Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 299 Introducing the Wolf into the Room 5

Chapter 299

Lin Lang didn't want to talk too much with such a person, so she only said, "You can think whatever you like, anyway, I won't marry someone like you if I marry a chicken or a dog!"

"Okay, okay..." Being belittled by Lin Lang is worse than a beast, Gao Bo also got angry, and said directly: "I want to see, you are called a person with high eyesight and low abilities, who will want it in the future!"

Lin Lang rolled her big eyes and left without looking back.

Bai Xiaocao next to them listened to their conversation, and there was a hint of jealousy in her eyes, especially when she heard the dowry gifts, she became more and more jealous. You must know that as long as there is one thing in the dowry gifts with them, it is from all over the world. number one.

But my own teacher can ask for everything, and others are willing to give it. Why is there such a big difference between the same women?

"This..." Bai Xiaocao spoke weakly, looked at Gao Bo cautiously, and said, "Don't take what my teacher said just now, she is actually a pretty good person, that is……"

Hearing this, Gao Bo looked up and found that it was Bai Xiaocao, with a look of embarrassment flashing across his face, after all, the girl saw him being rejected, "You don't need to comfort me, that woman is nothing at all Good thing, let’s just talk about you, your family is so difficult, and I don’t want to give you a tuition fee reduction. After all, she is a teacher, so it’s easy to do this kind of thing!
And me, when she didn't become a teacher, the two of us agreed to get married, but after becoming a teacher, she didn't like me as a worker. Monkey playing..."

When Bai Xiaocao heard that the man in front of him was a worker, her eyes flickered. In their countryside, workers are the most sought-after, because workers hold iron rice bowls, which means that they will have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime.

"Teacher, she... is too high-minded. Workers are our leadership. She... is too inappropriate, let alone say such things..." Bai Xiaocao flattered.

Gao Bo heard this, most of the gloom in his heart dissipated, and looked at the girl in front of him, although she was not very good-looking, but this personality was quite to his liking, especially the weak Liu Fufeng's appearance, even more He is so lovable, so his face became extremely gentle, he pulled a smile, and said: "You are her student, so you must not learn from her in the future, you have high eyes but low hands!"

Bai Xiaocao shook her head, then lowered her head with red eyes, and said sadly: "I can't pick and choose anymore, because... my mother asked me to drop out of school and go back to take care of my younger brother. ...I guess she will marry me off...I guess whoever gives more money, she will marry me off..."

Hearing this, Gao Bo felt pity in his heart, "How could your parents be like this? Now they advocate free love!"

Bai Xiaocao shook her head with tears in her eyes, "Free love, that's what people in the city can do, rural girls like me... can only follow the orders of their parents, marry a chicken as a chicken, and marry a dog as a dog ..."

The two of them were like this, you comforted me, I comforted you, tired for a long time, until the sun went down, the two reluctantly separated.

The next morning, Lin Lang rode her bicycle to Bai Xiaocao's house. To be honest, Bai Xiaocao's family background is good, but no matter how good it is, there is still a fatal flaw, that is, patriarchy Girl, in their eyes, the son is the root of the family, and the girl is just a loser.

"You are Xiaocao's teacher, right? She told me that you are going to visit home today, but I still say the same thing, let Xiaocao drop out of school and go home to work. You also know that I just gave birth, and my hands are weak , My mother-in-law is getting old and has no ability to take care of me at all, so this burden must fall on Xiaocao, and I hope you can understand me!" Bai Mu showed resistance on her face.

Hearing this, Lin Lang nodded slowly, looked at Bai Xiaocao who was coaxing the child in the corner, and said, "I know your difficulties, but Xiaocao's grades are also among the best in our class. Now I am in the second year of junior high school, and I will be able to graduate from junior high school in the next year. Maybe I will take a middle school exam. After I return from my studies, I will definitely become a worker in the future. When the time comes, I will give your family a subsidy. That is not a little bit It's time!"

"This..." Mother Bai hesitated a little, "Is our Xiaocao really so powerful?"

Bai Xiaocao is really competitive, and her grades are at least in the top ten in her class, "I can still lie to you, even if she doesn't pass the exam, at least she graduates from junior high school, and she can find a job here, maybe she can Be a temporary worker, wait a few years, and you may become a regular worker, you have to know that becoming a worker is equivalent to holding a permanent job, and it will be of great benefit to your family in the future, do you really have the heart to give it up?"

"But...there is no one to take care of me at home...how can I be so busy..." Bai Mu looked at the doll, and said in embarrassment: "Besides, there is not much money for her to study at home, here I am..."

Linlang has said good things all the time anyway, and there is nothing she can do if she doesn't want to, "Anyway, the talk has already fallen here, it's fine if you want your daughter to come back to work, even in the future... you may only get one in the future." A dowry money of 200 yuan, but if your daughter becomes a worker, it will be 30 to [-] yuan a month, and the money will be paid back in a few months, and maybe he can also subsidize his brother!
As for the tuition fee, how much money can it cost? At worst, let the brigade borrow some money. After the child finishes studying, let her pay it back..."

Mother Bai rolled her eyes, as if she was thinking about gains and losses, Lin Lang couldn't care less about these things, it was not too early, if she didn't go back, she would probably have to walk in the dark.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. It's not too early, so I'll leave first. Anyway, think about what I said!" After Lin Lang finished speaking, she rode her bicycle away.

When Mother Bai heard that Lin Lang was leaving, she pretended to stay and said, "Teacher, just leave like this, don't stay for a meal..."

Lin Lang shook her head, she knew it was just hypocrisy, the food is so valuable now, even her own stomach can't be filled, who would be free to treat guests to dinner!

After watching Lin Lang leave, Mother Bai spat and said angrily, "Bai Xiaocao, don't you say that your teacher has the kindest heart? As long as we call you poor, she will waive your tuition. That's not what you said!"

When Bai Xiaocao heard this, she couldn't help trembling, and then she explained: "I... Teacher, she... She has her own things to do, and she doesn't have much spare money... Besides... You have also heard what she said, I am capable of going to a technical secondary school, and if I graduate from a technical secondary school, I will be able to be filial to you, so please, let me continue my studies..."

(End of this chapter)

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