Chapter 444
After the meal, the photography team didn't dare to delay, and took Linlang on the light speed car to the destination.

"Okay, getting in the car means the show has officially started. Before we start, we're going to play a game. The outcome of the game determines how much stuff you bring!"

The host came over and said to Lin Lang with a smile: "The game we play is rock-paper-scissors, until we reach our destination, and you can take away a few things as many times as you win. Of course, as long as you lose once, I'll take one thing away!"

"Ah?" Lin Lang mourned, and then opened her watery eyes, and said pitifully, "Can you please let me go? This game is scum, even a novice has never played it, let alone this kind of game." It's a game... please..."

Everyone was caught by Lin Langmeng, and laughed together, but still said firmly: "No, this is the rule. We have to abide by the rules, just like obeying the law!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang could only play the game with a bitter face. When she arrived at the destination, she only won ten games in total.

Looking at her cooking tools and her necessities, Linlang gritted her teeth and made a difficult choice. The cook must not be lost, otherwise what would she be watching when she came to participate in the variety show?Is it really for fun!

I wrote five or six things for cooking, and the rest are medicines and things that can basically guarantee survival. The backpack was full, but now only half of the original is left.

Arriving at the gathering place, seeing familiar people, Lin Lang's color changed a bit, and she soon returned to her natural state, still smiling like a flower.

"Okay, everyone has assembled. In order to get along better, please introduce yourself!" The director clapped his hands, motioned for everyone to be quiet, and then said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone stood up one by one. To be honest, the preparations for this shooting are quite complete. There are outdoor anchors who specialize in wild survival, anchors who specialize in potions and are familiar with various plants, and fighting anchors, and Robot broadcaster.

The most popular ones should belong to Lin Lang and Xiao Wei, but since the show started until now, the two women have basically not spoken a word, not even made eye contact, and anyone can tell that there is a relationship between them. indifferent.

"Okay, now comes the most important part, which is grouping. Considering the horror of being alone, our film crew decided to divide all the team members into two groups. About who is with whom, this is not something we can decide. Yes, but everyone chooses..."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to make a decision, because this is someone who offends others, and if you don't pay attention, you may lose followers.

"The director team is really bad. Everyone is in the same position. Usually, you don't look up. If you make this choice... I don't know how much scolding you will get. If it doesn't work like this, everyone still draws lots to decide, anyway. It was God's decision... I believe no one will object to it..." Lin Lang said with a smile.

"That's really a coincidence, I object!

To be honest, I really don't want to be with someone, besides, this kind of thing is not decided by God at all, there is no science at all, this is obviously a decision made by probability!

Anyway, I have decided that I will definitely not be with you, the rest of you can figure it out! "Xiao Wei raised her head and said proudly.

"You are too unreasonable. We are all good friends. Besides, you have no reason to dislike him. It's good if they don't dislike you because of your low gene..."

"Yeah, yeah, my genes are so bad, I don't know where I got my face even if I despise others' genes!"

"I remember an old saying that ugly people do more mischief. It should be her..."

Hearing everyone's dislike, Xiaowei's face flushed red, "What's the matter? Can't people tell the truth? What's so great about her, she's a weak willow, she's a retard when she participates in this show... ..."

"Hey, even if he's holding back, he's better than you. He can at least cook and make food for us, but what can you do? Apart from reciting a few lines of poetry and singing a few lines of songs, what else can you do... Can it be eaten as a meal?"

"You..." Xiao Weiqi's head hurts.

"Okay, everyone, stop arguing. Since Xiaowei doesn't want to be with me, it's easy to deal with. The rest of us draw lots, and she can just join the group without me!" Lin Lang's eyes flashed After a bit of disgust, hehe, this woman is so stupid, I really can't figure out why the original owner lost to that woman in the previous life!

Because this show was presented to everyone in the form of live broadcast, Xiaowei's performance was seen by many people, which aroused heated discussions. Next time, her former fans will turn fans and blacks one after another.

Lin Lang's group was lucky. She was assigned a plant expert and a fighting expert. She said with a smile, "It's really lucky to be with you!"

The plant anchor shook his head, and said with a flushed face, "We are lucky. I don't know if I am lucky enough to eat something you made today..."

"Of course, but I leave it to you to identify whether the food is poisonous!" After Lin Lang finished speaking, she said to the fighting anchor: "Then the safety of our two girls is in your hands!"

The next thing will be much easier. Everyone packs their bags and walks in different directions. Along the way, a group of them walk around and have fun. Lin Lang tastes the taste, which is no different from the wild vegetables in the previous life, and This kind of wild vegetable has no radiation and is the kind that can be eaten directly.

At noon, they came to the first site. There was food supply here, but there were very few items, only some potatoes, and nutrient solution and the like.

Lin Lang ground the potatoes into puree and steamed them, then added the picked wild vegetables and fried them in a pot over low heat. Even though the two of them had just drank the nutrient solution and their stomachs were full, they still couldn't stand the smell. Salivation appeared in the eyes.

"I finally understand why your fans put you on the altar. As long as it is me, I will also put you on the altar. It's so sweet..."

"Oh, I can't stand it anymore. I only know that there are such delicious things in the world after living such an old age. Sister Linlang, I really hope that this show will be longer, and we can get along longer... I can also eat so much What a delicious food..."

Lin Lang looked at them and smiled shyly, and handed them the potato pancakes. Because of the limited food, she only made seven or eight pancakes in total.

A man and two women ate up the plate of potato cakes, and two of them were still eager to lick the plate clean. As for the film crew who was filming next to them, they were about to cry, because they were so delicious , they can't taste it.

(End of this chapter)

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