Chapter 854
After doing all this, Lin Lang called the maids to come over, dressed and washed herself, lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and began to receive the plot!

"Our Xu family has conquered the world with the Emperor Taizu since the founding of the country. It can be said that we are the heroes of the founding of the country. By the time of my father's generation, the Xu family has become one of the best aristocratic families in the dynasty!
My father became the chief assistant of the court at a young age, and he can be said to have power in the court, but there is one bad thing, that is, he has no son!

I married two wives, but the stomachs of both wives didn't move, and their lives were extremely poor, and they left within a few years after marrying into Xu's family.

It was rumored that my father restrained his wife and son, and when my father was 40 years old, he married my mother again.

Later, my mother became pregnant, and under everyone's expectation, the girl who was born was me. My father didn't know what he thought at the beginning, and let me pretend to be a son. In this way, I became a girl. Become a boy!

I thought I would go on like this for the rest of my life, but unexpectedly, my mother suddenly became pregnant, and according to the imperial doctor, it is likely to be a boy!

Now I have participated in the imperial examination, and I am working in the Imperial Academy. Ever since the news of my mother's pregnancy came, I have been at home. Rather than staying at home, it is better to say that I was locked at home!
Judging from the medicine I took and the attitude of my family members, they want to abandon me. I know that I am a girl and cannot support the entire Xu family. If someone exposes it, the entire Xu family will die!
But why, why do you have to let me die?I am their own child, so just for the immediate benefit, do I have to die?

For the sake of the Xu family, I gave up myself and became the person they needed. Now that I have a substitute, they say they can abandon me by abandoning me, but I can't!
I just want to escape from here, please help me, let me escape from this cage! "

After Lin Lang accepted the plot, she opened her eyes suddenly and coughed violently. When a maid heard the movement, she immediately opened the curtain, "What's the matter, sir?"

Lin Lang propped up her body, "My throat feels a little uncomfortable, go and pour me a glass of honey water!"

The servant girl felt that this was not a big deal, so she went straight out. Lin Lang looked out and found at least three or four servant girls in front of her bed. Lin Lang put down the curtain and began to think about the way out.

"Master, this is honey water, drink it while it's hot!"

The warm water with honey was very sweet. Lin Lang drank it all in one gulp, handed out the cup and said, "You came in directly at night, which scared me a bit. Next time, don't come near without my permission!"

The servant girl didn't seem to hear this sentence, and said indifferently: "My lord, you are sick and need someone to take care of you day and night!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she sulked, "How is mother? I've been sick for such a long time, why didn't she come to see me?"

The servant girl was silent for a while, and said, "My lord, have you forgotten? My wife is just pregnant, and she is an older woman. The imperial doctor said that she needs to take a good rest!"

"What about father?" Lin Lang asked Xu Shoufu!
"The lady is pregnant, and the son is sick, the master is so busy, how can he have time to visit the young master!"

Lin Lang sneered when she heard this, and continued: "How about just stay outside the room and don't come near my bed, I will call you if I have something to do!"

"But..." The servant girl was ready to refuse without even thinking about it.

"It's nothing but you can still take care of me standing outside, I don't want you to stay here because you look upset!

If I am upset, I will lose my temper easily, let alone take medicine..."

The servant girl's eyes flickered, "But according to the master's order!"

Lin Lang waved her hand away and sent everyone away. Lying in the tent, she began to practice the "Jade Heart Sutra".

It has to be said that this body is really a martial arts prodigy. After practicing for half a stick of incense, she felt a faint sense of breath. After an hour, Lin Lang was sweating profusely, and stains appeared all over her body.

Lin Lang looked at the stains on her body, rolled her eyes, and vomited down her throat vigorously. The honey water she had just drank and undigested things came out, and the room was filled with a sour smell.

"Come here!" Lin Lang yelled, and several maidservants filed in. Looking at the mess in the room, one of the maidservants frowned.

"My lord, what's the matter?" the servant girl asked indifferently.

Lin Lang lowered her eyes, "I don't know, I just feel uncomfortable in my heart, as if I can't digest anything I eat... My chest is also tight..."

Hearing this kind of description, people usually feel that their health is not good, or there is something wrong, but the servant girl was relieved when she heard such words, she felt normal, she showed a smile, and continued: "It turns out that this is the case. , it's all right, probably the honey water I just drank conflicted with some kind of medicine..."

The maid found an excuse casually, and asked someone to clean up the room by the way. Lin Lang spread out her stained clothes and said, "My body is terribly dirty, hurry up and prepare water for me to wash!"

The maid nodded, and after a while, someone came over with a big bucket of water, and Lin Lang asked them to sprinkle some flower petals on it. When she heard this, a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes, but she still asked people to do it.

From then on, Linlang got into the habit of taking a bath after taking the medicine, and the bath water must be filled with flower petals, and it is best to put some incense in the room.

Mammy was reluctant at first, "Young Master, as a man, it is not acceptable to put flower petals in the bath, you will be ridiculed by others!"

Lin Lang glanced at Mammy, and found that he did not notice any abnormalities, and then breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "I don't want to put flower petals either, but the smell in the room is too bad, and I always feel that there is a smell of body corruption." ...It's's like a person is dead...Nurse, why do I feel more and more uncomfortable the more I drink this medicine, where did this doctor come from?"

Mammy raised her heart a bit, and quickly diverted her attention. She didn't mention the petals, and explained, "Young master, this doctor is a master. He is a genius doctor specially invited back. This medicine is also the best medicine." !"

Lin Lang coughed forcefully, "So my father cares about me so much, it seems that I have to take care of my health quickly, and relieve my father's worries as soon as possible!"

The nanny smiled, patted Lin Lang's arm, walked out, and told the maidservants: "You all, be vigilant to me, if there is anything wrong, report to me quickly, and what the young master wants, you all just give..."

Yes, after all, people are going to die soon, at least let people go more comfortably!
The maids bowed their heads one by one, and answered yes in a well-trained manner.

 Recently, some relatives have been asking me for an update. It is true that the update time is uncertain. The main reason is that I have been busy at work recently, and I always take time to write, but I promise to update twice a day, with a total of 4000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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