be mine." Sit down as a virgin, but since she has entered my door, when she will come back or whether she can come back is not up to me, it depends on the timing!"

The old lady's eyes lit up, but she thought for a while, "No matter what, this second girl is my granddaughter after all, I can't let her go with you like this for nothing!"

Lin Lang wasn't afraid either, "Since the old lady keeps him, it would be great, but I want to tell you that this girl is weak, and Linfen is still a little uncomfortable after she just came back from Lord Yan's side." It is easiest to recruit some demons and goblins back. If you encounter something, don’t worry, just go to the mountain to find me, but don’t hurt this little girl’s life, otherwise... you will suffer a thousand times at that time Retribution!"

The old lady was frightened, shook her hands, and said with a look of disgust: "This mourner, nothing good has happened to her family since she was born, that's all, since you want to take this little girl away, then Just take it away, but our second girl actually followed you, then she will be yours for the rest of her life, don't let her come back, so as not to bring bad luck to the family!"

The little girl who crossed over was very angry, "This damn old woman is too cruel!"

Lin Lang patted her on the shoulder, signaled her not to speak, and then said to the old lady: "Old lady, then we can make a deal, don't go back on your word!"

The old lady was naturally happy to be able to send this mourner away and save a few bowls of rice, and threw the second girl out like trash.

Seeing that her daughter was safe and sound, the second child breathed a sigh of relief, held her daughter's hand tightly, and said in admonishing way: "After you follow the Taoist priest, you must be more obedient and listen more to the Taoist priest's words." Do more work, but don't make the Taoist priest angry. The Taoist priest is your reincarnated benefactor... Also, this family... will not come back if you can't come back. Anyway, your father is gone, you just stay at home. Being bullied by them, it would be better to stay in the temple on the mountain, at least have enough to eat, at least not be drowned by my mother-in-law..."

"My second son, what are you talking about over there? Hurry up and get back to work!" Mrs. Li scolded angrily: "It's really a funeral star who died after marrying. Our second son has given birth to another one now." Sangmen star, just bringing bad luck to the family, my family is really unlucky for eight lifetimes, marrying a daughter-in-law like you..."

The little girl was so angry when she heard the old lady say that, but he doesn't know anything now, and he can't do anything, he can only watch the woman who was very gentle to him just now go about her business!

On the way to the villa, the little girl didn't speak for a long time, and finally she couldn't help it anymore, "My name is Wang Lan, and I'm not a monster. I come from the future where everyone is equal. I was originally a college student." Yes, I ended up here because I saved a child, do you know what time travel is? You should know, otherwise you wouldn't have said that to me..."

Saving a child shows that the girl's heart is not bad. Naturally, Lin Lang is willing to teach the little girl a little more, but it is impossible to tell the little girl that she is a master of obsession elimination, because this is an area she cannot touch!

"Little girl, I naturally know that you are not from here, but I don't understand what time travel is!

As for why I can see that you are not from here, it is because I am a water pourer, I can pinch it, and I see that your soul does not belong here. As for why you came, I don’t know how you came here. I understand, but let me tell you a word, if you come, you will be safe, since God let you come to this world, then you should stay here well, maybe this is your chance! "Lin Lang said slowly.

"Fart chance!" Wang Lan said with a look of disgust: "You see what kind of family I have traveled to, and that old woman just wanted to kill me. If I guessed correctly, this body is his. Granddaughter, it's really heartless for a grandma to be so cruel!
Also, look at how poor that family is, a mud-tiled house, hey, where is that kind of house in the countryside now?

People who travel through time are either princesses, concubines, or the world of cultivating immortals. I am poor and miserable when I travel through this world, and my life is in danger. What kind of chance, I think it is fatal! "

Wang Lan talked indecisively, with disgust on her face, "Tell me, what is my chance? There is nothing here, not even a WiFi, why don't you send me back, although I live in that world It's not very good, but at least I am free, no one will kill me, and I can get what I want with my own hands, unlike here... I don't have anything I want..."

Lin Lang also hates this world, but sometimes you don't say you hate it, and the things you hate will disappear. You have to adapt to the environment, after all, the environment will not change because of you.

"You child, what can I say? You have lived for so many years for no reason, isn't that enough? I have made it very clear that it is impossible for you to go back. Since you are here, you should take care of yourself." Cherish the current opportunity and live every day hard. After all, you are... People who have traveled through time must know a lot of future knowledge. You can use those things to get what you want, but I have a word to warn you, Don't try to change the historical course of this era, because no matter how many things you have done, maybe those things will be retribution on you, people have to pay attention to cause and effect..." Lin Lang said word by word: "You still have to With kind thoughts in your heart, think about it for yourself, just because you saved that child, you didn't die on the spot, but traveled here, lived again, and gained another life!"

Wang Lan was thoughtful, "What you said is indeed very reasonable, you asked me to think about it...but I can't figure it out, since you see that I came from the future, then you must have a great skill , but why can't you send me back? Even if you can't send me back, is there no one else who can send me back? There must be some outsiders. You haven't even tried, why do you say no? Woolen cloth?"

Lin Lang pretended to be deep and said: "Because traveling through time and space is the domain of gods, how can we and other mortals participate in it? You also came to this place by chance, and I dare not try it. If you are not careful, maybe Both of us have to lose our souls, Pindao is living a good life, so naturally I want to continue to live, and I also want to live a long life, but I don’t want to lose my life in vain like this!"

Wang Lan curled her lips, "Speaking of which, you are greedy for life and afraid of death, that's why you don't dare to try, alas, you should think about whether there are any eminent monks who are more powerful than you, and see if they can Send me back? Even if you can't return to my original body, at least send me back to the developed society!"

(End of this chapter)

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