Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 415 God of Wealth Cousin 2

Chapter 415 God of Wealth Cousin Twelve
The eldest lady became anxious, and immediately said: "Don't talk nonsense, without evidence, you are framing!"

"Heh, what are you worthy of being framed by me!" Lin Lang said mockingly.

"Okay!" The old lady said, looked at Lin Lang, and sighed, "I'm getting older, and my energy is indeed not as good as before, maybe I have suffered a lot of grievances, I am here to apologize to you!

In the future...don't worry, no one will plot against you..."

The old lady had already made a big concession, but Lin Lang didn't want to deal with such a person anymore, so she said, "Old lady, you said that your energy is not as good as before. Don't know? Or know, pretend not to know...Anyway, I don't dare to live here anymore, I'm going to move out!"

"No way!" The old lady didn't want to give up the meat that was in her mouth, but she was too embarrassed to refute, and then said: "Your mother entrusted you to me, and you just moved out without knowing why, you let How do outsiders think of me? Since I have promised, I will definitely do it. I will find you a good husband's family in the future, and then I will add a dowry to you, and marry you well, so that when you go outside, others will think you are an orphan. Will bully you...Even if you are married, your husband's family will bully you..."

"Old lady, do you think your words are credible? It's like the dowry matter. Before I came, I had already investigated the Wang family's affairs thoroughly. This family would have been in trouble for a long time. If I hadn't taken 1000 taels Money, I guess...the relationship between this family will soon be too much to give away... the eldest cousin is getting married soon, and next is the eldest cousin. I want to ask, where do you come from so much money?
I am easy to talk to, as long as you are willing to let me move out, I am willing to pay 5000 taels of silver! "

She was reluctant to let the silver go without the eagle. 5000 taels of silver was indeed a lot, but to Linlin, it was just a drop in the bucket. If she could get rid of these vampires, she would naturally be willing.

"This..." The old lady hesitated, 5000 taels of silver is indeed a lot, and it can solve the urgent need. However, Lin Lang can get 5000 taels of silver, which means that he can get more money.

Naturally, she was greedy for more silver, but Lin Lang didn't want to give it to herself, and she was on guard. Well, 5000 taels is 5000 taels, it's better than nothing.

"Old Master's..." The old lady opened her mouth, and the old lady soon understood what it meant. Naturally, she was reluctant to part with this God of Wealth, but she knew that it was the best choice at the moment.

"You... Don't worry, we will never say what we should say..." The old lady opened her mouth, and the second child's family was very depressed. The calculation of the old family failed, and they were involved. If her son married Lin Lang, from now on, you won't have to worry about spending money, but what about now?The scheme of the two completely annoyed Lin Lang and implicated them.

The next day, Lin Lang moved out with her own luggage. She had already set up a yard in the capital, and she hadn't moved out. The main reason was that she was afraid of other people's tongues. Now she couldn't control so much. People who are scheming are almost getting old by scheming themselves.

After I came out, it was indeed much more convenient, but there wasn't so much gossip in the capital, and in the end, she wasn't very famous, and others didn't pay much attention to her.

Half a year passed quickly, Linlang went out of filial piety, went to Baishui Temple, and after fulfilling her vows, she found a visitor as soon as she arrived at the house.

"Miss Cousin, this is the young master's wedding invitation, please come!" Mrs. Wang sent over the bright red wedding invitation, then raised her head and said with a proud face: "The young master married a second-rank woman." The daughter of a high official, and brought a lot of dowry, she will have a bright future... But speaking of it, Miss Biao has already passed the filial piety, and she will be 18 soon, so it is time to think about her marriage, otherwise it will be delayed forever , become an old girl, then it will become a joke..."

Lin Lang accepted the invitation, and said with neither cold nor cold eyes: "I don't need you to worry about this, I decide my own affairs, come and see off!"

Mrs. Wang let out a cold snort, and before leaving, she turned her head to look at Linlang, and said eccentrically, "Our eldest lady said that if my cousin is willing to change her mind and marry our young master as a concubine, we still agree, after all We are all family... it would be even better if we get closer..."

Lin Lang directly kicked Mrs. Wang out, put the invitation aside, and began to think about whether to go or not.

Finally, after thinking about it, let's go, after all, gossip is too ugly.

On the day of the wedding, the eldest wife saw Lin Lang's arrival, with a smile on her face, she walked over slowly, pointed to the surrounding layout, and said with a hint of showing off: "Did you see, my son married a big Daughter of an official, an orphan like you who has no father and no mother, is not even worthy to carry my son's shoes!

Also, the people who came to my son's wedding banquet this time are all famous people in the capital. My son will have a bright future in the future. My son takes you as a concubine... Seeing that we are a family, I can make you a good concubine. After all, you also know that my daughter-in-law is the daughter of a high official..."

"I wanted to give you a little face on the big day, but I didn't expect you to be shameless and want to put your nose on it, so I'll tell you directly. Your house is so much better!

Also, if I hadn't saved 5000 taels of silver, do you think your family would be able to hold such a beautiful wedding?Besides, a man who eats soft food is not worthy of my concern at all..."

"You..." Hearing Lin Lang's sarcasm, the eldest lady became completely angry, "Well, you little bitch, you are so eloquent, I have to take a good look at it, which man will dare to marry you in the future?"

"I don't need you to worry about this, at least it's better than your son, and it's definitely not soft food!" Lin Lang said sarcastically.

"Oh, it's Linlang. I've only been out for half a year. I didn't expect it to be so good. It really is the water and soil outside!" The second lady came over and looked at Linlang, feeling more and more satisfied, "Since After you left, the second cousin was very sad, saying that he lost such a good sister like you, you can visit him later when you have nothing to do, he might be happy!"

Lin Lang's impression of the second lady was neither cold nor indifferent, and she knew what the second lady meant by saying these words, but she just gave a cold "hmm" and didn't say yes or no.

(End of this chapter)

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