Chapter 478
After Lu Hong had a daughter, he completely became a daughter, and he would give her whatever she wanted.

"People say that my daughter is my father's little lover in my previous life. It seems to be true... I don't know if your daughter in the next life will be your little lover in this life?" Lin Lang said angrily, she is not true I want to pick things up, but I can't control my temper since I gave birth to a child.

Hearing this, Lu Hong bit his lips, and said pitifully, "Because this child was born by you, I like her. At the beginning, the boss... It was also because I was young and ignorant, and I ignored a lot, so I think The compensation is on the second child!"

Lin Lang's temper became a little smoother, that's all, so let's live this life like this, there is no perfect thing in life, so let's make do with it.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on a small wooden bed. The room was dark. There was a small window on the bridge, and the sunlight came in from it, so she could vaguely see the situation in the room.

There were clanging, clanging, clanging sounds. Lin Lang had traveled through so many worlds, so she knew it was the sound of cooking. She didn't expect this room to be so close to the kitchen. No wonder the white walls were smoky.

This room is very small, only six or seven square meters. She sleeps on a double bed, with a small wooden cabinet next to it, and a small table next to the window, with many books piled up on it.

Linlang's eyes were in a trance, and she was about to close her eyes to accept the plot when suddenly a sharp voice came out.

"Oh, some people's lives are good. Not only have you changed from a rural person to a city person, but you are also like a young lady who only knows how to sleep in the house, and those of us... are the lives of maids... ...Why do you say that people are so mad at people..."

"What is this? I'm just pitiful. Everyone is a daughter-in-law. How come I work every day to take care of the family, but they can sleep so soundly..."

Lin Lang naturally heard clearly who they were talking about, and it must be her, but her mouth grows on others, and her ears grow on her. If they want to say that they are free, whether they want to listen or not is their own freedom.

After thinking about this clearly, Lin Lang covered her head and began to accept the plot.

"My husband is an educated youth who went to the countryside. Later, we got together through someone's introduction. Our life was stable and comfortable. Later, I gave birth to a daughter for him. I thought the days would pass like this. I didn't expect that the policy changed and the educated youth could return to the city. , and you can also take the college entrance examination!
After learning that the policy had changed, my husband went back to the city. After a lot of hard work, he was admitted to a university and later took me to the city. People said I was blessed to marry such a husband, and I also became a city resident, and more importantly, my husband is a college student, and everyone said I was a high climber!
But have I really climbed high?Marrying into this family, everyone thinks I don’t exist and despises me. My mother-in-law thinks I’m admiring his son because I’m from a rural area and don’t have a job. people!
I had a very hard time living in this family. After I finally got better, after I moved out, my husband couldn’t control the money. People thought that my husband would be well-off after he was admitted to university. No, it's not, just borrowing money from east to west, if I want to say that others say I didn't do anything, why should I care about my husband?

My life is really miserable. My husband swollen his face and pretended to be fat outside. My daughter and son also complained about me, saying that I only care about others but not at home!
Alas, I hope you can help me change the status quo. I hope that my husband will not be swollen and fat, and I hope to take good care of the children! "

After Lin Lang accepted the plot, she actually hated such a person, not to mention that the original owner's husband was called Zhan Yan, the money he earned was actually marital property, and lending money to others without his wife's consent was actually showing generosity to others.

Just as Lin Lang was about to enter, there was a knock on the door, followed by an elderly woman in gray clothes, gray hair, and triangular eyes, who opened the door and said disdainfully, "This sun is drying your butt." , Why are you still sleeping, get up and work for me!"

This should be the mother-in-law, Lin Lang yawned delicately, rolled her big eyes, and said carefully: "I said mother-in-law, I just came here, and it's been less than a day, so let me work and treat guests There is no such thing!"

"Heh, you still think you are some kind of guest. You have married into my family, and you are a family. You don't have a job now, and you eat our food. Why don't you hurry up and do more work!" He choked for a while, his heart skipped a beat, and he said with a sullen face.

"Hey, my mother-in-law's words are so funny. I eat your family's food. I remember that when I came here, I brought more than 100 catties of fine noodles, and some bacon. Just eat it hard in our family of three, that's okay. It's been more than a month, not to mention that my husband also subsidizes the family every month!" Lin Lang is not unwilling to respect this mother-in-law, but this mother-in-law is watching people cook, and the one who was talking in the kitchen just now is the eldest daughter-in-law, she is mean, Because the family is not well-off and needs to rely on her in-laws, she listens to her mother-in-law very much, and can be said to be a dog by her mother-in-law's side.

The second daughter-in-law is at work, his parents are both workers, and his family is better off, the mother-in-law dare not take him into surgery, and usually does not let the second son's work.

Her husband is the third child and the youngest in the family. Because when he grew up, there was really no job in the family, so he was assigned to go to the countryside.

People say that they prefer the eldest and love the youngest, and those in the middle are the least distressed, but their family is just the opposite, preferring the eldest and the second.

" dare to talk to me, you are really unfilial, I will let my son teach you a lesson when I come back!" The mother-in-law rolled up her sleeves and cursed loudly.

"Grandma, how can you talk nonsense, what do I mean by being unfilial, I am just seeking truth from facts!

Besides, I have been on the train for three or four days, and my legs are swollen, so I can't let me rest for a few more days! Lin Lang looked around, but after not seeing her daughter, her expression changed, and she asked fiercely, "Where's my daughter?" "

The mother-in-law just wanted to talk about a money-losing girl, so why are you so nervous?But seeing Lin Lang's expression, she was frightened all of a sudden, and stammered, "I...have a lot of clothes at home, I asked her to wash outside..."

"Hey, what a worker's family, it's even more ruthless than a landlord, what's wrong with the daughter? Isn't the daughter a human being? Mother-in-law, you are also a daughter, don't you think you hate yourself too?
It's a cold day, my daughter is only five years old, let her do the laundry, Zhou Pai, this family..."

(End of this chapter)

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