Chapter 817 Bankruptcy Daughter II

It is said that she has paid back the several hundred million owed by her father. In just a few years, she has earned several hundred million. Then... what will happen in the future...

Zhu Wei's intestines are turning green with regret now. If he had married Lin Lang back then, wouldn't all those things belong to him?It's a pity that there is no if in the world, let alone regret medicine.

After Linlang ran out of money, she reduced some of her shares before letting her own money go.

"Dad, I heard that my sister has paid back all the money we owed and started a big company. Shall we go back?" Wang Lei saw the news in the newspaper, his eyes sparkled, and he ran away with the newspaper back home.

During this period of time, he really had had enough, not only had to hide from XZ, but also the food was not as good as before. Now seeing his younger sister getting rich, he was able to live his old life again, and ran home happily.

Father Wang was talking nonsense because his son was talking nonsense. After all, as a father, he knew exactly what his daughter was capable of. But when he saw what was published in the newspaper and saw the person in the newspaper, he realized that it was indeed his daughter. full of surprises.

"I didn't expect...your sister is so capable, she created such a big company at such a young age, and paid off all our debts..." Father Wang couldn't calm down holding the newspaper for a long time.

Wang's mother heard the movement and came out of the house. At this moment, her face was full of exhaustion. After seeing the news in the newspaper, she opened her mouth in disbelief and said, "Is that our daughter?"

In her memory, her daughter only knows how to buy, buy and buy. Although she has excellent grades, she really has no business mind.

"It's all a family. There is no overnight feud. Now that the matter is settled, let's pack up and go back!" Wang's mother is really fed up with this place. She is not familiar with the place, and the food she eats is not to her liking. By doing it by herself, in just a few years, she has aged several decades.

The father and son looked at each other, nodded, packed their luggage in a hurry, took the plane of the day, and came back in a low-key manner.

When they returned to the original residence, they found that it had been unsealed, but the door locks were all broken. The family had no choice but to come to Linlang Company's place.

Hearing that someone was looking for her, Lin Lang's face was full of surprise, but she went down anyway. After seeing the three people, her expression was extremely ugly, "I've already left, what are you doing when you come back?"

Mother Wang burst into tears when she heard this. It was really a last resort to put her daughter here, but it was also for her daughter's benefit. She thought that her daughter was engaged to someone else. If they wanted to leave, Zhu Wei would marry her daughter, but They also didn't expect Zhu Wei to be so cruel, he turned around and broke the marriage with his daughter, and got engaged to someone else.

"You dead child, we left you here at the beginning, you really had no other choice. I thought... relying on my friendship with the Zhu family, I should marry you, but I didn't expect..." Mother Wang said uncomfortable .

Father Wang had a look of embarrassment on his face, and finally coughed, "Okay, what are the family doing so much? Where do you live now?"

Lin Lang glanced at the family. Although they abandoned her, they didn't treat her badly at the beginning.

"Because you left and ordered so much food, the family's house and car were basically confiscated... Although I returned the money later, his things were sold long ago, and there is no way to get them back!
I bought a new apartment, you can move in first, as for the future, wait until you settle down! "

Lin Lang took them to a new apartment she bought. The house is a duplex building with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. It's a little small.

"Didn't you start a big company? I heard it was listed on the market? Why did you buy such a small house?" The elder brother curled his lips and said with disgust.

Lin Lang turned her head and rolled her eyes, "I could have bought a mansion, but who made my parents owe money, and still owed so much money... that made me penniless after paying back the money... ..."

The three of them stopped talking, and honestly packed their luggage. It was getting late, and Lin Lang took the three of them to a random restaurant for lunch.

If the three of them had gotten into trouble long ago, how could such a poor restaurant be worthy of their identities, but such a long life of fugitive has already worn out his temper, and now he can eat a normal meal, Thank goodness for that already.

After eating, Father Wang couldn't sit still, "We just want to settle down here when we come back, what are you going to do?"

Lin Lang was driving the car, and when she heard this, she said, "Since you're back, you should stay at home. Dad, you can't do business anymore. After all, you ran away and your reputation has been ruined... No one wants to be with this kind of People talk about business...Anyway, you and my mother are getting older, so stay at home and enjoy the rest of your life, and if you feel bored, you can travel abroad..."

Why would Father Wang want to stay at home? She thought she was still young and could fight for decades, but thinking of what she had done, Zhang couldn't speak, let alone say, "We can't do business, but your brother can what!"

"What can he do? Besides fighting and picking up girls, what else can he do? I'm afraid that after I make him the manager, I will go bankrupt in a short time!" Linlang said ironically.

Wang's mother was not happy, "Your brother is not that bad, you graduated from a foreign university, think about it, you were not as good as your brother back then, and you created a big company... If your brother was not dragged down by us, Maybe even stronger than you!"

Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "Then let him start his own company, anyway, I started from scratch, why can't he!"

"I already have such good resources, why do I start from scratch? Isn't this a detour!" The elder brother knew how much he weighed, so he rolled his eyes, "Let me go to your company for a few days first Class, get used to it, and then I'll go out and start my own business!"

Lin Lang snorted coldly, "Don't even think about the affairs of my company. In order to pay off the debt, I have sold more than half of the shares in my hand, and now there are not many shares left in my hand. It is estimated that after a while, I will have to resign from that position. Back off!"

" founded the company, how could it be..." Father Wang still didn't believe it, thinking that his daughter was lying to him.

"You think I'm lying to you, and you don't even think about how much money you owe?" Lin Lang couldn't get angry when she thought of this, "I ran away when I said I was going to leave a mess, and now it's finally cleaned up , it’s fine if you come back, you still want to cause trouble for me, have you ever thought about my difficulties?”

(End of this chapter)

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