Chapter 857

That night, Lin Lang sneaked into the county government office, directly killed the county magistrate and those who were in the same ranks, cut off their heads, hung them at the gate of the county government office, and left a line of writing.

Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It’s not that there will be no reward, but the time has not come—to eliminate injustice in the world.

She also distributed all the money saved by the county magistrate to those poor people. After finishing this work, she waved her hand and left here without taking a cloud.

When the court knew what happened here, it was very angry. On the one hand, it was because the magistrate was greedy for money and disregarded human life, and on the other hand, the person who killed the magistrate slapped their government in the face alive!
However, there are too many injustices in this world. Lin Lang helped this and that, and she couldn't do it with one hand, so she simply established a special sect to help some poor people and kill some corrupt officials by the way.

Generally, when the poor get seriously ill, they either wait to die or go bankrupt for medical treatment, but now, with the secret door, they can get medical treatment for free, and no one dares to bully them to be poor anymore.

Lin Lang also got a title in the Jianghu, because she specializes in injustice, she is called an injustice person!
Lin Lang just wanted to say that she was not flat, she was plump.

In fact, the biggest corrupt officials in the world are the Xu family. In order to attach themselves to the Xu family, the officials sacrificed a large sum of money.

As for the emperor, it's not that he has never thought of disturbing the Xu family, but the roots of the Xu family are too big and thick, and he cannot shake them at all.

Although there is Lin Lang's secret door, there are too many corrupt officials, and it is impossible to kill them all. Another group will be killed, and another group will rise up soon. This dynasty has already begun to decay from within...

Immediately afterwards, uprisings began in more and more places, first by the nobles, and later by some ordinary people. This kind of thing could not be stopped at all, and it became more and more fierce.

Lin Lang also took the opportunity to occupy some places, but she didn't want to make contributions, but to give those poor people a stable place.

More and more people took refuge here, and gradually, her power became stronger and stronger.

Lin Lang never concealed her gender to the outside world, and most of the people she used were girls.

Gradually, some rumors spread...

"Women, you should stay at home honestly, take care of your husband and teach your children, what are you doing in public!"

"If a woman can control the world, then what is a man?"

"Since ancient times, men have been the masters of the house, and women should stay at home embroidering, washing, and cooking!"

"Women should obey the three virtues..."


Linlang acted as if she hadn't heard these words, and continued to expand her power. As for ordinary people, they didn't care who was in charge, as long as they could give them a stable life, they were willing to follow whoever they were!

So Lin Lang's power is the most stable, and at the same time, the most eye-catching.

The court sent General Zhao Xiaojuan to put down the rebellion. When Lin Lang knew about it, she said to the people below: "Didn't you always say that I am old? Tell me to get married and have children quickly. Now the opportunity has come. Wait for Zhao Xiaojuan to come in and beat me up." When the time comes, try not to hurt General Zhao, he will be my imperial husband from now on!"

Before General Zhao could figure it out, before he even killed an enemy, he was unconscious on the ground and carried into the army tent.

"Bastards, you guys dare to use drugs, you won't win by force, dare you use real swords and guns!" General Zhao said angrily, his young and handsome face flushed.

A soldier laughed when he heard this, "I want to fight you for real, but I don't dare to hurt you!"

"What?" Little General Zhao didn't react, "What do you mean, you don't think I can't beat you, do you?"

"Of course not, you will be our imperial husband in the future!" The soldier said with a smile.

"Does that tigress want to marry me? Tell him, it's impossible! Even if I die and jump off the cliff, I won't marry her!" General Zhao said forcefully.

The soldier said flatly: "It's not you who marry, but you who marry!"

"Damn, I am so upright, how could a real man marry someone else!" Xiao General Zhao was furious, "I tell you, untie me quickly, we will fight with real swords and guns!"

"Okay, we don't have anyone here to fight with you!" Lin Lang walked in with a smile on her face, glanced at General Zhao, who seemed to be tied up, and said, "I don't want to untie you because I'm afraid you will hurt yourself! "

"You..." General Zhao tilted his head, looked at the woman in front of him, and said, "I think you look familiar, I feel like I've seen you somewhere..."

Lin Lang nodded General Zhao's forehead, "You have a pretty good memory, do you remember that maid?"

"Maid girl?" General Zhao narrowed his eyes, suddenly a flash of inspiration came, "Didn't Xu Shoufu say that you are dead?"

"Hehehe..." Lin Lang sneered and said, "Yes, I'm already dead..."

"Ah?" General Zhao shook his head ignorantly, really not understanding the meaning of the words.

Lin Lang looked at General Zhao, and said directly: "Actually... I'm not a maid at all. I just borrowed the identity of Western Painting to talk to you when I escaped. My real identity is Lin Lang..."

"You, you, you..." Little General Zhao's jaw almost dropped when he heard this, "Aren't you a man? Why did you become a woman, and aren't you dead... What's going on... Fuck... "

Lin Lang heard General Zhao swearing and hit him on the head, "No swearing!"

After being beaten, General Zhao's eyes were a little red, and he said aggrievedly: "But... I really don't understand what's going on..."

Lin Lang touched the place where Zhao Xiaojun was beaten just now, sighed, sat down beside him and said, "I was a girl when I was born, know, my father's heirs are weak, and I give him To his wish, when I was born, he knew that I was a girl, but he didn't want to die, so he dressed me as a boy...

Later, my mother became pregnant again... As for me... My identity is a time bomb, just in case, he is going to silence it!
In order to survive, I knocked out a servant girl and ran out. Later, I asked you to go to the imperial doctor. You want to make a fuss about this matter and let him solve it quickly, so that I can be safe..."

When General Zhao heard this, his face was full of confusion, then he turned his head and said in a daze: "Then your father knows your current identity?"

"He already regarded me as dead, how could he know my identity!" Lin Lang smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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