Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 276 Widowed Mother 5

Chapter 276

Linlang had a really good life these days. She had fine grains to eat, and some meat from time to time, and quickly recovered her body. Compared with other villagers who were yellow and skinny, Linlang had a fair complexion and a well-proportioned body. It has attracted the attention of many villagers.

"You said we are all human, why are we so thin and ugly, but their parents are so white and beautiful?"

"You still don't understand? He must have eaten something good this time, that's why he looks so good-looking!"

"My commune has run out of food for a long time, and everyone is poor and miserable, so they almost throw away tree roots to eat. Her family has no strong labor, and there are few people chatting there. What good food can I eat? ?”

"It's because his family doesn't have any strong labor force, so there is something to eat, and there is no need to work..."

"You don't have to work to get good food. What kind of work is it? I want to do it too!"

"This kind of work has to be done lying down~"

As soon as the words came out, everyone understood what they meant, and there was a trace of contempt in their eyes. Anyway, Lin Lang's reputation in several villages was bad.

Lin Lang doesn't mind, anyway, the current situation is not good, otherwise, she would have left here long ago, but when the child grows up, she still has to leave, so this matter is nothing to her Son.

The first snow came quietly, and Lin Lang slept until midnight, only feeling cold and flustered. Looking outside, she found that the sky was falling with goose feathers. Fortunately, the master who prepared by herself these days covered all the firewood with canopies. Otherwise, it will be wet by then.

Lin Lang looked at the fire under the kang, and found that it had been extinguished, so she added some more firewood, and after feeding the child, she continued to sleep.

Early the next morning, Lin Lang was woken up by the sound of the radio, and asked all the villagers to gather at the neighborhood committee.

Seeing the child sleeping soundly, Linlang took out a coat, wrapped the child up, and braved the wind and snow to the neighborhood committee.

"The instructions from above have come down, and we villagers are required to use our spare time to do more ideological work!" The village chief stood on the podium, took a sip of hot water from a porcelain cup, and explained.

"Village chief, my family is poor peasants from three generations, and their thinking is very righteous. I think some women need to be taught a lot. Don't talk about sneaky things and ruin the reputation of our village!"

"Yeah, we are all good people, unlike some people who love to steal... Oh, I'm too embarrassed to say it, such people should be educated the most!"

The village chief also understood who they were talking about, frowned, and knocked on the table impatiently, "Okay, what are you doing talking so much? These are the instructions from above, everyone follows them, and you will be deducted centimeters!" "

Lin Lang also understood who these women were talking about, and she was impatient to explain to them. In fact, she didn't want to get too close to them, otherwise the things she did would be exposed easily.

Elder Sister Hua lived next door to Lin Lang, of course she knew that Lin Lang hadn't stolen, and was about to defend herself, but Lin Lang shook her head at her, signaling her not to act rashly.

"They must have eaten shit, otherwise why would their mouths be so stinky!" Sister Hua said angrily.

"Okay, don't argue with these people, anyway, I didn't take their words to heart, otherwise I will be the one who suffers!" Lin Lang waved her hand and said indifferently.

"But...they slandered your name like this, then what will you do in the future...then what will you do in the future? If the children hear it, they will inevitably hold grudges..." Aunt Hua frowned.

"Why do you hold grudges? During these difficult years, I raised him so well. It's fine if he doesn't want to improve. If he holds grudges against me, he will go out to support himself. I won't support him anyway!" Lin Lang said indifferently.

Sister Hua shook her head and said nothing more.

It was educated youths from the countryside who taught them ideological education. They not only talked about Mao Zedong Thought, but also taught them some characters. Lin Lang knew these things, but the original owner couldn't. Lin Lang had to follow along.

Time passed day by day like this, and the new year was approaching soon, and the ideological education work also stopped. Although everyone's life was difficult, the new year represented a new beginning, and everyone would bring out precious things to give Cook a meal at home.

Even if it is because of the broken four ~ old, everyone will paste the couplets, set off firecrackers, kowtow, and ask for new year's money.

Lin Lang did prepare some snacks, but there were very few children who came to his house to pay New Year's greetings, because the adults had told them that the woman in this family was not a good thing, and they should never go to her house.

Lin Lang doesn't care, it's just good if you don't come, and I can save some more things.

The new year left quietly like this, winter also quietly left, spring came, the villagers who were locked in the house for the winter, one seemed to be liberated, holding a small back basket, brushing together Go up the hill.

What they wanted was wild vegetables on the mountain. After a spring rain, the wild vegetables on the mountain were as if they had been worn out in winter, and they all grew up. This made the villagers who couldn't afford food breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Lang also picked some fresh wild vegetables and sold them in the night market, but found that someone was selling those things like her, but thinking about it, everyone is not stupid.

Because wild vegetables are everywhere, they are a bit cheap to sell, but compared to those in cities that require a ticket, the price of her wild vegetables is already very conscientious, cheaper than vegetables, and there is no ticket.

However, thirty to forty catties of wild vegetables were only sold for a few dollars in total. This time he met an acquaintance again. After this winter, the old man's face was still so pale.

"If you can't do it, move to the countryside to do it. There are a lot of wild vegetables in the countryside. Anyway, you don't have to worry about food and drink, plus you have food, it's better than living in the city!" Linlang said kindly.

Hearing this, the old man said with tears in his eyes: "Girl, you are right, that's all, I will give them the house in the city, I'd better move to the countryside, and my grandson's life will always be saved! "

Knowing that the old man is a sensible person, Lin Lang smiled kindly, traded some antiques, and then hurried home slowly.

The children in the family have been fostered at Sister Hua's house, and Lin Lang will give them some food, after all, they can't be allowed to take their children for nothing.

Lin Lang also dug a cellar at home this winter, but she didn't put food in it, but put the antiques she bought, it was full and there were already several boxes.

Lin Lang looked at these things as if he was looking at money, and he was very happy every day. In addition, he was flexible, so there was no need to worry about food and drink at home anyway. She doesn't worry about those few work points.

But others were not very happy, so they boasted and went directly to the village chief.

"You said they are all human beings. Why do we work in the field, but he is at home, and he is still the village head of the landlord thought. You have to teach her a good lesson!"

Hearing this, the village head took a puff of tobacco and waved his hand, "It's not that I haven't said it before, but they said that they don't want those few work points, and that the children in the family are still young and cannot do without people. What can I do?" ? Could it be that you take care of the children for others?"

"This...why should I take care of the child for her..." The man just couldn't understand you enjoying yourself at home all the time, and when he heard that Lin Lang didn't want work points, he didn't dare to argue any more, turned his head and left.

As the saying goes, children only worry about life but not about raising them. Lin Lang's child grows up very fast, and will soon reach the age of talking and walking. And a family moved into their village, a total of three people.

Lin Lang took a look and found that they were acquaintances. They glanced at each other, but they didn't go up to recognize the person.

That night, Lin Lang brought food and the child to the old man's house.

"Grandpa, we are really destined. I didn't expect to become fellow villagers!" Lin Lang handed over the food, looking at the withered and yellow faces of the family of three, feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

"You... take this food back, and our family didn't do anything. This thing is really worthy of it!" The old man was also an educated person, so he refused to accept the food on the spot.

Lin Lang shook her head, hugged her own child, and said with a smile: "Who said you deserve it? Just by looking at your conversation, you can tell that you are someone who has studied. I don't ask for anything, just want to You teach my child!
As for the food, treat it as tuition fees, and I will give it back in the future! "

"This..." The old man hesitated, "Aren't you afraid that others will say that you are associated with capitalist roaders?"

"Oh, old man, you really underestimate me!" Lin Lang said with a smile: "Others don't know my details, don't you know? I'm... capitalism, we're right , you don’t have to make yourself so bad!”

Hearing this, the old man didn't take the food, handed it to his old woman, pointed to the child in her arms, and said, "This is my little grandson, his parents... also suffered... anyway... Even after going to our house, there is only this bloodline left, but they still refuse to let us go, not only withholding our food, but the children are suppressing us. In order to survive, we can only give up everything and come to the countryside to take refuge !"

Hearing this, Lin Lang sighed, and it was fortunate that the old man came early, because this hard life still had to be endured, and if they came later, they would probably suffer setbacks.

Lin Lang chatted with the old man for a while, then smiled and said to the aunt: "There are a lot of wild vegetables on the mountain recently, let's go to the mountain to pick wild vegetables tomorrow, so that we can save some food for the family!"

"That's just right. After all these years, I have a lot of wild vegetables that I don't know. You have to teach me tomorrow!" The old lady was a kind person, and replied with a smile.

Lin Lang is very willing to associate with such a family, and feels that such a person is a smart person. It's a pity for this era, but they have such a destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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