Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 465 Protecting Wife and Daughter 2

Chapter 465 Protecting Wife and Daughter II

Wang Lanlan stood aside, looked at Lin Lang lying on the bed, covered him with a quilt thoughtfully, and said, "Brother Lin Lang, I know you want to go out, but you are not in good health, so you should stay at home. If you want to do something, you can Tell me, and I'll help you!"

Lin Lang touched the little girl's head, smiled, and didn't say anything, but continued to massage her acupuncture points with her hands.

Wang Lanlan shook her head, looked outside, and found that it was getting late, so she hurried to the kitchen and started cooking.

Linlang rested for a while before recovering. At this time, Wang Lanlan had already prepared the food.

Lunch is very simple, just a bowl of white rice with a few small pickles, but Lin Lang's treatment is better, and there is a bowl of steamed eggs.

Linlang looked at Wang Lanlan's greedy look, smiled and gave her half of the egg, and said, "I don't have a good appetite today, help me eat the remaining half!"

"Ah?" Wang Lanlan really couldn't understand why brother Lin Lang couldn't eat such delicious eggs, but she was already very happy to be able to eat eggs.

In the evening, Aunt Wang came back. He worked in a textile factory, 12 hours a day, very tired, and the salary was very low, just over 1000 a month.

"Son, do you think what mother bought for you?" Aunt Wang picked up the malted milk in her hand and said with a smile.

Lin Lang took a look at Malted Milk Extract and knew that it was very precious. A box cost more than 100 yuan, which was equivalent to Aunt Wang's salary for two or three days.

"This is a good thing. Make a glass of it every morning and night to make sure you will be strong in the future!" Aunt Wang put the things in the cabinet, then glanced at Wang Lanlan, and said, "This is for your brother. You are not allowed to drink secretly!"

Wang Lanlan nodded. Lin Lang really didn't like that malted milk extract. As for drinking it to make her health better, it would have been possible decades ago, but now it is full of various saccharin and some chemical additives. It's not bad to drink to death.

Days passed like this, Lin Lang slowly exercised her body, and finally on a sunny morning, she stepped out of the door, looked at the scenery outside, and smiled happily.

"Brother, it's windy outside, go in quickly!" Wang Lanlan said worriedly as the weather was still a little cold in the early spring morning, she picked up thick clothes and put them on Lin Lang's body.

Lin Lang obediently put on the thick clothes, but instead of entering the house, she took a stick and used it as a crutch, and started wandering around.

To be honest, the air here is quite good, there is a big mountain in the distance, and a small stream surrounds this small village. As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains depends on water to eat water, and this village is fairly wealthy, much better than other places.

Especially in the past few years of reform and opening up, more and more young people have left their hometowns to venture outside. Therefore, most of the people left in this village are lonely old people and children, so it seems very quiet.

Linlang followed Wang Lanlan to the foot of the mountain, picked some wild vegetables, and then went back, because your old body couldn't take it anymore, and it felt like a little heart was about to burst.

"Brother Lin Lang, what's the matter with you? Do you need me to call auntie back..." Seeing Lin Lang's distressed expression, Wang Lanlan was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"I'm fine. You don't need to call Mom, so you won't worry her!" Lin Lang shook her head and began to calm her breathing.

At night, Aunt Wang saw her son coming out of the house, her eyes lit up, because her son had been staying in the house since he was sick, and now he came out, which means that he is in better health, and said very happily: "I can come out of the room today." Yes, it means that your body is getting better, it seems that malted milk is really useful, and mom will buy you another box tomorrow!"

Lin Lang shook her head and said, "I stopped drinking malted milk, my body is because I exercise every day, mom, don't waste that money!"

"Ah..." Aunt Wang was only slightly disappointed, "Why is malted milk extract useless? People say that malted milk extract is the best... If you are not in good health, don't even think about exercising, just stay at home Take a good rest inside..."

Lin Lang didn't know what to say, so she sighed and didn't answer.

For the next period of time, Lin Lang practiced Wuqinxi every day, sometimes went out for a walk, and went climbing when he had nothing to do. In summer, he even went swimming by the river.

After a year of recuperation, Lin Lang's body has greatly improved. Although she is still weak, she can run and jump. As long as she doesn't do strenuous exercise, she is no different from an ordinary child.

"Lin Lang, the village chief came to me a few days ago and said that you are not young and asked me to take you to school. Do you want to go to school?" Aunt Wang asked with a smile.

Lin Lang is ten years old this year, and she should be in the fourth or fifth grade. Because of poor health, she has been staying at home to recuperate. In her previous life, she also went to school. Because of her good talent and serious study, she quickly caught up The progress of the child, and then admitted to the university, but it is a pity, because of poor health, in the end...

"Mom, I naturally want to go to school, and I also want to be admitted to a university and become a college student, so that Mom can enjoy life!" Lin Lang smiled, but with a slumped face, he said hesitantly: "But I go to school because I am afraid of being discriminated against by others. I am even more afraid of being beaten by others, Mom, how about this, let Lan Lan go to school with me, if others bully me, she can still help me!"

"This..." One more child going to school is one more burden. Although there is nine years of compulsory education, it still costs money to buy books and pens. Aunt Wang gritted her teeth, thinking about her son, and said, "Okay! "

Because school only starts in autumn, Lin Lang and Wang Lanlan have been preparing at home for the past few days, and even borrowed a few children's books to help them read together.

"Look at what Mom bought for you!" Aunt Wang came in with two schoolbags, handed the better one to Linlang, and the other to Wang Lanlan.

Wang Lanlan didn't feel that this distribution was unfair. On the contrary, she was very excited and happy. Holding her schoolbag, her mouth was about to burst into the sky.

"I can go to school now, and I have a schoolbag too..." Watching other children go to school, Wang Lanlan is not envious. They didn't go to school, and they all worked at home. As for her, don't even think about it.

Now at the aunt's house, not only can she have enough to eat, but she also doesn't do much work. More importantly, she can go to school like a normal child.

(End of this chapter)

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