Chapter 820 Girlfriend II

Lin Lang didn't tell her father that the person Duan Yang cheated on was Bai Ling. After all, the three families are old friends. It's embarrassing to really tell the truth... As for how long this matter can be kept secret, she doesn't know. After another conversation, they hung up the phone.

After agreeing to stay here, Lin Lang naturally couldn't go back halfway, and began to actively submit resumes to major companies online.

"Are you looking for a job?" The phone rang and Li Shuang's voice came.

While looking at the computer, Lin Lang said casually: "Yes, my ex-boyfriend made me lose face so much, I don't dare to go back, at least I have to make a career before going back!

But... how did you know I was looking for a job? "

Li Shuang laughed immediately, "You submitted your resume to our company, and I happened to see it!"

Speaking of which, Li Shuang is the smartest of the four of them. Although he is only two or three years older than them, he joined a big company right after graduating from university. Manage a hundred people.

Lin Lang thought about it for a while. She did invest in Li Shuang's company, but at the beginning, she invested randomly. She wanted to cast a wide net to catch fish, but she didn't expect to catch this fish.

"Are you still short of a job? Let me try it?" Lin Lang shyly said that the big company is good, not only good benefits, but also good treatment.

Li Shuang smiled slightly, "Do you think your resume meets the requirements?"

"We're childhood sweethearts, we're so close, can't you let me go through the back door?" Lin Lang said flatteringly: "Let me in, I'm frustrated in love, you can't let me be frustrated in the workplace too! "

Li Shuang smiled softly, "You report to the company tomorrow, I can't give you a high position, the rest depends on your ability!"

"Okay!" Linlang hung up the phone happily, and after cleaning up the house, she packed out a set of clean clothes.

The next morning, Lin Lang reported to the company on time. As soon as she entered the door, a woman wearing black glasses came over and threw a thick document, "You are the girl who Manager Li said was applying for the job today. Before you get off work, sort out this information for me!"

What else could Lin Lang say, and she was taken to a computer desk, and then the woman who gave the task left without looking back.

Lin Lang opened the file, the inside was dense and dense, it gave people a headache just looking at it, Lin Lang sighed sadly, and turned on the computer.

At noon, colleagues went down to have lunch in twos and threes. Lin Lang's face was pale, her eyes were weak looking at the computer screen, and her hands were fast.

"You know what you look like, you really look like you're dying!" Li Shuang came over and said teasingly.

Lin Lang raised her head and said sadly: "That's because you don't know what I've been through. When I first came here, I didn't even introduce myself, so I was assigned to work here... Some of the work is still a headache... Ahhh Ahh..."

Li Shuang smiled, with little stars in her eyes, "I just came here to work, and I was required to work here, and I started by sorting out the materials!"

Lin Lang curled her lips, "The information is too complicated..."

"I wanted to ask you to have lunch, but judging by your appearance, it should be impossible. Then I'll bring you one back. What do you want to eat?" Li Shuang said softly.

"Fired the squid!" Lin Lang said indifferently, typing quickly on the computer keyboard.

Li Shuang shook her head, the smile on her face could not be stopped, she left with a smile, and when she came back, she brought a bowl of seafood risotto.

After Lin Lang ate the food in threes and fives, she was busy with the work in front of her. After driving out all the work, it was already time to get off work. She breathed a sigh of relief and handed over the report to today and told herself to do it live in the hands of the woman.

The woman adjusted the black-rimmed glasses in front of her, glanced at the information in her hand, and put it aside casually, "What's your relationship with Manager Li? Why did he bring you lunch at noon today?"

Lin Lang took a look at the hard work that had been put aside, and said, "The relationship between ordinary friends!"

The woman smiled, "So it's like this, it shouldn't be considered an ordinary relationship... I heard that you can come in, and Manager Li recruited in..."

Lin Lang didn't want to pay attention to such people, and said directly: "I've finished the task you gave me, and it's not too early, so I'll get off work first!"

"Ai ai ai, don't go, you haven't answered what I asked you just now!" the woman said anxiously.

Lin Lang made a sneer, "It's none of your business what relationship I have with him!"

The woman looked at Lin Lang's back, and stomped her feet angrily, "Little girl, I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick..."

Lin Lang got better and better in the company. Gradually, she no longer did the work of sorting out materials, and began to get in touch with some companies' business.

Three months later, Lin Lang officially became a full-time employee. In order to thank Li Shuang, Lin Lang specially invited him to eat hot pot.

"Alright, I'm the one who treats you to hot pot, but I'm a moonlight clan, so you have to take it easy!" Lin Lang waved her small fist, with a hint of threat in her tone.

Li Shuang smiled helplessly, and only ordered some ordinary vegetables and meat. Lin Lang felt a little embarrassed, scratched her head, and said, "This... I was just joking... You don't have to be so frugal..."

Li Shuang shook her head, "It's okay, I just like to eat these!"

Lin Lang knew that Li Shuang was thinking of herself, so she beckoned and asked the waiter to come over and order some more dishes.

"It's almost Chinese New Year, how are you going to go back?" Li Shuang asked slowly, eating vegetables.

Lin Lang raised her head, looked straight at Li Shuang, and then smiled treacherously, "You have to go back this year for Chinese New Year!"

Li Shuang nodded, completely unaware, "Yes!"

"I remember you bought a car. If that's the case, you can take me back during the Chinese New Year!" Lin Lang said coquettishly.

Li Shuang nodded Lin Lang's forehead and agreed.

On the day of the holiday, Lin Lang packed her luggage, went to the supermarket to buy some special products, and put them in Li Shuang's trunk.

"Yesterday... Duan Yang called me..." On the way back, Li Shuang couldn't help but said, "He said... After you go back, I hope you can have a good talk with both parents so that they don't get awkward and say that breaking up is a good idea. The matter between the two of you...don't affect your lord..."

Lin Lang was silent for a long time when she heard this, "Uncle Duan and Auntie Duan are very kind to me, and I know about it, so I don't blame them, but... I can't hold my breath..."

(End of this chapter)

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