Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 246 A Ruined Life 2

Chapter 246 The Ruined Life II
Lin Lang pushed the door of the car and found that it was already locked in. She couldn't help frowning, turned around and asked the girls, "Which one of you has issued a card?"

"I have it!" One of the girls handed over the black hairpin on her head. Lin Lang turned the hairpin into a straight line, gently buckled the keyhole, and opened the car door after a while.

"Don't act rashly, I'll go outside to find out!" Lin Lang turned around and explained to them.

When the girls heard this, they hesitated a bit. After all, freedom was close at hand, but thinking about Lin Lang's methods, they couldn't help but convince them!
After Lin Lang finished explaining, she didn't close the car door, she jumped lightly, her young body was fine, and it was convenient to use.

This was unbelievable, Lin Lang found that there was a man in the front of the car, but he had already fallen asleep, but his sleep was not peaceful, he kept frowning and scolding.

Lin Lang slowly lowered her head, took out the hairpin from her arms, and stabbed it directly at the man's acupuncture points.

After doing all this, Lin Lang touched the man, found the phone, and dialed 110 directly.

"Hello, this is the 110 alarm system!"

"Hello, we eight girls and two children were trafficked by human traffickers. We don't know where they are, and we don't know how many traffickers there are. Please hurry up and rescue them!"

"What?" When the policeman heard this, he asked anxiously, "Then do you have any iconic things over there?"

"No, it's dark, I can't see the surroundings clearly, I only know that this is a barren mountain, by the way, this car is a truck, the license plate number is ***..."

After Lin Lang finished speaking, she returned the mobile phone to the man, then slowly got into the car, closed the door softly, and said to the group of people, "Don't worry, I just used that man's mobile phone to call the police. The police came to rescue me from time to time, about that sister Hong... don't talk about it, I have my own opinion on this matter!"

The little girls have gone through this, and they all trust Lin Lang very much. Whatever she says, the little girls will do.

"After I go out, everyone, be careful and don't be fooled a second time!" Lin Lang looked at these young girls and urged her.

"I...I...I was not abducted by them, I was sold to them by my uncle and aunt!" Chuntao suddenly said, remembering her tragic experience, she couldn't help crying.

Hearing this, Lin Lang patted her head and asked, "Where are your parents? Could it be that you have no other relatives besides your uncle and aunt?"

"I... my father left when I was young, and then my mother remarried... As for other relatives, they all regard me as a drag..."

"Okay, don't cry. Your uncle and aunt sold you to traffickers. This has violated the law. When the time comes, you should explain it to the police. Don't be merciless, because once you let your uncle scold them, you will return again next time." I will sell you, but next time... you will not be as lucky as today, you may be sold to a fool or a lame man in the mountains to be his wife, and then become a tool for reproduction..."

Hearing this, the girls in the car gasped, and every girl's face was ugly. Although they knew that they had been trafficked, the things after being trafficked were still far away from them, but they absolutely did not Thinking about it, the reality is so cruel.

"Don't cry. If you don't mind, you can go to work with me. There are many factories over there. As long as you work hard, you will have a bite to eat!" A girl comforted in a low voice.

Time passed little by little, just before dawn, Sister Hong came back, her face was stained with tears, her clothes were torn in a mess, and her body was full of various marks. Although the little girls knew that Sister Hong The details, but still feel a little unbearable, turned his face away.

"That man is bad... He even warned us not to run away... If he wants to run away, he will sell us abroad as chickens... He will also steal my heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys..."

The little girls huddled together, lowered their heads, and followed Lin Lang's instructions, pretending to be terrified.

Sister Hong saw that the little girls were so frightened, she nodded in satisfaction, and she was not in vain pretending to be a victim to endure hardships with them, and when the goods were sold, she went to the village to buy a house and give birth to a few more Fat baby, and live a good life with her husband.

Just when Sister Hong was looking forward to the future, she suddenly heard the sound of a police car. He was so frightened that his eyes opened wide, and he pushed open the car door, jumped out and reacted, and was surrounded by the police.

"This..." Sister Hong stayed there, and by the time she realized it, she was already sitting in the police car, looking at her husband who was handcuffed, she burst into tears.

"Why is this little girl crying? Could it be that she is with the traffickers?" the police couldn't help asking.

Lin Lang immediately stood up and smoothed things over and said, "She's very happy, that man just violated her, and now seeing that man got what he deserved, so she's happy!"

"So that's the case, what a beast!" The policeman couldn't help cursing: "You don't have to cry, go to the police station and make a statement with me. If the condition of rape is used, he will probably be sentenced for a few more years!"

"I...I..." Sister Hong immediately came to her senses when she heard what she said, she hurriedly shook her head, and said with a terrified expression, "I'm not going!"

"What?" the policeman asked suspiciously, "Why didn't you go? Don't you want this scumbag to get what he deserves?"

"I..." Sister Hong's eyes rolled very quickly, and she quickly realized that she said pitifully, "I really can't go to the police station to make a record. If others know that I have such a criminal record, they will definitely dislike me. Yes, Mr. Police, we have a tight atmosphere there, if others know that I have been trafficked, and also...then I will basically be scolded to death by others..."

When the policeman heard this, he couldn't help sighing. Although the society pays attention to equality between men and women, where has it ever been equal?
"If you don't want to pursue the matter of rape, it's fine, but you must come out and make a record of the matter of abduction and trafficking!" the policeman said firmly.

"Mr. Police, there are a lot of people on my side, and the transcripts are enough. You should ask less about this lady. After all, she has just been hurt. If you ask again, it is equivalent to pouring salt water on her wound! "

The police were also very sympathetic, and felt embarrassed to hear this, so they did not pursue this point.

(End of this chapter)

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