Chapter 480

Lin Lang wasn't picky. To be honest, I still missed this job. In addition, this place is close to home and can take care of children, so it's a good job.

After getting a job, Lin Lang grew up and went to the vegetable market and spent some money, but she couldn't buy real fat meat, she could only buy some bones and the like, because they didn't require meat tickets.

Looking at the big bones that Lin Lang bought, the mother-in-law's face flashed with anger, but she was embarrassed to speak when she saw Lin Lang.

"Mother-in-law, you stewed this big bone today, let me and the child make up for it. It's been two or three days since I came to you, and I haven't even seen any meat. It's still in the city, not even my country..." Lin Lang Holding the child, he complained.

When the mother-in-law heard this, her face turned green and pale for a while, and finally took the big bone, gritted her teeth and said: "Then I have really wronged you for a while!!! But if you really want to eat something good, you can eat it with me." Said, why spend this money to buy big bones... You and the third child also got married, and you should save some money, so what will you do in the future..."

"Oh, I bought a big bone today, and I have something good to celebrate, mother-in-law, I found a job, and I can take the child back there, so I will trouble you and my sister-in-law for family affairs in the future. I'm afraid I can't help much. Busy!" Lin Lang said with a smile.

"Find a job?" The mother-in-law was a little puzzled and asked, "You are a peasant woman from the countryside, who will recruit you?"

"Oh, mother-in-law, you are not extorting people. What's wrong with the rural people? The rural people also rely on their own handicrafts to eat!" Linlang said loudly, "Besides, whoever goes up three algebras is not a poor peasant! "

The mother-in-law was completely afraid to speak, so she could only go to the kitchen with the big bone to work, but she couldn't suppress the anger in her heart, so she vented her anger on the big bone and chopped it vigorously with a knife.

The bone soup was so thick and white that it felt like my heart was about to melt when I drank it into my mouth. Even my mother-in-law's anger dissipated a little.

"Mother-in-law, I think there is still a lot left in the pot. Later, you can pack some for me in an insulated box, and I'll send it to Zhanyan. It's not easy for him to study, so he needs to make up for it!" Lin Lang took a sip of the soup, Said slowly.

The little soup in the pot was what the mother-in-law wanted to save for the next night's noodles, so she didn't dare to post what Lin Lang said, so she nodded her head in agreement.

Bone soup alone is definitely not enough, so Lin Lang went to the International Restaurant to buy a few big meat buns. Seeing the little girl was so greedy, she gritted her teeth and bought another one, and handed it over.

"Mom, eat first!" The little girl was very filial, and handed the bun to Lin Lang's mouth.

Lin Lang bit the outer skin, then kissed the little girl, praised her for her filial piety, and made the rest of the buns for the little girl to eat.

"How did you come here?" Zhanyan is a thin and tall man with a very sunny and handsome appearance, but his handsomeness is not the trend of the times, but it suits Linlang's taste.

"Thinking of your hard work in school, I'll bring you something, eat it while it's hot!" Lin Lang handed over the food.

Zhan Yan opened the things and found bone soup and big meat buns, his face was full of surprise, and he asked, "Where did these things come from? Mom and Dad have eaten them?"

"Don't worry, your parents have already eaten. It's true that your wife and children are still here, and you don't ask them if they are doing well..." Lin Lang snorted coldly, with a trace of complaint in her tone.

Zhanyan scratched his head in embarrassment, gobbled it up, and quickly swept it all away, touched his eighty-percent full stomach, burped, and said with satisfaction: "It's really delicious!"

Lin Lang packed up her things, and explained, "Today I'm not only here to deliver things to you, but I also have something to talk about. I found a job as an apprentice in a garment factory. The apprentice is 18 yuan a month!"

"Ah?" A trace of confusion flashed in Zhanyan's eyes. His wife's skills in making clothes are indeed good, but she didn't get hired by others, but having a job is always a good thing, so she smiled and praised her.

After explaining some more things, before leaving, Lin Lang took out a few dollars from her pocket, handed it over, and said, "Don't refuse, take it for me quickly, I know, you now There is a monthly subsidy, but you hand over most of it to your mother-in-law. How can a man do without much money in his pocket? Even if you don’t buy other things, you will always need it to entertain your classmates..."

Hearing this, Zhan Yan, who was hesitant at first, took the money.

The new job is very simple, just sewing clothes. The clothes here are much better than those in the countryside, and the colors are also more colorful than those in the countryside. You can imitate modern skirts and make several dresses. The styles are many and beautiful, and they are loved by many people. like.

Even Lin Lang received a lot of compliments. Lin Lang also pretended to be a public servant, and made some unwanted rags and rags into dolls, and the larger rags and rags were made into children's clothes. Fortunately, the eldest daughter is still young, so she can wear all the clothes she made.

"Oh, these people's lives are good. They are obviously girls, so they can wear new clothes every day without having to work..." The sister-in-law looked at the old girl wearing a new dress again, her tone was terrified. She was about to die of acid. So far, her two sons only had one or two pieces of clothing.

Lin Lang was like farting for such words, and she didn't even make any sense. After eating, she took the child to the workplace.

"Grandmother, look at her, what kind of attitude is this! What is a girl doing for him to wear such nice clothes? Look at our Dajun and Xiaojun. Up to now, they are still wearing ragged clothes. Sometimes the clothes are not dry. , and you have to bare your butt...Grandma, you have to be the master of our family, Dajun and Xiaojun are your grandsons, that is just a granddaughter, and she will marry someone else..."

"Okay, don't talk about it!" The mother-in-law is also greedy for new clothes, but she really dare not provoke the third daughter-in-law, "If you are greedy, you can spend money to do it!"

"Where do I have money..." The sister-in-law muttered a few words in a low voice.

But the mother-in-law ignored it, feeling bored. After eating, she glanced at the calendar, sighed, and said, "The third child should be back today. I will have a good talk with him then, this daughter-in-law ...You are too ignorant of propriety, and spend money lavishly..."

"Well, it's time to talk about it!" The father-in-law echoed.

On Linlang's side, because she knew that Zhanyan was coming back today, she spent some money to make a big padded jacket for Zhanyan. Although it's spring now, it's still cold, especially at night when the wind is biting.

Zhan Yan originally didn't bring a few good clothes when he went to the countryside, but after marrying her, he only got a few unlined clothes. As for the thick-faced jacket, he didn't have any at all.

Lin Lang was afraid that Zhanyan would be frozen, and besides, it was convenient for her to make clothes here. As for the money, she could get fabrics and cotton with only a small part, which was much better than those who needed money to buy clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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