Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 224 Old Husband and Wife 3 Plus More

Chapter 224 Old Husband and Old Wife Three Plus More

Gao Wenwen nodded, but cold sweat had already broken out from behind. Today's blow was too great for her, and it also overturned her understanding of human nature.

Seeing her little daughter's pale face, Lin Lang sighed softly, and explained: "This world is cruel, and we protected you before, so we didn't let you touch it, but you have to try to grow up. what!
Regarding your father... don't blame me for being cruel, if I don't do that, it might be us if I can't survive!

If I don't take the first step, I will be gone, and my husband will be gone. More importantly, we can't even touch the family property that he and I have built together! "

"That woman..." Gao Wenwen was silent for a moment, and continued to ask, "Is Dad still in touch with her?"

"No more!" Lin Lang continued: "He probably wants to order too, ever since you knew you couldn't do it, you haven't been with other women, and you go home on time every day!

But I dare not relax my guard, I am afraid that if I relax, he will dare... I am doing this for your own good, if an illegitimate child really pops out, then your family property will be reduced by half! "

"Yeah!" Gao Wenwen may be naive, but it doesn't mean she's not smart. Although she feels a little sorry for her father, it was her father who did something wrong first, so she stood by her mother without hesitation.

"Dad, doesn't he doubt it?" Gao Wenwen asked with concern.

"He's really smart, but he's old, and these years have been smooth sailing, so I never doubted it, but I'm always worried, so don't say the wrong thing in front of him!" Lin Lang Confessionally said.

"Okay, I see!" Gao Wenwen nodded, "But if his body keeps going like this, sooner or later he will doubt it!"

"Don't worry about that. She trusts me very much now. If she dares to doubt her body, I will mention it to him for a while before making an appointment for a doctor. Anyway, the body's hormones are high, and it's not a serious illness. Everyone's body is a little bit different. A small problem..." Lin Lang dared to do this because hormones are widely used in this era, and the meat he eats is rich in hormones. You said that Gao Qiang is so fat, and he looked like he was raised on wine and meat, so the doctor would not know Doubts extend to prescribing drugs, and as for Gao Qiang, there is no doubt at all.

Ever since Gao Wenwen found out about this, she has paid more and more attention to her studies. After she was admitted to university, she had been letting herself go, playing, eating and drinking everywhere every day. She didn't study hard at all. Money can support her for the rest of her life, but she can't do it now. She understands a truth, people can't control their own destiny in the hands of others, but in their own hands.

Lin Lang still took medicine every day, but the amount of medicine was getting smaller and smaller, but no matter how small it was, it was still a hormone. Over time, Gao Qiang's body underwent earth-shaking changes.

"You're really annoying. People said it yesterday. Do you want to drink red bean porridge? You insist on cooking white porridge!"

When Gao Qiang said these words, Lin Lang felt that the veins on her forehead were about to explode. She smiled stiffly, looked at the man on the seat, and said, "Drinking white porridge in the morning is good for the stomach. I will cook red bean porridge for you tonight!"

"Okay, we must do it!" Gao Qiang said with a smile, completely unaware of his changes.

Lin Lang saw a fat-looking man with a greasy face and a bald head, holding up his orchid fingers and using a spoon to slowly drink porridge. She felt like she was about to throw up.

"Honey, I heard that our daughter has been working very hard in her studies during this period of time. She has really suffered, so you must use snacks to make up for her!" Gao Qiang felt distressed when he thought of his daughter's hard work. Whatever they study hard, they should be brought up. As for boys, they are rude.

Lin Lang felt that the food she ate in the morning was about to rush to her throat, so she swallowed it reluctantly, smiled awkwardly, and said, "Don't worry, he knows how to measure, Wen Wen is so studious, just because he knows that your health is not getting better recently, I want to share it with you earlier, so you must take good care of your body, after all, you are the pillar of this family!"

Gao Qiang agreed with a smile, then took his pink briefcase and left happily.

After watching Gao Qiang leave, Lin Lang clutched his chest and sat on the sofa. He didn't expect that it would be so scary for a man to wake up, or else... reduce the dose of the medicine by himself?
Here, Bai Xinran is also having a hard time. After leaving the benefactor, although she has a generous child support, she is used to being extravagant. In addition, she has made a new rich second-generation boyfriend. Packaged as a Bai Fumei, in order to maintain this image, she spent even more money, and spent 50 yuan in less than a month, and most of the money fell to her before she could get it. boyfriend.

But it never occurred to her that her boyfriend is not a rich second generation at all, but a little boy. After knowing that he has no money, he dumped him without hesitation. What is this? She not only spends money for others Moreover, he also sleeps and plays with him, even if he doesn't get the money, he even loses money.

Bai Xinran looked at his empty wallet, and couldn't help crying out, what happened to this man recently?Everyone was as smart as a monkey, why didn't she meet a few more men like Gao Qiang, Bai Xinran's eyes lit up when he thought of Gao Qiang.

"I remember the two of us are done, what are you doing here?" Gao Qiang pouted, raised his orchid fingers, and asked with a puzzled expression.

Seeing Gao Qiang's appearance, Bai Xinran opened his mouth wide, with disbelief on his face, they hadn't seen each other for over a month, why did this man change so much, could it be that he went out to become a eunuch?
"You...you...you separated from me at the beginning, is it because you don't like me anymore, but fell in love with a man?" Bai Xinran could only think of this excuse. A man who suddenly became so motherly must have become Same~sexual.

Hearing this, Gao Qiang rolled his eyes and said complainingly: "You hate him so much, how could he be gay? My wife and I are in a good relationship, you should leave quickly, or I will call the security guard to beat you oh~"

Bai Xinran felt like she was about to throw up. Although she loves money, she really has no way to continue dating with such a man, so the way to get back together must be broken. Thinking of this, she touched him My stomach suddenly had another idea.

"I...I came to you because I wanted to tell you something!" Bai Xinran touched her stomach, and rolled her eyes, "I'm pregnant!"

"What?" Gao Qiang stood up and asked in disbelief, "Are you pregnant?"

"Yes, I'm pregnant, and the child is yours. What do you want to do?" Bai Xinran continued, "You said at the beginning that as long as I got pregnant, you would divorce your wife, and all your property will be lost in the future. , will give it to the child in my stomach!"

"I..." Gao Qiang hesitated a bit. He did say this, but he said that if she gave birth to a boy, he liked boys very much at the beginning, but now, he thinks boys are particularly annoying, especially Rude and full of dirty smell.

"How do I know if the baby in your womb is mine? When I first met you, you were the hostess in the bar. Besides, it's not the first time you and I..." Gao Qiang continued: "Even if it's me Yes, I am willing to pay alimony, but I want to divorce my wife, don't think about it, go and dream of your Spring and Autumn Days!"

"You...you dare to treat me like this, do you believe that I have brought everything to your wife?" Bai Xinran rubbed her stomach, as if she had taken a trump card.

"If you dare to say it, then you can return the things I gave to me. Regarding the child in your womb, I will also make a will at that time, and I will leave all my property to my daughter. You have to pay a dime Not!" Gao Qiang was not frightened.

"Okay..." Bai Xinran was completely convinced, and could only run away with her bag.

Seeing this appearance, Gao Qiang happily made a gesture of victory, which was completely meaningless, what a motherly gesture he made.

After Linlang reduced the dosage, Gao Qiang recovered a bit, but he was still a little girly and fat. He couldn't take more hormone medicines, so Gao Qiang became fatter and fatter. With Lin Lang's meals, Gao Qiang got coronary heart disease and still He got high blood pressure and was admitted to the hospital soon.

As he was dying, Gao Qiang couldn't help telling his wife about his cheating, hoping that his conscience would be less condemned, and he said sadly: "At the beginning, I was just looking for excitement. Completely cut off contact with that woman, I hope you can forgive me!"

"Heh!" Lin Lang glanced at the monitor on her head. She asked the doctor today, but the monitor could only see the shadow but not hear the sound. Thinking of this, she lowered her head so that the camera could not see her mouth. Slowly said: "Actually, I knew you cheated a long time ago!"

"What?" Hearing this, Gao Qiang asked suspiciously: "You actually knew that I cheated, why didn't you make a fuss, could it be... because I still have me in your heart?"

"If you want to be beautiful, who said I didn't make a fuss, it's just... I made a fuss more ruthlessly, because I took revenge on you!" Lin Lang gritted her teeth when she said this, and then continued with a cold face: " Do you think you suddenly gained weight because of menopause? Don’t think, if menopause makes you fat, why am I also menopausal, but not fat? "

"You...what do you mean?" Gao Qiang clutched his chest and began to pant heavily.

"What do you mean? To tell you the truth, I gave you medicine!" Linlang sneered, and continued: "Acute contraceptives can cause hormone disorders, and more importantly, they can cause estrogen to increase. Didn't you notice that you Is your behavior becoming more and more sissy? It’s all due to me, and your premature ejaculation is also caused by this drug!”

"You...you...you are so ruthless!" Gao Qiang felt that he was getting more and more uncomfortable, his breathing became more and more rapid, and his eyes began to blur. He never thought that the wife who shared the same bed would be so ruthless.

"Can I not be cruel? When I knew that my favorite husband cheated on a young girl behind my back, my heart died, especially when I knew that my husband would give birth to that woman today. When I was a child, I wished I could cut him into pieces!

When he had no money, I fought with him, took care of the house for him, and had children for him, but how did he treat me?
He wants to give Wenwen's property to other people, how can that be, those things can only belong to Wenwen, so..."

Lin Lang sneered when she said this, and looked at her husband pitifully, "You asked for these!"

"You...you..." Gao Qiang couldn't bear the shock when he heard these words. He was old and had been taking hormones for a long time, and he had some heart problems. He couldn't make it through, and then closed his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lang pretended to be panicked, and immediately pressed the nurse, and soon a doctor will come over.

"I... I just talked to him about things at home, and told him to take care of himself... I..." Lin Lang pretended to cry bitterly, "I just complained to him a few words, saying He shouldn't eat and drink too much, and he got this disease, but he didn't expect, why would he..."

When the nurses and doctors heard this, they sighed, but they did not put down their work and continued to rescue them. After 10 minutes, seeing that Takahashi had no intention of waking up, the doctors and nurses stopped and took out a A white quilt covers the patient's head.

"Please condolences!" The doctor and nurse said comfortingly.

When Lin Lang heard this, she threw herself on Gao Qiang's bed, and said bitterly, "You are heartless, just leave as you please, leaving our family of orphans and children behind, what should we do... You are coming back, you are heartless, you agreed to go on together, why did you leave suddenly..."

When the doctors and nurses heard this, they lamented the love of the couple, and at the same time felt very sorry for the wife.

After Lin Lang and Gao Wenwen buried Gao Qiang, they tidied up the company, but they never expected that they would receive a court summons.

"This Bai Xinran is pregnant, how is it possible?" Lin Lang looked at the court leaflet, and Bai Xinran sued them because Bai Xinran gave birth to Gao Qiang's child and wanted to share Gao Qiang's family property.

Lin Lang lamented that she had softened her heart. When she first came here, she should have given Gao Qiang a sterilizing drug first. No, this lawsuit must be won by herself, because in the original owner's wish, all the property, including the entire family, was lost. It was for Gao Wenwen.

"About this child, first of all we don't know if this child belongs to my husband, although my husband is with her, but that woman is a woman who is easygoing, and she used to be a sister, so she wants to be with me first. My daughter is doing a paternity test, regarding the test... can you find an acquaintance, if not, it's best, if so, can you report the test..." Lin Lang's statement was very obvious, "Don't worry, it will be done After that, I will never treat you badly!"

In this world, there is money that can turn ghosts around. Lin Lang spent a lot of money, but she never expected that the woman refused to do a paternity test, so she asked for a division of the family property.

"Your Honor, this woman keeps saying that the child belongs to my husband, but she refuses to do a paternity test, so how can she do it? If she doesn't do a paternity test, how can she prove that the child belongs to my husband, and how can she divide the family property? !
More importantly, when this Miss Bai first met my husband, she was not a clean girl, and I suspected that the child was not my husband at all, but another man's! "

Bai Xinran hugged the child, anxious, she didn't dare to do a paternity test, because the child was really not high-strength, it belonged to his boyish ex-boyfriend, after she got pregnant, she originally wanted to beat the child down, but The doctor said that due to her long-term abortion, if she aborts this child, she will not be able to have children in the future.

So Bai Xinran kept the child, and when he heard that Gao Qiang was dead, he suddenly changed his mind, because she also pretended to be pregnant at the beginning, in order to blackmail Gao Qiang a sum of money, but she failed to achieve her goal, and now she is dead , if I plant this child on Gao Qiang's head, then...will I also have a share of the family property?

Bai Xinran was tempted. Since she gave birth to a child, her appearance has declined. In addition to having a child, she has no way to hook up with other men and has no source of income. If she has this inheritance, she You won't have to worry about food and drink for the rest of your life.

"Your Honor, I don't do the paternity test because I'm afraid... This woman will do something wrong. Besides, her daughter shouldn't necessarily be a strong child, so I won't do the paternity test!" Bai Xinran said forcefully.

When Lin Lang heard that the woman was unwilling to do a paternity test, she rolled her eyes and suddenly had an idea, "If you suspect that my child is not Gao Qiang's daughter, you can do a paternity test with Gao Qiang's relatives, anyway, as long as you prove This child has a blood relationship with Takahashi, then we will admit it, but if not..."

Speaking of this, Lin Lang showed a sneer, and continued: "Then you are guilty of extortion and fraud. This inheritance is as high as tens of millions. If it is confirmed, you will definitely go to jail!"

When Bai Xinran heard this, her hands trembled. She didn't dare to gamble, so she lowered her head, endured the pain, and withdrew the lawsuit.

But Lin Lang was not willing to let this woman go, and the joint lawyers sued again, and took the house and money back from her husband. You have to know, this woman wanted to prove that she had a relationship with Gao Qiang. relationship, but as I said, my house was given by Gao Qiang, and Gao Qiang gave him a lot of money, so this is not self-inflicted.

 The 5000 word update is over, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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