Chapter 423 The Fourth Door

Looking at the exquisite and spacious villa in front of her, Gao's mother hesitated, standing at the gate of the villa, looking up at the villa, feeling uncomfortable in her heart, yes, the family environment is so good, can you fall in love with this girl?Even if two people are together, will they live a good life in the future?
Although Gao's mother is just a rural woman, she also knows that the four words are well-matched. She didn't think about it before, mainly because her family life was poor. She always wanted to make money. As for the Shao family, they regarded them as a life-saving compensation. I hope that my daughter will have a better life after she gets married, and I will help her natal family by the way.

But now that she has money, she doesn't need her daughter to help her natal family anymore, so she begins to think about her daughter's future happiness.

"Oh, what a big house!" The boss couldn't help but sighed and said, "I heard that I will still marry my sister in the future, I don't know if it is true, if it is true, then wouldn't I His brother-in-law, that should be good to me!"

Lin Lang knocked on the head of the boss, and said angrily: "Do you know that there is a kind of vegetable called a debt of favor, and once you owe this kind of debt, it is the most difficult to repay!
If you ask him what he wants, then I will suffer, and I will be the one who suffers. I guess people still look down on me, thinking that I have such a worthless brother, and I just want that..."

"I... Are we a family... Don't worry about it so clearly..."

"Brothers are still clear, you and him are not brothers!" Lin Lang sarcastically said.

When Gao's mother heard this, she immediately came to her senses. She didn't look forward to this marriage so much. Forget it, if there is no one, then there is no one. Anyway, her family doesn't have to worry about the money.

A group of people walked into the house, and the nanny greeted her with a hint of disdain on her face, but she still said politely: "Mrs. Gao is here. Our wife is waiting for you in the garden. Do you need something to drink?"

"I want soda!"

"I want a Coke!"

The eldest and the second child said in unison, the nanny was even more disdainful, they were indeed poor relatives from the countryside, they had never seen the world, this was not their family, it was really cheeky to ask for things so confidently.

Seeing the nanny's disdain, Gao's mother became more and more worried. When her daughter married here, her mother-in-law would not like it, her husband would not love her, and the nanny's contempt...

Thinking of this, Mother Gao wanted to call off the marriage more and more, so she ignored the objections of her two sons and dragged them to the backyard. When she found Shao Qiang was there, she glanced at her daughter with a flash of determination in her eyes, and walked straight away. past.

"Sister, you're here too!" Shao Qiang walked over, looked at Gao's mother, and said, "Sister, it's been a long time since I've seen you, and you look refreshed!"

She really has a lot of energy. Since the business was completed, she has become much happier and her body has become clearer.

"Well, I've earned a lot of money recently, so I'm in a happy mood, and my health is naturally better!" Mother Gao explained.

Hearing this, Shao Qiang would think of what his son said about Gao's mother and Lin Lang setting up a street stall, and a trace of guilt flashed across his face. They seem to be 30 or [-] years apart.

"Elder sister, elder brother is my good brother, and he lost his life trying to save me. No matter what, your family has great kindness to me, so if there is any difficulty, just tell me, and I will try my best to help you." Help with all your strength!" Shao Qiang said gently.

When Gao's mother heard this, she glanced at Shao's mother who was not far away, and found that her face was neither cold nor indifferent, and she didn't even greet them basically, so she said, "Brother, speaking of it, I'm really There is something I want to ask you..."

When Shao's mother heard these words not far away, she became more and more annoyed. Isn't it a life-saving favor?It's fine to pay this family back, but dare to ask for this or that, what a bunch of vampires!
"I want to cancel the marriage between Shaoyang and Linlang!"

When Shao's mother heard this, she thought she was deaf. She turned her head and looked at Gao's determined expression. Her eyes were full of doubts. She couldn't think of such a good marriage. Why did Gao's mother withdraw?But this is also a good thing, she doesn't want her son to marry a daughter of a poor family.

Shao Qiang asked in surprise: "Sister-in-law, why is this? Could it be that someone is gossiping in your ear, don't believe it, I am very much in favor of this marriage!

At the beginning, my eldest brother lost his life trying to save me, and I have nothing to compensate you, so I can only settle this marriage, hoping that the two families can get married and become one family! "

Gao's mother shook her head, "The grievances and grievances of the previous life should be resolved by us in the previous life. Don't involve the next generation. I have been thinking about this marriage for a long time... and I came up with the idea. I really feel that this marriage is really unworthy!

Moreover, these two little ones have no desire to be together. If we old couple are strong, they will have a rebellious mentality. I don't want them to become a bitter couple!

Anyway, let's let this marriage go. If the two of them really want to, let them date on their own when they grow up. If they don't want to, they can become brothers and sisters and help each other in the future! "

When Shao's mother heard those words, her eyes lit up, she stood up immediately, took Shao Qiang's hand, and said softly: "Sister-in-law has said so, is it possible that you still want to impose it on others? Just like what sister-in-law said , raising a child is mutually exclusive. If you get married again... how can you live a good life in the future, so let's forget it... I really want to make up for my sister-in-law, yes, don't they still have two boys? When the time comes, we will find Find a relationship and pave a bright future for these two children!"

Shao Qiang nodded slowly, "Sister-in-law, if you have anything to do in the future, just come and explain it!"

Shaoyang stood not far away, looking at Lin Lang in a floral dress, thinking about what happened last time, he hesitated a little, after a long time, ran over, lowered his head and said: "What I said last time...don't you In my heart, I think... making money by yourself is the most glorious..."

Lin Lang looked at the little kid and nodded slowly, "Yeah!"

After Shaoyang got affirmation, he smiled all of a sudden, his eyes sparkled, and he said to Lin Lang, "By the way, my uncle brought me a game console and chocolates from abroad. Do you want it?"

"No need!" Lin Lang refused coldly.

After being rejected, Shaoyang felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He rubbed the soil with his feet, then raised his head and looked at Linlang cautiously. For some reason, his heart beat a little faster, " don't like those Something? Then what do you like, I will give it to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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