Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

1746 Chapter 6 Concealment and abduction of the little Taoist priest [-]

Chapter 1746

Although the second prince was a little discouraged because he didn't receive anyone under his ashes, at least this little Taoist priest was not used by others, and he also gave himself a lot of ideas. Yes, the father is now in his prime, and he can't wait , what would Father think about him?Fortunately, I didn't overdo it. The most important thing now is to lie down and wait for the opportunity quietly. Anyway, I am not in a hurry. The most anxious thing should be the First Prince.Even though he is the eldest son of his father, he is not recognized by his father.

As for myself, I have nothing to fear. My mother and concubine are favorite concubines, and my grandfather is the backer. To be honest, they should really keep a low profile. After all, his grandfather is really powerful. No emperor wants to see his relatives dictatorship. For myself, it is a double-edged sword, which can make my position stable, but at the same time it may bring danger to myself.

Lin Lang was sent back by them personally. When they came back, that group of people kept preaching that it was Lin Lang's Taoism, so they had to be specially invited by the prince to be a guest. Hehe, Lin Lang believed that as long as such a reputation spread, no matter what No matter how capable he is, no prince would trust him.

Lin Lang couldn't help scolding Ma Xipi in her heart. After returning to the small Taoist temple on the mountain, Lin Lang said to the guards who sent her back: "I just want to ask who was the one who knocked me out last time. His skill is really amazing, since he knocked me out before I was aware of it, he must be a martial arts master!"

The guard smiled foolishly, "The Daoist really knows it well, that guard is indeed a master of martial arts, and he is one of the best masters, but if we invite someone who is not a master, there is no way to get the Daoist Take it back, so I hope the Taoist priest will forgive me and forgive our mistakes!"

Lin Lang shook her hands with a look of disgust, "Okay, I don't want to talk about it anymore, the prince only said that you should send me back, but he didn't say that you can stay here forever, so leave now, I really don't want to see you Already!"

The guard smiled, and said indifferently: "Master Dao, you are an expert in the world, and there are a lot of adults, don't care about us like this group of people, and ah...how many of our brothers will treat you?" In the county seat, the main reason is to protect the Taoist chief's safety, so if the Taoist chief encounters any bad things or encounters any difficulties, you can go to the county seat to find us, and we promise to sweep the couch to welcome you!"

Lin Lang narrowed his eyes, you are not here to protect me, but to monitor me, so he gritted his teeth and pointed at the sky with his index finger, "You guys have to remember the saying that there is a god when you raise your head three feet, don't make me anxious, otherwise……"

The expressions of several of the guards changed, but the expression of the guard who spoke did not change at all, "Master Daoist, you have your way to go, and we also have ours. To go, my masters, it is not easy for everyone, so I also hope that the Taoist priest will forgive me!"

Lin Lang didn't want to make too much trouble, so she nodded, "Naturally, I still want to live a long life!"

After the guards finished speaking, they left. Lin Lang glanced back at the Taoist temple and found it was empty. She couldn't help frowning and shouted a few times: "Miss Li, Li Lan, Li Hu, are you there?" ?”

But no one responded to him. Although Lin Lang was puzzled, she was not in a hurry, thinking that the family had gone down the mountain, or they had gone to do something. After putting away their things, they went down the mountain, planning to ask the village chief.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the entrance of the village, I heard screams and screams, followed by scolding!

"From the second child's family, no matter what, you are our second child's daughter-in-law, you must go back with me!"

"Why does my mother have separated from you and has nothing to do with this family? Why do you let us go back with you? Are you still thinking about the prescriptions in my hand? I told you that the prescriptions have long been taken by me. If it is sold, I will not give you any money in my hand!"

"Okay, you little bastard, I worked so hard to raise you up, what's the matter with asking you to be filial?"

"Did you raise me? You squeezed me to grow up. You didn't give me enough to eat. I was only a few years old. I went to my river to wash clothes. It would be fine if you treated me equally, but you Look at my cousins, all of them are fat and strong. What about me and my brother? My brother is three years old, and now he can't even speak well. As for me, I almost lost my life... After finally surviving, you still want to burn me to death, are you giving me my grandma? Those who don’t know think it’s our family’s enemy!”

"What nonsense are you talking about? Second child, you have to take good care of your daughter. Don't blame me for being rude if you talk like this again!"

"Mother, I know my daughter's words are harsh, but she is also thinking about this family. Since the family has been separated, it has nothing to do with your family. If the mother refuses to recognize it, I will still keep the paperwork for the separation. It's a big deal. Let's talk to the village chief!"

"What are you talking about? I think you and the village chief are on the same page. Since you moved to the gymnasium, your complexion has turned ruddy a lot. Could it be that you have found another mistress?"

"What are you talking about? How can you think so nastyly? The Taoist priest is a good man. He gave us a place to live and provided us with food and drink. You..." Wang Lan was furious.

"How can there be a pie in the sky? The Taoist priest can support you, you must have paid a price, just like your mother, although I gave you two siblings, but she is still a woman after all, right? The Taoist priest on the mountain hasn't come down the mountain for decades, and now he suddenly sees a woman, it's normal for something..." The old master said in a roundabout way.

When Lin Lang heard this, he threw a stone directly, and the boss screamed miserably, covering his mouth, and blood flowed out from his hands.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the elders kept yelling over there, with extremely painful expressions on their faces.

Lin Lang leaped lightly and came in front of them, "This benefactor, you made a mistake, so you will be punished!"

When the remaining villagers saw Lin Lang coming, especially when they saw Lin Lang flying over, they all knelt on the ground, "Master Daoist, are you a fairy?"

"Master Dao, we didn't help the Li family to help the tyrant, we just came to watch the excitement!"

"That's why the Taoist priest must not punish us. If you want to punish, punish the Li family. They are the culprits!"

"That's right, the family is separated. I didn't expect the old lady of the Li family to be so shameless, and she wanted the money the little girl earned. She is so shameless!"

"That's right, I was going to go to the mountains to steal things when people were not paying attention, but fortunately, the lady of the Li family found out and yelled loudly, so they didn't succeed!"

"Such a family with no conscience should be severely punished!"


Lin Lang listened to the villagers chattering, but she didn't feel that the villagers were innocent, and her expression was indifferent, "You don't need to say anything, I know in my heart that such a big thing happened, the village chief Aren't you going to come out to mediate?"

"Master Daoist, you don't know something. The lady of the Li family said you were missing. The village chief was very anxious and went to the county to look for you. There is no village chief in the village, so this gave them an opportunity!" the villagers said. Said quickly.

Lin Lang looked at the Li family as if she was looking at garbage, "If I remember correctly, you and the lady of the Li family have already separated, and the separation letter clearly states that now you are stopping them from being orphans and widows." Yes, do you want to destroy the contract?"

(End of this chapter)

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