Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 287 Bloody Vengeance 3

Chapter 287
When the third prince heard that Lin Lang had a blood feud with his eldest brother's natal family, his eyes flashed with doubts. He was about to ask, but thinking that this was his privacy, he swallowed the words and said comfortingly: "Can you get me?" The girl's trust is my blessing, and I hope the girl will not be too sad about the past!"

Lin Lang nodded to the third prince, and said, "Third prince, I really want to cooperate with you. Now I have shown my hole card. In fact, I only have one wish, that is, after you are done, I want the entire Bai family to cooperate with you." ,eye for eye!"

Hearing this, the third prince was overjoyed, and he promised to say: "Don't worry, girl, I have also disliked the Bai family for a long time, and I will definitely get what you want when the time comes, so please help me!"

Lin Lang talked with the third prince Can for a long time in the private room of the restaurant, and gave him a list, which was a list of some court officials, and said: "The ministers on the list are all my people. The use is, not only that, among the candidates who take part in the imperial examination every year, there are also our people!"

The third prince looked at the list, and there was a trace of suspicion in his heart. The woman in front of him, relying on her own strength, was able to manage such a large business, and she also had contacts with so many court officials. This... this is amazing It's not a person who waits for nothing. Although it is used by oneself, there is no guarantee that it will not bite yourself back in the future, so it can be used when it is used, but one must be on guard against it.

Thinking of this, the third prince said with a smile: "It's really troublesome girl to advise me. Your kindness and virtue, I will never forget it. When things are done, I will definitely repay you!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything. After seeing off the third prince, she sat on the table with a sneer. She wanted to be a bitch and set up an archway. There is no such beautiful thing in the world.

"Boss, the third prince is not a good person. Although he says he trusts us, he is still wary of us in his heart. Let's find a little prince and support him to take the position, so as not to be liquidated by others!" The shopkeeper left Come here, reminded me.

"It's not that I haven't thought about it, but the house below is too small, and the emperor won't think of them as important responsibilities. Even if the throne is passed on... he won't consider the two princes. We can only cooperate with the third prince for the time being. When the time comes , and then find a way to pull the third prince down, and let's climb up by ourselves..." Lin Lang has the heart of a queen, yes, only when she becomes the supreme master, can she not be restrained by others and can fulfill her wish.

As for the words of the third prince about eradicating the Bai family, Linlang is just farting. The Bai family is too powerful. Even if the third prince hates the Bai family, he must act cautiously. It will take at least two or thirty years to fulfill his wish, but where is Lin Lang? She is willing to spend 30 to 30 years to wait. Besides, there have been too many changes during these 30 to [-] years. She can't afford to wait. She just wants to make a quick decision and enjoy life well.

With these contacts, the third prince became even more powerful. According to what Lin Lang said, he followed the second prince. In the eyes of outsiders, he was in the same line as the second prince. Then they pulled the prince down hard, but there was a white man behind him. Tai Tuo, the fight between several people is evenly matched.

As for the emperor, he is happy to see the scene of his sons killing each other, don't say that blood is thicker than water, in this day family, the power is greater than the sky.

His sons fought with each other, which happened to balance the court, and he, the emperor, could feel at ease.

Taifu Bai also hated the second and third princes, but he had nothing to do with them for a while. After all, he was the second and third princes of civil servants, and behind them were military officials.

Since ancient times, it is impossible for civil servants to rebel. Only military officials can rebel. Don't look at Bai Taifu's minions all over the court and the public, but when the army comes, it will definitely collapse immediately and be vulnerable.

So although Taifu Bai hated and poisoned the second and third princes, he still had nothing to do with them. He could only hope that the emperor would die soon so that the prince could take over and severely punish the two princes.

But the emperor is in good health, and he can still meet several women at night when he is fine, and he is at least a few decades away from death.

After Lin Lang entered the court, she inquired in detail and learned about his so-called father's detailed information. His father is still working in the Imperial Academy, but it's just a sixth-rank idle job without much power, but his future is limitless. Isn't there a saying that is called non-category incompatible with the Hanlin, and non-Hanlin not into the cabinet?
It means that only those who have served as an official in the Imperial Academy can enter the cabinet. The cabinet is equivalent to another emperor. He can make decisions in the world. Sometimes even the emperor cannot resist the cabinet. This shows the power of the cabinet ministers.

Lin Lang also learned that Bai Bingxue was indeed a savage and willful master. After she tried her best to marry his father, she did settle down for a while, but her character in her bones could not be changed. After making a big fuss, anyway, the relationship between husband and wife is very unsatisfactory. After all these years, even one or two half girls have not been born.

As for the so-called father, Lin Lang also found out that the man did not know that his wife and daughter were killed by Bai Bingxue. He only knew that his wife and daughter were on their way to Beijing to find him, and they were accidentally encountered by bandits and killed. .

Perhaps in the eyes of modern people, this kind of thing is simply a fantasy, but it was very common in ancient times. There were a lot of bandits in ancient times. Those who asked them to go to Beijing to catch the exam had to go to Beijing in twos and threes, otherwise Will be robbed by bandits.

Lin Lang also learned that this man would go to the White Horse Temple outside the city to offer incense every first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year. name and her mother's name.

After Lin Lang knew about this, she prepared to recognize this so-called father, and wanted him to know who killed his wife and daughter. If this man was out of the world, Lin Lang would not blame him.

As usual, Xu Yuan came to the temple to offer incense, but gradually, he realized that something was wrong, because he was taken to a remote place by a young monk, and when he was about to ask something, the little monk stepped aside, suddenly disappeared.

"Master Xu, you don't have to look for it. This little monk brought you here mainly because I wanted to find you!" Lin Lang walked out from the corner, stared at the man in front of her, her eyes were dazed for a moment, the man in front of her was really good-looking, Elegant and handsome, although he has entered middle age, he does not look old, on the contrary, his temperament has settled down, like a ball of old wine, getting more and more mellow.

(End of this chapter)

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