Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 434 My father is a traitor 5

Chapter 434 My Father Is a Traitor V
"What's none of my business?" Lin Lang replied calmly.

"Hey, boy, what are you pretending to be? The ladies and gentlemen came to you in public, which means that you still have you in their hearts. Now that Rujia has been kicked out, you can take her back anyway. Although you are not a legal wife, you can also be a concubine what!
To be honest, that lady is so beautiful, fair and beautiful, hey, if I spend the night with her, it will be worth dying! "

Hearing these slanderous words, Lin Lang didn't pay attention to them, but settled down there to do the accounts. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps. Lin Lang looked up and saw a noble young man, wearing a brocade with a waistband. Wearing a jade pendant, although there is nothing else on her body, but that piece of jade pendant is priceless.

"Boss, I heard that the pastries you make here are delicious. I wonder if I can have a good meal today?" The emperor asked with a smile.

Lin Lang looked at that person with an ugly expression on his face. It seemed that if he didn't kill those people completely, he wouldn't have a peaceful life.

"Guest officer, it's a coincidence that you came here. All the pastries have been sold out today. If you want to eat, hurry up tomorrow!" Lin Lang didn't want to quarrel with the person in front of her, so she was still very respectful.

"Ah~" The emperor sighed, and said with a little disappointment: "Actually, it's not me who wants to eat it, but my grandmother wants to eat it, because the family tradition is very strict, I usually can't go out of the house, I finally have some free time today, I just want to buy something to make up for my grandmother's wish... but I really don't dare to think about it, otherwise, shopkeeper, I'd like to pay ten times the price, can you please make some more?"

Lin Lang only felt that this person was like a fly, endlessly, but she still said patiently: "Guest officer, it's not a matter of money or not, it's just that some things are not made fresh, but some things need to be used. Materials, but the materials are all used up, even if I go to buy... But the taste is not good... But if you really want, I can make you some new pastries..."

The emperor nodded with a smile, took out a silver coin, and handed it over.

Lin Lang came to the kitchen, but instead of making pastries, he took out the leftover pastries and steamed them casually, because he believed that even if what he took out was shit, an emperor would say it was delicious , No effort to compliment yourself.

Sure enough, the emperor took a piece of pastry, tasted it carefully, and showed a satisfied expression, "As expected, this pastry is really delicious!"

After the emperor left, Lin Lang lowered her eyes, closed the shop door immediately, and came to her rented room, thinking about how to go next?
"Little Smelly Hair, what's the matter with you? You stayed in the house as soon as you came back. Did something happen to you?" Mother Lin came in and asked with concern.

"Mother... I did encounter something, but I can solve it, so you don't have to worry!" Seeing her family worrying about her, Lin Lang felt uncomfortable, so she immediately comforted her.

"That's good. Your daughter-in-law is also very worried about your situation, but she is afraid that you will get angry, so she dare not come to ask... If you encounter any problems in the future, just tell us two. Although we two can't help you Solve the problem, but it's still possible to listen to you..." Mother Lin said with a smile.

Lin Lang nodded, her mind flashed, she suddenly thought of something, and said anxiously: "Yang Qing, I remember you once said that when we moved to the capital, it was because of the flood in our hometown...Is it true?"

"Yes, because of the turmoil at the time and the floods, I got separated from your father... because he is a Juren, and if I knew he was alive, I would definitely take the imperial examination, so I came to the capital. It's a pity, after a while For 20 years...I haven't looked for him...I don't know if he is alive or dead..." Mother Lin's heart ached when she thought of her dead husband.

"Mother, it's been 20 years, and the hope is very slim. Otherwise, my wife and I will go back to our hometown. No matter what, we will build a grave for him first. By the way...see how many people are left in our family." Believe me, after all, I will definitely be an official after I am admitted to a scholar, so I have no ancestral home, and if I don't have the protection of my clan, I will definitely be unable to move forward..." As Lin Lang spoke, she felt that she had really thought of a great idea .

"This...you and Xiuniang just got married, so you're going outside, okay?" Lin's mother also wanted to build a grave for her husband, but when she thought that the young couple had just become married, and it was the time of loving each other, she suddenly called the two of them. Going to another place alone, this...

"What's so bad about it, by the way let her go to recognize someone, you know...it's going to Qiu Wei soon, if you don't hurry, you won't have time after this!" Lin Lang really wanted to leave here quickly, He hasn't recognized the so-called treacherous minister's father yet, but he can't offend the emperor, since he can't offend him, he can only run away.

"Okay then, I'll prepare your luggage for you. Be careful on the road then!" Mother Lin nodded, agreeing to the matter.

"Sanggong, can you tell me what happened that made you have to go back to your hometown?" Xiuniang was not an idiot, she naturally saw it, and thinking of the rumors in the capital, said: "It's hard If it doesn't work, it's because of Miss Wang, if you really feel distressed, you can take her as a concubine..."

"What are you thinking about!" Lin Lang nodded Xiu Niang's forehead and said, "Don't worry, all my life, I only yearn for a couple. As for taking concubines... it's absolutely impossible!"

"Sanggong, you treat me so well..." Xiuniang was very moved.

When the emperor came to the pastry shop again, he was in vain, his face was extremely ugly, and finally forced a smile, and asked: "I remember your son came from Tao Liang from other places, why did you suddenly think of going home to sacrifice?" Ancestor, Xiao Er, you are not lying to me, are you?"

"Your nobleman, even if you lend me 200 courage, I wouldn't dare to lie to you. Our young master indeed escaped from disaster and later took root in the capital, but his native place has always been in his hometown!

Going back this time, on the one hand, I want to get my hometown, so that I can take the imperial examination, and on the other hand, I want to build a grave for our old man..."

The emperor almost laughed when he heard that the grave was built for the old man. This old man must be Grand Master Lin. He was very happy when he thought that Grand Master Lin was still alive and his son and wife were anxious to build his grave. The little depression in my heart has also gone.

"Well, when your young master comes back, tell him something!" The emperor suppressed a smile, left here, and returned to the palace. He didn't feel disgusted when he saw Taishi Lin's majestic face.

(End of this chapter)

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