Chapter 841

The concubine who was beaten was so angry that she went to the emperor to make decisions, but Lin Lang directly put her in the cold palace. With this chicken as an example, the rest of the monkeys will be more peaceful.

Lin Lang was also willing to enjoy this kind of security, but the happy days would eventually come to an end, Lin Lang still went up to the court, watching the ministers quarreling, felt a terrible headache!
"Emperor!" Seeing that Lin Lang was distracted, the Queen Mother reminded her.

Lin Lang sighed, resigned to her fate and continued to listen. These days are very depressing, but it's good to get familiar with it.

But he just didn't understand one thing. She used to watch TV dramas and thought that those emperors were very leisurely. They either loved this concubine or pampered that concubine. But after seeing him, she felt very miserable!
The first is the court, because he is the emperor, he can go later, but at least he has to get up before 6:[-], and the court time is usually two hours.

After all the things are settled, I still have to deal with the memorials and read the newspapers from all over the world. This busy day is already dark. As for enjoying singing and dancing, encountering beauties, pampering's all bullshit.

When Lin Lang was so busy, a concubine coughed violently in a corner of the harem, looking at the gloomy night, with a bitter twitch at the corner of her mouth, and slowly closed her eyes.

A shooting star passed by...

"Your Majesty, the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet will be held in a while. According to the Empress Dowager, this is the first Mid-Autumn Festival banquet in your draft. This year, the Huang family has added Ding. Although it is a princess, it is also a happy event. It should be celebrated Do it!" The queen is very straightforward and speaks very concisely.

Lin Lang nodded, "Leave this matter to the Queen!"

Because Lin Lang was really not interested in dealing with trivial matters, he was almost driven mad by the noon.

"By the way, I heard that the sixth younger brother is also back this time, and he handed over a memorial a few days ago, saying that he is going to the palace to meet the queen mother!" The queen suddenly thought of something and said with a smile.

Speaking of which, he had many brothers back then, but they died and were injured in the fight for the throne, and in the end only he and the sixth prince were left. With his mother's ability, Lin Lang ascended to the top position.

As for his only brother, he poached his corner and gave him a cuckold!

Lin Lang put on a cold face, "This sixth brother is really funny, why don't you tell me, the elder brother, when you come back, and run into the palace to see the queen first? Hehehe..."

The queen couldn't understand the meaning, "Your Majesty, the queen mother raised the sixth emperor brother. For a period of time, the sixth emperor brother knows how to be grateful, so it is normal for the first thing to do when he comes back is to see the queen mother!"

Lin Lang glanced at the queen, nodded her head, smiled, and said nothing.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, the sixth prince entered the harem, looked at Lin Lang who was sitting on a high place, couldn't help but clenched his fists, and then knelt on the ground, "Greetings to the emperor brother, and greetings to the queen mother!"

"We're all a family, so there's no need to be so polite, get up quickly!" Lin Lang asked the eunuch to help the sixth prince up, "After returning, I don't know how to tell me first, what's wrong? Do you not want to see me?"

The sixth prince's face changed, and then he said calmly: "How could it be, I'm not afraid that the emperor wants me to settle down again, but the emperor also knows that I don't like to stay in one place the most, so I don't like to stay in one place. I like to walk around and see and meet different people!"

What makes friends with different people, I think it is to make friends with parties.

Lin Lang clicked casually, "You and I are a few months apart, but I'm married and have a child. It's time for you to think about your life's major events!"

The sixth prince shook his head, "What I yearn for is a couple for life. If you want to marry a wife, you must marry someone you like!"

Don't you think it's too ridiculous to say that there will be a couple for a lifetime in the royal family?

I was eating a cup madly at the bottom, when I heard this, I slowly raised my head, and saw the eyes of the man in the middle of the field lit up, what a handsome man~ He is handsome and graceful... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... With such a trace of extravagance, I really like it~ And a couple for a lifetime...

Tsk tsk tsk, it's not like that little emperor with 72 concubines in the Sixth Court of the Sangong, who even married her in, and didn't take responsibility for her. It's really cold to see her dying of illness in the cold palace.

After eating, a concubine suddenly proposed to write a poem to the moon.

The concubine frowned at the queen while she was talking, but she had inquired about it, the queen only knew how to wield knives and guns, she didn't know how to write at all.

Lin Lang also felt bored, so she nodded and said, "Okay, you can write poems. I and the queen will watch beside you. I will be your referee. Whoever does the best will be rewarded!"

The concubine's plan was in vain, but she was also very happy to get the emperor's words. After all, the championship was a meal for her.

In order to attract the emperor's attention, the concubines uttered several poems about the moon one after another. The artistic conception was very beautiful. Lin Lang was listening to it, but at the same time she felt bored. It's been a while since I went to see Huang Jieyu, it's time to listen to her songs...

"The moonlight is bright in front of the bed, it is suspected to be frost on the ground, raise your head to look at the bright moon, lower your head to think about your hometown!"

Lin Lang turned around abruptly when he heard this, oh, so someone is here. Thinking of this, he raised his eyebrows, "Who was the one who read this poem just now?"

When Su Xueer heard this, there was a trace of reluctance in her heart. She didn't want to show off, but the concubine pushed her too hard, and said that she was illiterate, and she was so angry that she wrote a poem on the spot!
"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is the concubine!" Su Xueer walked over and knelt on the ground reluctantly.

"Very good, I never thought that there would be such a talented woman in my harem, come and see!" Lin Lang smiled and nodded.

"Such a good poem, could it be that Su Cairen made it? He couldn't have copied it from somewhere!" A concubine said in a strange way.

Su Xueer raised her head and snorted coldly. When she came here, she had already inquired. There is no Li Bai and Du Fu in this world, so it is nonsense to say that she plagiarized.

"Oh, I used to hear people say that grapes are sour, but I didn't understand the meaning, but now I understand!" Su Xueer is not the one who suffers!
"Don't you not believe me? All right, I'll make a few for you right now!

People have sorrows and joys, and the moon has cloudy and sunny waxes and wanes. This matter has never been complete in ancient times.Nung, moon and new moon!

The bright moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this moment!
24 On a moonlit night at the bridge, where is the jade man playing the flute..."

After Su Xueer read a few poems in succession, she raised her chin and looked at the stunned people and said, "Didn't you say that I copied it? Then tell me, who did I copy these poems from?"

(End of this chapter)

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