Chapter 838

"Bastard!" The queen mother looked at everything in front of her, her face was livid, and she said angrily: "My son, you are so fun and don't want to make progress, how can you be worthy of the former emperor under the nine springs!"

It's just a kick, and there's no need to mention the dead father!

Lin Lang scratched her head, ran over in shame, and said, "My queen, what you said is too serious. My son just felt bored, so I took them out to play football, and exercise my muscles by the way!"

The queen mother made a sullen face, "Nonsense, but the Ai family heard from the eunuch that you have been playing with these people all this time, and you haven't studied hard at all! really disappointed the queen mother..."

Lin Lang's eyes rolled round, "Mother, it's not that the children don't go to school, it's because all the ministers know what the Taifu said. If the mother doesn't believe it, you can test the ministers!"

The Queen Mother looked at Lin Lang suspiciously, and asked several questions one after another. Lin Lang answered all of them fluently, and the Queen Mother looked better.

"I can do everything, but I have to study, don't you know the story of hurting Zhongyong?
Now that you know everything, then go to the court with the Ai family to listen to the government. Take over the government affairs as soon as possible, and the queen mother can relax sooner. After a hundred years, she will have the face to meet the emperor! "

"Ahhh!" Lin Lang didn't want to go to the court to listen to the government, let alone anything else, just getting up so early would be enough for him to eat a pot!

" son thinks that I'm too young...not to be in charge of politics..." Lin Lang really didn't want to go.

The Empress Dowager shook her head and said bitterly, "Your Majesty, you are shouldering a heavy responsibility for a country. Don't be addicted to having fun!"

Lin Lang bit her lip, and said aggrievedly: "But... it's too early for the personal conquest now, and the courtiers are not easy to convince the public... How about this... Queen Mother, after I get married, I will do the personal administration. How does the queen mother feel?"

The queen mother thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Forget it, I'll accept you this time, but... although you understand everything, you still have to listen to the class!"

Lin Lang followed suit and nodded. To be honest, he doesn't even have a wife. If he wants to get married, he will have to wait at least a year, or two years, hehe... At that time, he can play a game by himself, and he can play for a few more years.

The queen mother returned to the palace exhausted. She had just rested for a while when she suddenly thought of tapping the table and stood up, "This... this kid doesn't even have a wife. How can he get married? How can he be in charge?"

The mother next to her laughed when she heard this, "Queen Dowager, it's time to choose concubines for the emperor. After all, there are no masters in the harem, and those concubines should be controlled!"

The queen mother remembered what the eunuch said today, and nodded, "Those concubines are all dishonest, they only know how to seduce my child to indulge in should find a queen to take care of this..."

The next day, the queen mother announced the draft, and the daughters of the third rank and above were required to participate. The courtiers looked at each other, and they all understood that the queen mother was going to choose a queen for the emperor.

The Ministry of Rituals acted very quickly, within only three months, the draft was handled in an orderly manner, and a large number of eligible show girls were summoned into the palace in March of spring.

Lin Lang looked at the beauties below, and yawned boredly. He likes beauties, but he prefers beautiful men.

"Emperor!" The queen mother called out remindingly, and then said: "Are you satisfied with the lady below?"

Lin Lang turned her head, blinked her big eyes, and said obediently: "The queen mother has seen more and knows more than the minister, so let the queen choose for the minister!"

As soon as these words came out, the beauties below all looked at the Queen Mother enthusiastically, like a wolf seeing a piece of fat.

The queen mother sighed, and shook her head resentfully, "This is your wife, the one who will spend the rest of your life with you, how can the Ai family choose it? What if the Ai family chooses you and you don't like it? ?”

Lin Lang said pleasantly: "How could it be? The son chosen by the queen mother likes it the most!"

When the Queen Mother heard this, she felt very relieved. She looked down and selected several beauties one after another. They were all girls with good status and good character. As for who should be the queen, it was open to discussion.

The girls who were selected first were all of high status, even if they couldn't be queens, they would at least be concubines!
Naturally, you can’t judge concubines by face. Some beautiful women will perform some things they are good at, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and some are unique, such as singing or playing the pipa. Chess, calligraphy and painting, or composing a poem on the spot, as for singing, dancing and playing the pipa, they are only learned for fun.

One of the show girls caught his attention, holding a big knife, and performed a knife dance for him on the spot, watching him applaud excitedly!

"Okay, okay!" Lin Lang turned her head with a trace of excitement, and said to the queen mother, "I think she suits my taste!"

The Empress Dowager shook her head with a cold face, "A lady from a great family who wields knives and guns is nothing!"

Linlang refuted the Queen Mother in a rare way, "You can't say that. She can wield a knife and a gun, which means she is in good health. If she is in good health, it means that the children she will give birth to in the future will also be in good health!"

The Empress Dowager's face loosened a bit, "Is what you said true?"

Lin Lang shook her head vigorously, "If the queen mother doesn't believe it, you can ask the imperial physician!"

The queen mother was skeptical, but she still kept the man.

This time, there are thousands of beautiful women participating in the election. Although some of them have passed, the number is still very impressive. No wonder so many people want to be emperors!

It is impossible to finish the draft at once. Anyway, the bank will be here in three or four days. At the end, Lin Lang also saw the woman in the legend. After taking a second look, he randomly gave a flower and assigned him the lowest position!
The queen mother looked over suspiciously, but she saw that the emperor had glanced at that beautiful girl several times, but she didn't expect that only one was sealed, the last one!
But the Queen Mother was just curious and didn't ask any questions!

After the draft, they began to discuss the atmosphere. Lin Lang advocated making the woman with the big sword the queen.

"My mother, the imperial physician has said that if the mother is healthy, a healthy child can also be born. I hope that the healthy child will be a legitimate son!"

The queen mother really doesn't like that kind of vulgar woman, but the imperial doctor said so...

"It's okay to give a concubine!" The queen mother really didn't want the mother of a country to be that kind of woman.

"Queen, don't even think about it. If the concubine is healthier than the legitimate son, it will be the root of disaster!" Lin Lang said emphatically.

(End of this chapter)

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