Chapter 843

Lin Lang patted the table, "You're so bold, you dare to refute me, is it possible that you want to lose your head?"

When Su Xueer heard this, she took two steps back in fear, touched her neck, lowered her head, "Okay, teach me..."

However, it's none of your business whether you learn well or not, and whether you're in the same tune...

Su Xueer is very useless in teaching, but Huang Jieyu is very eager to learn. Although he only taught a little bit, she learned the rest with this little bit, and she can sing better.

"My sister, I have almost learned this song. I just want to ask, how did you make this poem?" Huang Jieyu asked with a smile.

Su Xueer was not happy, and when she heard that Huang Jieyu wanted to learn another card of her own, she said coldly: "I am a lady of everyone, a real daughter of a famous family, and I have been influenced by the atmosphere of books since I was a child, but you It's just a court lady who was lucky enough to give birth to the emperor and was promoted to Jieyu. If you want to learn poetry and songs, you will have a good pregnancy in your next life!"

"You..." Huang Jieyu has never been so angry since she gave birth to the princess, "Okay, I'll give you shame, I'm above you, so I used to talk nicely to you, But you don’t know good and bad, come here, pull down and slap five times!”

"How dare you!" Su Xue'er grew up so old, her parents never beat him, why would this woman, who is not as good as her in everything, dare to beat her?
"Why don't I dare? I dare to do it myself!" After speaking, Huang Jieyu slapped her down.

"Ahhh!" Su Xueer covered her flushed cheeks from the beating, "You bitch, I'll fight you!"

While talking, the two women wrestled together, and even the maids and palace maids tugged at each other, but they didn't separate them.

When Lin Lang arrived, she found that the two women were like hairless roosters, with disheveled hair and a bruise on their faces.

"Who can tell me what happened?" Lin Lang gave them a cold look.

Huang Jieyu cried loudly, "The emperor is the one who decides for the concubine. The concubine and Su Guiren are learning songs over there. They have learned almost the same. They want to learn some poems and songs to please the emperor. It is Su Guiren. ...Su Guiren said that the concubine is a court lady, that the concubine is lowly...the concubine couldn't get angry, so she slapped her..."

Lin Lang glanced at Su Xueer, "Do you have anything to say?"

Su Xueer raised her chin, "I have nothing to say!"

Lin Lang looked at them, "Mr. Su, Huang Jieyu's position is higher than yours. If you disobey her, it is an outrageous thing and should be punished!"

Hearing this, Huang Jieyu smiled triumphantly, it seems that the emperor still cares about her.

"Huang Jieyu!" Lin Lang looked back and continued, "It's indeed her fault that she disobeyed you, but you absolutely shouldn't, and you shouldn't hit her either!
Corporal punishment on concubines can only be done by a cup in the concubine's position. How can a little Jieyu dare to physically punish concubines? "

Su Xueer was angry at first, but when she heard what the emperor said, she nodded and felt better towards the emperor, "Yes, all living beings are equal, why should she hit me!"

Lin Lang interrupted Su Xue'er with a wave of her hand, and continued, "Both of you are at fault, so each should be grounded for two months, and reflect on yourself in the palace!"

"Your Majesty~" Huang Jieyu coquettishly said, "It's fine to confine your concubines, but don't forget to come and see the princess, the eldest princess has always been thinking about the emperor!"

"It's really shameless for that child to compete for favor!" Su Xueer said with disgust.

"What do you mean? What do you mean by competing for favor with a child? Is it wrong for the princess to want to see the emperor?" Huang Jieyu naturally refused to admit her true intentions, and choked back directly.

"You know what is going on in your heart!" Su Xueer rolled her eyes, "I teach you to sing, so I can be regarded as your master after all. If you don't know how to be grateful, it's okay to respect the teacher. Hitting me is really ungrateful!"

"You...that's what the emperor asked you to teach me, and you beat me and scolded me, so why didn't you say that..."

"Obviously you hit me first..."

"You still let me reincarnate..."

"Just because of how good-looking you are, you dare to show off your strength, you little three!"

"What do you mean little three?"


Lin Lang's head was about to explode when she heard their noise, "It's alright, alright, stop arguing, come here, and take them back to their respective palaces!"

Lin Lang went directly to Gu Jieyu's side, and after listening to the music for a while, her headache was relieved.

"Only with you can I be quiet for a while!" Lin Lang sighed.

Gu Jieyu showed a gentle smile, "It's a concubine's blessing to be able to share the emperor's worries!"

The two were laughing when an eunuch ran over with a look of joy on his face.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the empress felt unwell just now, she went to the imperial physician to check her pulse, and found that the empress is pregnant!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang sat up all of a sudden, "Is it true?"

Eunuch: "It's true, Your Majesty!"

Linlang fell down and went directly to the queen. Seeing that the queen wanted to stand up and salute herself, she quickly held the queen down, "We are a husband and wife, so you don't need to make so many salutes!"

"Your majesty!" Because of her pregnancy, the queen's body was wrapped in love, her breath soft and docile.

In other words, she has been favored by the emperor for a while, but she is not pregnant. She also became anxious and felt pressure. Now that she has a child, she is also relieved. Whether it is a man or a woman, she can finally give The empress dowager explained.

Lin Lang patted the Queen's hand, and said softly: "You have done a good job, what you have to do now is to arrange for the birth of a little prince for Zhen!

As for the government affairs of the harem, I will ask my mother to help with it! "

The queen nodded, and at the same time understood how much the emperor valued her child.

The news of the queen's pregnancy quickly spread throughout the harem. When Su Xueer found out, she curled her lips, "What a big stallion!"

When the maid heard this, she gasped, "Your Majesty, it's fine if you say this to yourself, but don't let others hear it!"

Su Xueer nodded casually, looked at the closed door, and couldn't help but sigh, "It's all because of that dead woman, if it wasn't for him beating me, I wouldn't be grounded, and I wouldn't even be able to get out of the door." Already!"

The palace maid said cautiously: "Madam, you shouldn't have hit Huang Jieyu in the first place. Huang Jieyu's status is higher than yours, and there is a little princess beside you... It's also the emperor standing by your side, otherwise it's not like grounding you." Easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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