Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 474 Housewife's Counterattack 3

Chapter 474 The Housewife's Counterattack Part Three

Lin Lang turned her face away, and said coldly: "What do you buy? Even if I give her the gold and silver mountains, she won't give me a good face. She always thinks that I have wooed his son, and she thinks she My son is amazing, it's RMB, everyone wants it...so I might as well give her a little money to buy things, at least the beggar will give me a good face, and the beggar will be grateful!"

Although Lu Hong thinks that he is not RMB and everyone likes him, at least he is a rich man, and most girls like him, so his face is a bit ugly, but he is afraid of offending Lin Lang, so he defends and says: "You can't That is to say, she is my mother after all, she worked so hard to raise me..."

"I've already said that, what's the matter? Are you not convinced!" Lin Lang became angry and said, "Besides, am I wrong? It's like pulling two to five to eighty thousand all day. I was blind at the time." I just married a man like you, what use is there other than having a better face?"

"I...I..." Lu Hong's arrogance completely subsided, and he completely lost the tough look before.

Lin Lang glanced at the man, and couldn't help rolling her big eyes. Sure enough, in a marriage, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind.

Thinking of his own mother's face, Lu Hong gritted his teeth, and bought some fruits at the roadside stall. Lin Lang saw it and sneered. Mother Lu's poor and easy-going temperament, seeing her son buy this kind of fruit for her, couldn't help it. Know how to react?

Lin Lang thought of watching a good show, so she couldn't help laughing, the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked, revealing a beautiful little pear dimple, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, pure as water, and Lu Hong was stunned for a moment.

When I pursued Linlang back then, besides Linlang's docileness, of course Linlang's appearance, but after years of training, it faded a lot, but after these three months of raising her, she has returned to her peak.

Lu Hong touched his beating little heart, turned his eyes away with difficulty, and after a long time, he said, "Where have you lived for such a long time... It's not convenient to live outside, or you'd better move home Let's go inside..."

"What are you doing when you move home? Continue to be your nanny?" Lin Lang's eyes were full of disdain, "Hmph!"

Lu Hong was so frightened that he immediately lowered his head and concentrated on driving, not daring to say anything else.

When she came to Lu's mother's house, she found that Lu's mother was doing a beauty treatment. Lin Lang took a cold look, turned her head away, and looked at the little angel tenderly.

The child still remembers things, and when he smelled his mother, he laughed happily.

"Hey, I'm finally willing to come back. Our Lu family has suffered a lot of misfortune for several lifetimes, and we only married a daughter-in-law like you. If it weren't for the sake of you giving me a grandson, I would have asked my son to give birth to him." You're gone!" Mother Lu sneered, pointed at the kitchen, and scolded, "What are you still doing standing there? Hurry up and clean up the kitchen!"

"Oh, I see you are old and confused. Who are you? Why order me? If you think I'm not good, let your son divorce me. Anyway, I've had enough!" Lin Lang Holding the child, shaking it up and down, he said bluntly.

When Mother Lu heard this, she sat up regardless of the mask she had put on, accused Lin Lang, trembling her fingers, and was so angry that she couldn't say anything, "Okay, it's really good, you dare to talk to me, son Don't you care?"

"I...I..." How dare Lu Hong care?She lowered her head, like an angry little daughter-in-law, and said in a low voice: "Mom, just bear with it. I finally let him come here. If you get angry with him again, what will you ask your grandson to do? Is it possible to think about it?" Let him live in a single-parent family like me?"

"You...well, you've grown up and your wings have hardened, and now you're standing by your wife's side, and you don't care if I, an old lady, live or die!

Besides, what happened to single-parent families?Are you not well now?He has also become a corporate executive, the diamond king who everyone praises... Hurry up and leave this woman, mom promises, I will find you a better one when the time comes! "

"Mom!" Lu Hong shook his head. A child raised in a single-parent family is completely different from a child raised in a healthy family. He looks excellent now, but his mental health is definitely not as good as those healthy children.

Lu's mother looked at her son, and she fell back angrily, especially when she looked at the things he was holding in his hand. Her voice was sharp and piercing, "My mother has raised you up so much, so why don't you just buy these junk things to be filial to me, and send beggars away? Bastard, when I divorced you, I should have given you to your father, so as not to make you mad at me now!"

Lin Lang sneered, and said coolly, "Now you know what I've been through!"

"I..." Lu Hong felt that one head was bigger than two. If it wasn't for the child, he would have turned around and left a long time ago, so he turned his head to look at Lin Lang, and said softly, "You also saw my mother's temper. Now, the child must not be handed over to her to raise, let's take the child back... Don't worry, I hired two nannies, and I will definitely not make you tired..."

Lin Lang rolled her eyes, looked at the lovely child, and said indifferently: "This child is his own grandson, if she doesn't want to take it, it's fine, as long as she doesn't complain that the child will not recognize her in the future!"

"You...you little bitch, don't provoke me and my grandson!" Mother Lu said sarcastically.

Lin Lang didn't want to talk too much with such a shrew, and didn't want her own child to follow this shrew, so she turned around and took the child away.

"Ai ai ai..." Lu Hong saw that Lin Lang was about to leave, and hurriedly followed. When he reached the door, he said to the two nannies: "Hurry up and pack up the children's things, and come with me to our Inside the house!"

The nanny didn't delay when she heard this, she packed up her things and left without looking back.

Seeing the nanny leaving, Mother Lu was so angry that her teeth itch. These days, although the nanny takes care of the child, she also takes care of her. She has long been used to being taken care of by others, and now seeing the nanny leaving, she is so angry that her heart hurts , but did not dare to keep her, because she had no money to pay the nanny fee.

"This... this... what is this? People say that raising a son will prevent old age, and raising a son will prevent old age. I am raising this son, so it would be better if I didn't raise it..." Mother Lu clutched her chest, gasping for breath.

The beautician next to him saw such a big scene, tried hard not to laugh, and after a long time, he said: "Sister, in fact, your son treats you well, let you live in such a big house, and give you so much money to spend ...By the way, it's getting late, I'm also in a hurry to go back, look...can you settle the money first..."

(End of this chapter)

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