Chapter 442
When the robot heard this, it made a beeping sound. Soon, a page was opened and presented in front of Lin Lang.

"Master, this is the natural food I found for you. Because the genes of these foods are unstable, when using them, you must remove the radiation and take anti-infective drugs!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she patted herself on the head. There must be natural food in this world, but because of the radiation, the food is more or less in contact with it, so it presents all kinds of strange shapes, and there is also some radiation in it, so eating When the time comes, the radiation in the food must be removed, and anti-radiation medicine must be taken.

Otherwise, my body will have some abnormalities due to exposure to radiation. The original owner is not willing to eat those natural foods because he does not want to take medicine. In addition, even if he takes anti-radiation medicine, some of his body will remain. Be a weirdo, so the original owner never eats natural foods.

But who is Lin Lang, who dared to try, opened the page directly, and found that these natural foods have different shapes and uses, and the various flavors are clearly marked on it.

Lin Lang discovered the pepper. If the pepper is very big, it is about the size of a football, but the appearance is still the same as before. In fact, the modern space pepper is bigger.

There are also black potatoes the size of ping-pong balls. Another advantage of this is that you can taste the taste, but this taste is perceived by stimulating the nerves. It has no radiation and pollution, and is convenient and affordable.

Just after Lin Lang placed the order, the shopkeeper was very considerate to help Lin Lang remove the radiation from the food. While she was waiting to receive the delivery, suddenly, his robot butler was split in two, and a box was exposed. The robot butler Carefully put things on the table.

"Damn!" Luckily, it's broad daylight now, and at night, Lin Lang has to scream loudly. Looking at the things on the table, you can tell that it's her express delivery. She didn't expect that the express delivery industry in this world is so developed. Moreover, the express delivery is not delivered by a transportation company, but comes out of the belly of your own robot, which is really fast.

Lin Lang sighed and shook her head, took out all the things, used the cosmetics on the table, painted a light makeup on herself, then took the things to the kitchen, and started her live broadcast.

Feihuo wanted to pounce on the goose: "Hey, the live broadcast has started in the anchor room. It really is the sun coming out from the west, but the operation of the anchor last time was really scumbag, even a novice, such a live broadcast is not worth it at all. watch!"

The little man: "Yes, but you are still very good-looking. Even if you don't watch games, it's okay to look at your face. Isn't there an old saying, it's called beauty can be eaten!"

Mama Wang's daughter: "But the place where the anchor is, doesn't seem to be a game room, but a bit like a kitchen. Could it be that the anchor wants to kill himself with a knife?"

Little newcomer: "I guess it might be...anchor, you have to think about it..."


Linlang looked at these messy rumors, smiled, took out the potatoes and peppers she bought from, shook them on the camera, and explained: "I believe everyone can see where this is, that's right, This is the kitchen, about the live broadcast of the game... I failed a few days ago, I feel very embarrassed, as a game anchor, I am not even as good as a novice, I am extremely ashamed!

So I decided that I will never be a game anchor anymore, and I plan to be a food anchor. If there is any problem, you can contact me for compensation! "

"Hey, the anchor is really generous, eat natural food, but natural food has radiation, even if it is free, I dare not eat it..."

"That's right, I'm afraid I'll be killed if I don't get the money..."

"I won't eat either..."

Lin Lang looked at the flashing barrage above and continued, "About the radiation, please rest assured. When shopping, the store removes the radiation very considerately. If you are still worried, you can check it with a radiation inspection device." Now, if there is any radiation left behind, I am willing to pay for all your medical expenses and mental expenses!"

Hearing this, everyone's opposition was not so strong.

"Looking at what the anchor took out, it should be black balls and peppers. The price of these things on Xingwang is quite expensive. It seems that the anchor is really generous!"

"I've eaten this black ball, it tastes very good, and it's full of noodles, but I can't eat too much, it will make my stomach feel bloated, and I will want to fart!"

"Ouch, that chili is very painful to eat, and my mouth can't stand it, anyway, I won't eat this!"


Lin Lang glanced at the barrage, smiled, washed the potatoes, peeled them and cut them into shreds. Although the skin of the potatoes was black, the inside was yellow, just like the original potatoes.

Lin Lang soaked the shredded potatoes in water, then shredded the chili peppers, and finally heated up the pot with high heat, put in the chili peppers, and stir-fried the shredded potatoes, and then added a little vinegar and salt when they felt cooked. Vinegar and salt, the vinegar and salt here are all chemically synthesized, and they are not harmful to the human body, but the a little different from that made from grain.

The scent gradually came out, and more and more people watched the live broadcast, because Lin Lang was the only one as a food anchor, and the culture had already broken down. Regarding food, it had completely degenerated to ancient times. Now that I smell the fragrance, watch the live broadcast The man swallowed hard.

Linlang put the finished potato shreds in the box, folded her hands together, bowed to the people in the live broadcast room, and said with a smile: "Everyone, my hot pepper potato shreds are ready. Regarding the lottery draw, I will wait for you." Yes, I will post the results of the lottery on the news website. Students who have won the lottery, please wait patiently!

Alright, that's all for today's live broadcast, see you at this time tomorrow! "

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang turned off the live broadcast room, randomly selected a few viewers, and sent the things over by courier.

The people who received the items were naturally very happy. When they smelled the smell, they all felt very fragrant, and there was a phenomenon in their stomachs that had never happened before, that is, gurgling, so they felt extremely strange. After checking, I found that I was hungry.

You must know that they eat this kind of nutrient solution, usually one bottle can last for a day, and they have never been hungry. Today, I just watched a live broadcast, but I didn’t expect to be hungry after watching it... This is the first time in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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