Chapter 1776 Honest Man III
Aunt Gao was not afraid at all, "What are you afraid of? If he dares to force you, we will go to the police and let him go to jail. In fact, it doesn't matter if he goes to jail, his house will be yours. Once the old couple leave The house is yours. As for the sister-in-law, you are not afraid at all. Just marry her in the morning, and you will have a house in the future. At worst, you will divorce him. It is easy for you to find another person when you remarry. Now, if you let others know that you are a broken flower, many people will definitely despise you!"

Gao Rongrong was a little scared but hesitantly agreed, and he couldn't figure out why, maybe it was because he didn't know what to do, maybe he thought that the man wasn't that bad, maybe he was really willing to marry him or pay him a large sum of money Money, as long as that man agrees to one of the things, it will be good for him, which means that he is not a victim, but that man is the victim, and the dirty water will not be poured on him.

Here, Lin Lang went directly to the hospital, dropped out of the file, then went to the school where the woman was to find their teacher, and then their counselor, and said with snot and tears: "Teacher, I really want to see you." What a shame, I am an honest working class, I do nothing but do some work on weekdays, I accidentally ran into a student from your school on the road the day before, and I kindly sent her to the hospital, but in the end she wanted Abortion, and asked me to help sign it, I saw she was pitiful, so I helped to sign it, I didn't expect her mother to pester me after the reorganization, insisting on making me responsible, but I haven't touched it, what is the responsibility of this? , take a good look for yourself, it’s been a few months since she was pregnant, but I didn’t know her during this period, and I didn’t even touch her... Although I don’t look good and I don’t have much money at home, but I think We can't have such a woman, our family can't have such a flirtatious woman..."

The counselor and teacher were also extremely embarrassed, "Don't cry, comrade, we will solve the problem for you. The student you mentioned, I know this too. What do you want to do? Tell us and we will find a way to help you. solve!"

"Actually, I'm fine. Look at the period when this woman was pregnant, and then look for friends around him. Once you investigate, you will soon know who he dated and who he was with at the time. As long as you find out that man, you can clear my innocence. Teacher, you must help me. It is said that the current college students are good students, all of them are high-spirited and upright, but look at this woman, she still wants to spread sewage on my head. Good people, and I'm still a good comrade, I don't smoke or drink to honor the elderly, I can't bear such injustice!" Lin Lang cried loudly.

"Okay, okay, gay man, don't cry too, how about this, I'll find some roommates and friends of this female classmate, you can ask them carefully!" The teacher had a headache, "Of course Yes, I hope you can help that female classmate, even if she did something wrong, I hope you don't tell them the truth, so as to save her some face!"

Lin Lang nodded casually, and after a while, several female students came to her. Lin Lang went straight in, "Hello, I want to ask, do you know which male student this female student is closer to?"

This is a private matter, several female students dare not answer, you look at me, I look at you and look at the tutor next to you, no one dares to speak.

The teacher sighed, "You don't have to hide it, it's not a big deal, you just say it, if something happens, you won't be blamed!"

As soon as the words came out, several students felt relieved, and said the names of several students in a hurry, and the teacher's face was pulled down.

Lin Lang couldn't help sniggering in her heart and said: "Teacher, you heard that this female classmate has been involved with several boys at school, let alone outside, this child is definitely not mine, I can't bear this I have been wronged, and I absolutely cannot marry such a woman!"

The teacher had a headache, "I see, I'll let those male students take a look later, and I promise to return your innocence!"

After a while, those male classmates came in. Everyone was terrified when they heard what Lin Lang said. They didn't dare to admit that the child in Gao Longlong's belly belonged to them, so they were afraid that they would also have a few more green hats on their heads. .

"Let me tell you, if you don't admit it again, I'll go to the hospital to find out the embryo of that child, at worst we can do a paternity test together, but at that time, it's not something that can be resolved through private discussion, and you'll have to go to jail!

Anyway, no matter how violent I am as a working class, I will lose my job at worst, but what about you, you are college students with a bright future, if you are expelled from school, what do you think will happen to you?Do you think you have a future for yourself? "Lin Lang said directly threateningly.

Several college students were terrified, and they all began to admit, "Teacher, I did have a relationship with that female classmate, but it was a long time ago. We did have a relationship, but it was very Normal thing!"

"We haven't had a relationship, we just go out to drink and chat, so the child in my belly is definitely not mine!"

"We have been together, but you can see that the cases in this hospital are only a few months pregnant, so this child is definitely not my teacher, you have to make decisions for me!"

"Teacher, that child is not mine, I just get closer to her, nothing happened between us!"

The teacher was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, "You are students, the pillars of the country, if I remember correctly, some of you are married, how can you do such a thing?"

"Teacher, I also know that it is wrong to do such a thing, but people say it is true love, and I know it is wrong. I will never dare to do it again. I ask the teacher not to fire us. We are also innocent. It was her who Take the initiative to pursue us!"

Lin Lang stood aside and looked at the male students who were talking nonsense. She was about to burst into laughter. After they finished speaking, she said, "I know you are innocent, but I am even more innocent. I just helped one person." , this shit pot was pinned on me, how about this, you guys find a way to help me find that male classmate, even if you can't find it, if you still come to our house to chat after high school, you will testify for me that Gao Rongrong If you don't testify for me, if you don't testify for me, I will drag you down even if I die!"

Several male students were terrified, and quickly agreed, "We promise you that it's just a testimony anyway, and there is nothing wrong with it, but... besides us, there is another student who is very close to Gao Rongrong. , that child should belong to him, but that male classmate is already married. As for why he didn’t come, he said that he has nothing to do with Gao Rongrong. After watching the movie, one night, the male classmate didn’t come back all night, as for what happened, we don’t know very well!!”

(End of this chapter)

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