Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 813 Reviving 1 Time 1

Chapter 813
Lin Lang thought of this, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, compared to clothes?Can you who only live one life compare to me who have lived hundreds of lives?

Just as she was thinking, there was a knock on the door. A gentle woman opened the door and said with a smile, "Are you up? Hurry up and clean up, eat your breakfast, and your father will send you to school!"

Lin Lang suddenly remembered that she was in her third year of high school. She was the only girl in the village who was in high school, which showed how much she was favored.

After Linlang washed up, she walked down the stairs. The breakfast was delicious millet porridge with refreshing pickles. Before leaving, Mama Tang stuffed two eggs into her hands.

Lin Lang was riding a motorcycle. It was a motorcycle, but for the whole town, this motorcycle was a luxury car. If any young man wanted to use a motorcycle to get married, it would be equivalent to using a Porsche to meet the bride.

Grabbing Papa Tang's clothes, he arrived at the school in a short while, got out of the car, Linlang trotted into the school gate, turned his head and said to Papa Tang as he walked, "Just send it here, you can go back!"

Papa Tang nodded, "Be careful!"

Lin Lang had just entered the classroom when she noticed an unexpected visitor in the classroom. She narrowed her eyes, returned to her seat with a natural expression, and asked her deskmate, "What's the matter with that woman? Did she come to visit? Or Are you here to wait for someone?"

The tablemate pouted, "Her name is Duan Xiaohong, she is five years older than us, and I don't know what she thinks, she wants to come to school anyway!

It's also fortunate that her husband loves her and is willing to pay for her to go to school. You said that you are already at this age, so why not find a job in a factory and divide up a few more children! "

Linlang glanced at Duan Xiaohong when she heard this, but said nothing, just bowed her head and was doing her homework.

Over there, Duan Xiaohong looked at the woman not far away, and couldn't help clenching her fists. It was this woman who married her husband in her previous life and lived the life of a rich wife. Why?Why is the same person, but the fate is different?

That woman was the only female student in the village who was admitted to university in her previous life, and her father was the richest man in the town, even if he got it in the city, he was one of the best. Although the husband she married was a second marriage, he loved her and was willing to give all his property to her. She, it seems that all the good things in the world have happened to this woman.

When the class bell rang, the teacher came in, picked up the book and began to give lectures. Duan Xiaohong had a hard time listening, and subconsciously glanced at Linlang, and found that Linlang could hear very clearly.

Duan Xiaohong's heart tightened, and she gritted her teeth and continued to listen to the class, but he only went to junior high school. After entering the society, although he also learned something, he paid it back to the teacher after so many years. It's different from listening to the bible.

But she understands that knowledge is precious, and it is not easy for her to have a chance to learn, especially the money for her re-study, her husband's hard-earned money for others to repair railways.

Thinking of her husband, she showed a smug smile, glanced at Linlang, with a smile on her face, no matter how powerful she is, her husband is mine now, and he will never marry you again. I hurt you, don't even think about it.

"Duan Xiaohong, study hard and don't lose your mind!"

When Duan Xiaohong heard the teacher calling her, her face flushed with shame, she couldn't help but clenched her pen, lowered her head, to hide her shameful expression.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Lin Lang exercised her muscles and bones, and at the same time took out a piece of white paper, and wrote and drew on it with a pencil.

"You are Lin Lang's classmate. I heard from the teacher that your grades are very good. I have some questions to ask you. Is it okay?" Duan Xiaohong walked over and saw Lin Lang's white and delicate cheeks, clean and flawless clothes. Eyes are red.

Lin Lang raised her head and glanced at Duan Xiaohu. She didn't know what her plan was again, but she nodded anyway. After all, a person who knows that learning is a good thing, she really doesn't want to discourage others from learning.

Lin Lang glanced at the math questions. These questions were rather convoluted, but as long as the formulas were applied correctly, everything would become so easy.

Lin Lang wrote down all the formulas that high school students must learn, and then explained them one by one. Duan Xiaohong began to be a little confused, but Lin Lang explained carefully, and she could understand some math problems, instead of just reading math books like before. Like the bible.

When the class bell rang, Duan Xiaohong thought about it, thanked her, and left with her math book.

"It's really ugly people are so troublesome. At this age, why don't you stay at home and have a baby, why go out to school?" The female deskmate let out a cold snort, with a hint of disgust on her face.

Lin Lang took a look and said, "The value of a woman should not be reflected in getting married and having children!"

"Hmph!" The deskmate snorted coldly, "He is so many years older than us, and he still goes to school with us, so he doesn't know the shame?"

"Everyone is equal in front of knowledge, why should you be ashamed?" Lin Lang chuckled a few times, ignored the business at the same table, and continued to draw her own design.

At noon, Lin Lang ordered a dish and a soup directly. It was a dish, and it was some big fat pieces. It was disgusting to Lin Lang, but to others, it was a rare delicacy.

"What a delicious meal, why don't you eat it?" A female classmate asked suspiciously after seeing Lin Lang's meal.

Lin Lang smiled awkwardly, took out an egg from her pocket, and said, "My mother cooked an egg for me today, I almost forgot about it, and I can't eat this meal, I don't know what to do... ..."

The female classmate had the same eyes, "You can give it to me if you can't finish it, don't waste it!"

Lin Lang nodded, handed the meal to the female classmate, clapped her hands, and left the cafeteria.

After finally getting through school, Lin Lang just walked out of the school gate when she found Papa Tang waiting for her to walk up quickly and get on the motorcycle.

"Student Linlang!" Just as Linlang was about to leave, Duan Xiaohong suddenly ran over, holding a man by the hand, "Thank you so much today, if you hadn't taught me how to do the questions, I'm afraid I wouldn't know anything !"

Duan Xiaohong pulled her man over just to tell you that this man is her husband, so don't make any decisions about him in the future. By the way, let Papa Tang see that it is impossible for a father who loves his daughter to marry his daughter. Give it to a married man.

Lin Lang glanced at it and nodded, "It's just a matter of raising your hands, it's getting late, my dad and I are leaving first!"

Duan Xiaohong nodded, and after they left, she said to the man beside her, "Her father is the richest man in the town, but she also lives a delicate life, like today, she doesn't even eat meat..."

(End of this chapter)

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