Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 805 Green Hat Emperor 3

Chapter 805 Green Hat Emperor III

The queen snorted coldly, "If every prince in the palace misses the emperor, can they all come and see the emperor? Concubine Yu, as a concubine, you should know what rules are and what is decency!"

Concubine Yugui became more and more wronged, her beautiful eyes were full of tears, and her body was even weaker. She couldn't help but trembled a few times, looking extremely pitiful, "It's my sister, it's just the eighth prince... really I miss his father so much, I hope the empress will understand!"

"I don't think the emperor has to come to the imperial study to see the emperor, it will disturb the emperor!" The queen said with a cold face.

Lin Lang couldn't help rubbing his forehead, he finally knew why this empress was so unpleasant, honest words were harsh, although everyone knew it, but he still liked to listen to obedient words against his will!

"Okay, what a big deal, the eighth prince doesn't come here often, so there's no need to worry about it!" Lin Lang knocked on the table to stop the two people from arguing, "Tell me, what's the matter this time?"

The queen held her breath in her heart, gritted her teeth and said: "Your Majesty, you have been sick these days. Everything is taken care of by the imperial concubine and Pluto, and you have never summoned a concubine. The concubine is really worried. come and see!"

When Concubine Yugui heard this, she burst into tears, "What do you mean, Empress?"

The queen sneered, "What do I mean? Concubine Yugui knows it well in her heart. I don't believe those rumors. Concubine Yugui has never heard of them?"

Linlang's eyes flickered, gossip, why hasn't he heard of it?
"Okay, King Ming is loyal to me, there is no way he has two hearts! Concubine Yugui is my most beloved concubine, and she treats me wholeheartedly, so don't think about it!" Lin Lang waved her hand and continued: "You Thinking of these unfounded things, you must be in a panic, recently the prince does not listen to the doctor's advice and treat him well, so you go and take care of the prince!"

Hearing that she was able to take care of her son, the queen's eyes lit up, she glanced at Concubine Yu Gui, and could only suppress the matter in front of her.

After the Empress left, Concubine Yugui choked and said: "Your Majesty, my concubine is really wronged. Although I was childhood sweetheart with King Ming, my concubine and King Ming have never crossed paths. I hope His Majesty will check it out!"

Lin Lang nodded indiscriminately, "Okay, I believe you!"

Concubine Yugui felt choked again, she was extremely angry, but there was nowhere to vent her anger.

"Father, my son misses you, and wants to come and see you every day..." the Eighth Prince said admiringly with his big watery eyes.

Lin Lang glanced at the child, he looked quite cute, but unfortunately at such a young age, there were too many things in his eyes, which ruined what should have been in his original age.

Lin Lang smiled and said, "I want to see Father, as long as you do your homework well, Father will visit you in person!"

When the Eighth Prince heard the homework, his face turned pale all of a sudden, and he muttered for a long time, but he didn't say anything, which made Concubine Yugui very angry.

Here, the prince waited for his mother to come, his eyes were full of astonishment, "Mother... why are you here?"

The queen mother looked at her son who had lost a lot of weight, and said sadly: "Your father asked me to come, I didn't say it, your father has already found a doctor for you, why don't you take medicine! "

The prince sighed, "I was wronged, but my father never believed it... I feel wronged in my heart..."

When the queen heard this, she gritted her teeth and said, "What's the use of talking so much, your father has long been fooled by that vicious son, and he doesn't want to believe us both!"

The crown prince lowered his head, "Father... How is Father..."

The queen shook her head. Her son is the most pure and filial, and I don't know whether it is good or bad, "He is doing well, talking and laughing with Concubine Yu and the Eighth Prince, and the family is harmonious!"

"Mother...it's my son who has dragged you down..." the prince lowered his head and said sadly.

"Nonsense!" The queen shook her head, glanced at her son, and said, "Don't think so much, your father asked the imperial doctor to treat you, which means that he has forgiven you in his heart, and you take good care of your body, so that you can Share your worries with your father!"

Here, after Concubine Yugui had left, the eunuch couldn't help but asked, "Your Majesty...His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Empress..."

Lin Lang looked at the eunuch with a half-smile and put down the brush in his hand, "You and I have been with me for decades, right?"

The eunuch nodded and said: "The old emperor still remembers that the slave followed the emperor when he was young, so it can be said that he walked here with the emperor..."

"Yes, but why do you say that your heart changes as you walk..." Lin Lang looked at the eunuch with cold eyes, and finally slapped the table, "I think I treat you well, why did you betray me?" I?"

The eldest lady overheard this, knelt down tremblingly, and kowtowed a few times, "Your Majesty, please forgive me... Slave... Slave is infatuated... Slave deserves death..."

Lin Lang snorted coldly, "You really deserve to die, and you must be responsible for the prince's rebellion... It's really good!"

The eunuch couldn't help shivering, it was really a wrong step, if he hadn't listened to Concubine Yugui's words, he would have taken that step... But it's useless to regret now.

"Come here!" Lin Lang knocked on the table, and a shadow flashed over, "Strict interrogation, I want to know all the news, and find someone to replace him!"

After a while, a man who looked exactly like the eunuch came over and stayed beside Lin Lang quietly.

Here, after knowing that he was about to be sent to Huangzhuang, King Ming was furious, but he had to obey the emperor's will!

He could only look at the power in his hands, which was distributed to other courtiers one by one, and they were all courtiers who had enmity with him, his teeth itched with anger, but he was so powerless.

After Lin Lang recuperated, she went to her first morning court. I have to say that the dragon chair under her buttocks was very hard, but it was really enjoyable to see people from the bottom.

"If you have something to play, you have nothing to do!" The fake eunuch waved his whisk, and a sharp voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say!" A censor took a step forward and knelt down on the ground, "It's about the crown prince. The prince's rebellion is a serious crime. I hope the emperor will punish him as soon as possible to show the power of the dragon!"

Lin Lang sneered, it seems that there are quite a lot of people staring at the seat under her buttocks, and someone is leading the charge today.

"Aiqing, do you think the throne is mine or yours?" Lin Lang asked coldly.

"Of course the throne belongs to the emperor!" Yu Shi replied in shock.

Lin Lang continued: "Since it's mine, how can it be treason to let my son take my things? It's just a joke on my own!"

(End of this chapter)

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