Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 419 God of Wealth Cousin 6

Chapter 419 God of Wealth Cousin Sixteen
The old lady Shao didn't count on the Wang family, because she knew that the relationship between the Wang family and Lin Lang was not good, so she went directly to Lin Lang's residence and got straight to the point.

"Old lady..." Lin Lang glanced at old lady Shao who was drinking tea, and asked, "I really don't understand why you insist on marrying me? In terms of family background, there are many people better than me. As for In appearance and character, there are many people who are higher than me...this..."

"I can't help it. When I first saw you as a girl, I felt destined, but unfortunately I missed it... Now that we can meet again, I think it's destined!" Mrs. Shao is a fine person, and she won't tell her her plan. go out.

Lin Lang took a sip of tea, and then said: "The old lady has something to tell you first, first of all, I will pass on a son, and the other is... half of my family's property will be given to that child!"

"That's good, but I also have a request, that is, the eldest son can go out if he can't live. You also know that the eldest son must inherit the family business, and the second son is different..." The old lady smiled when she heard this, because the two The two grandchildren are all settled, and the eldest child has a title, and the second child will definitely quit. If he has half of his mother's property, he should feel better.

Lin Lang thought for a while, and felt that this marriage was very good, and that she valued her, so she agreed.

"If Miss Linlang doesn't object, I think the wedding will be held in three months!" the old lady said happily.

"Huh? So fast?" A normal marriage usually takes a year to prepare, but three months is too much time. Could it be that Marquis Zhongwu had some accident?
"This is unpleasant, because my son is about to go to the battlefield, and I want to marry him as soon as possible, so that he can settle down!" The old lady said directly, without hiding it.

Lin Lang agreed, and the marriage was really in a hurry. In order to look good, Lin Lang spent another 3000 taels of silver. money.

The Wang family are all open-minded people when they see money. Although they say no, they are very honest in their hearts and quickly took the money.

After getting married, the Wang family came to play a few times in the autumn wind. You can drive people out directly. Later, because the eldest cousin Haoxuan committed some crimes, he was relegated home. As for his wife, she saw that he was wrong. Proposed reconciliation.

As for what happened later, Milan didn't know too much. She gave birth to three children, two boys and one girl. According to the original agreement, she adopted the second child and gave him half of the property at the same time. It's not so much half of the family property, it's better to say it's [-]%, the remaining [-]%, two children, each of them [-]%.

When he opened his eyes again, he was lying in a dark room, fumbled around the bedside, pressed a switch, and then the room lit up.

Lin Lang looked at the room, it was terribly simple, there was only an old wooden table and a dusty wardrobe, it looked like it was old, as for the rest of the wooden bed, it would make a creaking sound when it was moved lightly. Lin Lang reckoned that the bed might collapse if she moved a little harder.

"Why do you turn on the lights when you don't sleep at night? Hurry up and turn off the lights for me, so as not to waste electricity. You don't pay for the electricity bills. You really don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. The little girl doesn't know how hard it is to earn money!" There was a tight knock on the door, the voice was quick and sharp, and Lin Lang immediately turned off the light.

After turning off the light, the person outside the door let out a cold snort in satisfaction, and walked away.

Lin Lang lay on the wooden bed, closed her eyes, and began to accept the plot.

"My father was a soldier, but he died heroically during a mission. The reason why he died was to protect his teammates.

Later, in order to thank my father for saving his life, his teammates got his son engaged to me, but the marriage was not happy, because my father passed away, and all the burdens of the family were on my mother, who had to raise three children. Children, so life is very difficult.

As for my father's teammates, they were promoted one after another and soon became commanders. Compared with us, they are completely different.

Later, I married that man, started my bitter life, and gave birth to him. I didn't expect that he would divorce me for someone else. Later, after his father left, his woman left, and he also Had a car accident and fractured her spine.

And I returned to him, mainly because I love him, even if he doesn't like me, I will always love him like this, and later, the two of us finally reconciled, but I know he doesn't love me in his heart , just thank me for taking care of him, and thank me for never leaving him!

It was only after I died that I realized how bitter love is. If possible, can you please help me to reject this marriage?Also, please take good care of my mother, help her share the burden of the family, and hope that there will be more sweetness in life, because the previous life was really too bitter..."

After Lin Lang received the plot, she opened her eyes. Immediately afterwards, her eyes were stung by the sun, and her tears flowed down. She immediately covered her head with the quilt, and it took a while to recover.

"You damn girl, the sun is already drying your ass, why are you still sleeping, get up for my old lady!" There was a knock on the door, and Lin Lang sat up slowly, opened the closet, looked at the few pieces of clothes left in the closet, and looked at them. It is worn out and old, and some still have a patch or two.

Lin Lang opened the door and looked at the woman in front of her. Although she was only in her 30s, she was old, no different from an old man in her 40s.

"Mom!" Lin Lang rubbed her eyes and called obediently.

Gao's mother let out a cold snort. At that time, she heard Lin Lang call her mother's heart and finally softened. She nodded her forehead and said, "You damn girl, hurry up and wash and eat for me, but you will soon go out to sell buns. , remember to tidy up the house!"

"Well, where are the eldest brother and the second brother?" Lin Lang looked at the empty room and asked suspiciously.

"Those two dead kids, I don't know where the skin is!" Mother Gao said angrily.

Lin Lang nodded and sent Gao Mu away. She looked at the breakfast in the kitchen, a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns. These steamed stuffed buns were left over from Gao Mu's sale of steamed buns. After a taste, the steamed stuffed buns tasted so-so, but that's it. Ordinary food is not something they can eat every day, and they can only eat things that cannot be sold.

After Lin Lang finished her meal, she tidied up the house and washed her clothes. This work was done until noon.

This family does not eat at noon, because Gao's mother wants to sell steamed buns at noon, but this is not acceptable, the body is the capital of the revolution.

(End of this chapter)

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