Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 852 Misplaced Life 8

Chapter 852

Lu's mother thought about it for a long time, and finally raised her head slowly, "Lin Lang...does the child really want it?"

Father Lu nodded firmly, "Yes, you also know that the child has liked Lu Sheng since he was a child, and now that the two of them can be together, everyone is happy!
In case Linlang really wants to leave in the future, let's let her go, it's better than letting her stay in that wolf den! "

Lu's mother thought about it, and thought so, "What a wonderful child!"

The two couples were talking, and no one noticed that Lu Shen's middle finger moved slightly while lying on the hospital bed. It was very slight, like a fish swimming in the water. If it weren't for the ripples in the water, no one would have known that the fish I used to swim here.

The two families reached a reconciliation, and you found a good day in the Lu family to take Lin Lang over.

Mother Lu specially decorated a room for Lin Lang. The walls were painted pink, and even the sheets and quilt were pink. The whole room was full of a princess atmosphere.

Lin Lang looked at such a girly room, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Mother Lu!"

Lu's mother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "When you were very young, your mother often brought you here to play. I thought you were so beautiful, with white pink balls. At that time, I thought, how could I be born? It's not a girl, and I want to steal you home to raise you..."

Lin Lang is also very grateful to Lu's mother. The original owner has been temperamental all these years, but the Lu family has been very kind to Lin Lang, and let Lin Lang come to their house to celebrate the New Year every year and festival!

After Lu Shen recovers, there is no need to stay in the hospital. Although the hospital has better facilities and equipment, the care cannot be so meticulous. The Lu family took Lu Shen back, and there is a housekeeper and a family doctor to take care of him.

In order to take good care of Lu Shen, Lin Lang deliberately went to a Chinese massage parlor to learn a few skills. The time passed day by day like this. If Lu Shen didn't wake up, she thought that her whole life would pass like this.

"Thank you……"

Hearing the voice, Lin Lang raised her head slowly, and seeing Lu Shen wake up, a hint of disappointment appeared in her eyes, but it disappeared soon, and she stood up flatly and clapped her hands, "Just wake up!"

"You..." Although Lu Shen has always been in a vegetative state, he still remembers clearly what happened to his senses. He thought Lin Lang would be very excited when he woke up. Looking at the calm Lin Lang in front of him, he also Say what's in your heart.

After Mother Lu and the others received the news, they hurried home, looked at their son who had opened his eyes, and almost cried out.

"Thank you!" Mother Lu held Lin Lang's hand, weeping uncontrollably.

Lin Lang patted Mother Lu's hand and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, everything will be fine!"

After the doctor's examination, Lu Shen had indeed awakened, and he was in good spirits. However, due to the long-term sleep, his muscles were atrophied, but he would be fine after exercising for a while.

Lin Lang watched the family of three hug each other and cry, and retreated outside the door calmly. After a long time, Mother Lu found that Lin Lang was not there, so she hurried out to look for her.

"Lin Lang!"

Hearing someone calling her, Lin Lang turned her head and saw that the person calling her was Mother Lu, she nodded, "How is he?"

"The doctor said the reply was very good!" Lu's mother looked at Lin Lang, but hesitated to speak.

Linlang naturally knew what Lu's mother wanted to say, and replied: "Then my task is also completed, I..."

Lu's mother cried loudly while hugging Linlang, "You are a good boy, Lu Shen cannot drag you down for the rest of your life!"

Yes, even though it was her own son, Lu's mother had to admit that her son was really bad, first of all he was blind, otherwise he wouldn't have liked that kind of girl, and in the end he ended up like this.

Lin Lang is a good girl, considerate and kind, her son really does not deserve her!
Lin Lang comforted her a few words before turning around and leaving. She touched her empty heart, "Now that he's awake, what are your plans?"

[I... I don't know, I originally wanted to take care of him for the rest of my life... But I can't catch up with the changes...] The girl started to cry softly [But I am more relieved than sad, sometimes love is not plundering, but let go!

In fact, he is not bad. After all, he really doesn’t like me. It was I who stalked me at first, and finally asked to take care of him. Me, he treats me really well. I targeted Wang Xinya before, and although she was sad, she never took revenge on me... It was also because I did wrong things one after another that he was disappointed in me like that...]

"That's enough, that's enough for you, you can fall in love with that kind of blind man, really..." Lin Lang didn't know what to say, anyway, she just looked powerless to complain.

【I... I know, I want to go back to my body! ] The girl suddenly made this request.

Lin Lang thought for a while before agreeing, he didn't want to be with this group of sick people.

When the girl opened her eyes again, she looked at the blue sky and smiled slightly. He used to think that the world was dark, but now, she found that there are many beautiful things in life besides love, and she would never be fooled again. Lu was deeply sad, after going through this time, she just wanted to experience her life well.

"Is Lu Shen awake?"

Hearing the questioning voice on the phone, the girl sneered and said: "Yes, but... If he knew that he was in a car accident, life and death, and you abandoned him without hesitation, what do you think he will think of you?"

"You...you vicious woman, so what if you take care of Lu Shen when he wakes up? Didn't he drive you away, which shows that he still has me in his heart, and he likes me too!"

The girl is no longer the original girl. If the former self heard this, she would definitely cry, but now, she snapped back without hesitation, "Then I really have to wait and see!"

"You... you wait for me!" Wang Xinya hung up the phone angrily, rolled her eyes, changed into a white dress, and applied a little loose powder on her face, making her look pale, weak and helpless !
Wang Xinya ran to the gate of Lu's house, just in time to see Lu Shen coming out, especially seeing that Lu Shen came out, her eyes were full of excitement, and she ran directly in front of him.

"Lu Shen~" Wang Xinya called out affectionately.

Lu Shen looked at the woman in front of him, showing a sinister smile, "Why do you still have the face to appear in front of me?"

Wang Xinya took two steps back in fear, "I... I had no choice but to leave you. I really love you. Don't listen to other people's nonsense..."

(End of this chapter)

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