Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 825 Reversal of Life 2

Chapter 825 Reversal of Life II

Aunt Lin clenched her fist tightly, her slender nails dug into the flesh, blood slid down the palm of her hand and fell to the ground, the pain was terribly painful, but Aunt Lin forced a smile, "It is a slave who can... be able to copy scriptures for Madam Blessing!"

Lin Lang nodded, "I'm not feeling well recently, you can let the children come over to serve you!"

Aunt Lin opened her mouth when she heard this, and wanted to say that the servants can go to the servants, but the wife said that this is a sickness, and although the child was born by herself, theoretically, the wife is their mother , the mother is sick, and the children do not go to serve...that is unfilial.

If it gets out, it will ruin the children's life...

Aunt Lin raised her head slowly, looked at Lin Lang, and felt like she didn't know this person. Every time she confronted her wife, she always had the upper hand, but in just two hours, she had already suffered from being dumb several times. up.

"Ma'am, the children are still young and don't know much. If you really want to be served by others, the servants can..." Aunt Lin almost cried, the children are her life.

"Aren't you going to copy the scriptures? Besides, you're already in your teens, and you can get married in a few years. How young are you? You can't learn it!" Lin Lang snorted coldly, "In a few days Mrs. Ben is going to a banquet, tell me..."

Although Aunt Lin was in charge of all the internal affairs, it was definitely not her turn to go out to socialize. She knelt down and kowtowed a few times.

"Ma'am, forgive me, I will let the two children come over tomorrow!" Aunt Lin gritted her teeth and said, but she held a grudge in her heart, she would never let Lin Lang go.

In the evening, after Ling Sheng came back, he saw the scar on your mother's head, and then saw the bright red cheeks, he frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Aunt Lin shook her head, and said softly: "It's nothing, it's just that I accidentally knocked on it while walking!"

"Nonsense, how did you become like this? Don't lie to me, what's going on?" Ling Sheng asked distressedly.

The eldest lady sitting next to her was unhappy, and said directly: "It's Madam!"

"Ma'am?" A trace of disgust flashed across Ling Sheng's face, "She didn't recuperate well in the yard, and even came out to trouble you. It seems that she hasn't reflected enough during this time!"

Aunt Lin pulled Ling Sheng's sleeve and shook her head, "It's okay, don't listen to the young lady's nonsense, madam is very nice to concubine...servants!"

Hearing this, Ling Sheng felt sorry for Aunt Lin even more, "Nonsense, if she really treats you so well, how did you get the injury on your face? I think he is just pretending to be merciful, and he is not doing well. I also thought that other people's lives are not good!"

A look of complacency flashed across Aunt Lin's face, ma'am, ma'am, what can you do if you beat me down like this?Master is on my side!
"Master, it's normal for Madam to be in a bad mood because of the young master's affairs. Please be more considerate to Madam, after all Madam is not easy!" Although Aunt Lin said so, her eyes were filled with pride.

When Ling Sheng heard this, he waved his sleeves even more angrily, "It's because she is abnormal that she brought down my good son, and now she is running away with a brothel girl, which makes me lose all face!"

Thinking of this, Ling Sheng couldn't bear it anymore, and walked directly to Lin Lang's yard.

"Poison woman, how did Aunt Lin provoke you? You are so cruel!" Ling Sheng didn't enter the room, but stood outside the door and said angrily.

Lin Lang was already asleep, and when she heard this, she got up and got angry, put on her clothes, opened the door, pushed Ling Sheng to the ground, and said condescendingly: "It's late at night, what are you calling for?

Aunt Lin?You still have the nerve to mention her, come to my yard today, it’s fine if you don’t greet me, even the address can be mistaken, the maid next to her is even worse, pointing at Madam Ben’s nose and scolding, I didn’t beat her to death on the spot , I am already very worthy of her! "

Ling Sheng was pushed to the ground by Lin Lang. Looking at Lin Lang who was 1 meters tall, he immediately became timid, and whispered, "It's not...she has so many injuries..."

Lin Lang snorted coldly when she heard this, "I did slap her, but her other injuries are none of my mother's business!"

"Women...women should be quiet...good virtue..." Ling Sheng's frightened voice turned into tears.

"Liangde is a yarn, if you go down in Liangde, you will eat me alive! Get out of here quickly, don't disturb my sleep!" Lin Lang turned and went back to the room, closing the door forcefully.

Ling Sheng was about to cry. Seeing Lin Lang leaving, he got up in a hurry, ran to the study without looking back, and couldn't help shaking while sitting on the bed.

Others say Master Ling is majestic, tall and mighty, and he looks reliable, but in fact, he is a coward, and he is terrified of others who are stronger than him.

Just like Linlang just said, he was about to cry in fright after saying a few casual words.

"Master..." The housekeeper didn't expect his father to change so much. You must know that the masters of the wife's family were all respectful in the past. If the master said one thing, the wife would never say two. Why did he...

"Madam probably got so angry because of the young master's affairs, so don't worry about it, master!
And what can Madam, a weak woman, do?Master, don't be afraid, let someone downstairs make a bowl of calming soup, and sleep after drinking it! "The housekeeper comforted intimately.

Why does their master like Aunt Lin so much?The main reason is that Aunt Lin looks weak and weak, and besides the master, Aunt Lin has no other support, which greatly satisfies the master's self-esteem.

As for the wife, the old lady forced the old man to marry her. My grandfather was afraid of the old lady at the time, so he married his wife, but he didn't like her, so he kept neglecting her.

"No, no, no... It's really scary, and the voice is so loud... Ahhh... I feel like he's going to hit me..." Thinking of this, Ling Sheng hugged the quilt tightly, curled up into a ball, and trembled slightly.

The housekeeper sighed, "Master, are you confused? Madam is your wife. Since ancient times, women have regarded their husbands as their gods, so Madam would never dare to beat you all day, probably to scare you!" "

"No, no ..." Ling Sheng shook his head and followed the swing of the waves, "She really wants to hit me, and yells me ... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh So angry..."

The butler is now one head bigger than the other, so there are good things to say, but the master is just afraid. When he comes to court, his eyes are red and swollen from crying, and his voice is hoarse.

"You...you go to see Madam later...let her...don't let her get angry..." He was obviously a seven-foot man, but what he said was extremely weak.

(End of this chapter)

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