Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 500: Nongmen Shrew 3

Chapter 500 The Nongmen Vixen III

Lin Lang yawned, and when she heard that the row of retail outlets became more and more impatient, she kicked Chen's mother next to her, and said angrily, "What kind of noble girl do you have, you come back so late, no wonder others dare not marry, so you have to marry her." Isn't it obvious that you want to wear a cuckold when you marry and go home?"

"You..." Chen's mother was just about to scold, but thinking about Lin Lang's temper, she had to shrink her head and forcefully defended, "She...she just went outside to play, and didn't hang out with some dubious people , don't talk nonsense, so as not to damage her reputation..."

"Oh, I'm talking nonsense? It's so funny. I guess you are the only one kept in the dark. People in the entire ten miles and eight villages don't know that Chen Hehua is a dissolute person. Xiaoshulin..." Lin Lang snorted coldly, "You are the only one who can raise such a daughter, what a nest of snakes and rats!"

Lin Lang lifted the shoes and opened the door. Seeing Chen Hehua who was impatient at the door, she directly pushed down with a stick, "What's your name? You don't sleep at night!"

"Ahhhhh, you bitch, you dare to hit me, I want to tell my mother, let her teach you a lesson!" Jump down the string, like a jumping clown.

"Hehehe, your mother is lying on the bed now, how can you have time to care about you, as a daughter, you don't want to take good care of her at home, and play with some messy people all day long, no wonder you are seventeen or eighteen years old and haven't married yet." Lin Lang rolled her eyes and said with disgust: "I eat rice at home all day long, and I don't have any self-consciousness at all. I advise you to be good, or I'll sell you!"

"You..." Chen Hehua is being unruly and willful, no matter how unreasonable she is, she is also a little girl, and her inability to marry is a scar on her wound. She burst into tears, pushed Lin Lang away, and ran to the room to look at Chen My mother lay on the bed and began to cry: "Mom, you have to make the decision for me. My sister-in-law called me an old girl who can't get married, and said I sold me for disobedience. Hurry up and teach her for me." Otherwise, my daughter will be bullied to death by her..."

When Mother Chen heard this, she gasped with anger. It was unbearable that the girl she was holding was being bullied like this, but she had to bow her head under the eaves. Now she was paralyzed on the bed, Daughter is hopeless again...

"You can also see that I can't move her at all when I'm paralyzed on the bed... Hurry up and find your brother, let your brother come back, and make decisions for our mother..." Mother Chen whispered, because she was afraid that Lin Lang would hear.

Thinking of the beating just now, Chen Hehua also had some lingering fears in her heart. She shrank her head, rolled her eyes, and said in a low voice: "Mother, you must have some money to go to the city, you have to give me some money!"

Chen's mother was very heartbroken when she heard the money was asked for. With trembling hands, she took out dozens of coins from her arms, handed them over, and said, "This is the only money I have on me. Take it first, and wait for you to come back." After that, mother will give you some more!"

Dozens of copper coins were enough for her to buy a box of rouge. Chen Hehua happily put the money away, and she gained confidence.

Seeing Lin Lang come in, he let out a cold snort in dissatisfaction, but at least his temper was much better than before, "I'm hungry, where's the food?"

"Hehehe..." Lin Lang sneered a few times, rolled her eyes, and said directly: "You who don't work still want to eat, want to be beautiful!"

"You..." Chen Hehua choked for a moment, her first reaction was to find her mother, but looking at her mother who was paralyzed on the bed, she knew that she could not be counted on, so she could only swallow this breath.

Early the next morning, Chen Hehua went out in the dark, Lin Lang didn't care, after all, this woman always likes to run out.

Chen Hehua came to the county seat in a carriage and went to the place where her brother was studying. After inquiring, she found that her brother was not in the academy, so she had to wait at the gate of the academy. Her brother didn't come back until dark.

"Lotus... flowers..." Chen Nan smelled of alcohol, looked at the girl, and said in a daze.

"Brother, it's me!" Chen Hehua nodded, and said aggrievedly: "Brother, hurry back, the house is about to be turned upside down!"

"What's the matter..." Chen Nan was half sober, and asked suspiciously: "Where's your sister-in-law? The family is in trouble, and she didn't care?"

"Wow...don't mention it, she is the one who tosses about the house, and now my mother is paralyzed in bed. If my mother hadn't been so thoughtful and asked me to come to you, I guess you won't be able to see us when you go back..." Chen Hehua said Be as pitiful as you can be.

Chen Nan woke up completely from the wine, scratched his head, and asked with a puzzled face: "Are you telling the truth? I know who your sister-in-law is. If you can't beat a fart with three sticks, how can you kill your family?" What about the upside down inside?"

Chen Hehua sobbed twice, "I don't know, I just know that my mother was about to quarrel with her and suddenly became paralyzed. When I went back, she still beat me and said I was an old girl who couldn't get married. You still have to sell me, brother, you have to make the decision for me..."

"It's really unreasonable, no, I want to go home and teach that woman a lesson, if she dares to treat you like this again, I will divorce her!" Chen Nan rolled up his sleeves and said angrily.

"Brother, you are the best..." Hearing that someone was supporting her, Chen Hehua smiled happily, then touched her belly, and said sadly: "Brother, I have waited for you for so long and haven't eaten yet, can you Buy me something to eat?"

Chen Nan touched his body, a little embarrassed, drinking all the money on his body today, even if Chen Hehua didn't come to find him, he would go back today, so he scratched his head and said: "What to eat? What a waste to eat outside, let's go home and ask mother to cook something delicious for us!"

"Ah?" Chen Hehua was a little disappointed, she still wanted to eat big meat buns in the city, besides, Mother was already paralyzed on the bed, what delicious food could she give them?

But there was no other way, Chen Hehua could only go home with Chen Nan, looked at Lin Lang who was sitting by the well washing diapers, laughed loudly, and said forcefully: "Bitch, look who is back, I will let you bully Me, apologize to me quickly, or I will let my brother divorce you!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang wiped the water stains on her hands, glanced at the man who was hollowed out by the wine, rolled her eyes in her heart, and said softly: "It's just in time for you to come back, let's see if your sister is still there. Let me tell you, I gave birth to a child for you, it's a boy, go in and have a look!"

"This..." Chen Nan really didn't expect that she would become a father as soon as she got home, but she still had something on her mind, so she didn't go in and said, "I heard from my sister that you beat her yesterday. What's going on? I'm not here In this family, what happened in the past few days? And how did your mother become paralyzed?"

(End of this chapter)

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