Chapter 859

When Xu Shoufu came to his senses, his heart was beating vigorously, and he looked at Lin Lang very naturally, and finally stood up, ""

But after talking for a long time, he didn't say why, he just kept panting heavily.

"Heaven has eyes!" Xu Shoufu sighed.

Heaven has eyes?I don't know whether to praise God or hurt God.

Xu Shoufu looked at Lin Lang enthusiastically, "Reply well, it will be the profile picture of civil and military officials later, but after the surrender, your mother and I..."

"Father, you should know what is the reason for the collapse of this dynasty? So... you and my mother, it's not bad if you can survive. As for my brother... don't worry, I will give her a bright future!"

Xu Shoufu was angry because of the first two sentences, and then he lost all anger when he heard the last two sentences. Lin Lang is a girl, and girls are nothing more than embroidery at home, so the throne...

The more Xu Shoufu thought about it, the more excited he became, but when he thought about what he had done before, he stammered and said, "By the way, my father had no choice but to do that... After all, this family includes not only you, but the whole family..."

Lin Lang turned around and smiled when she heard this, turned around and left without saying anything.

Xu Shoufu thought that the end of the mountain was at the end of the day, but he didn't expect that there would be another village, so he immediately contacted his party members and opened the gate of the city first.

Seeing that his son came back safely, General Zhao patted him on the shoulder in relief. Thinking of those legends, he looked at his son with a look on his face, and asked cautiously: "Son... there are some things I shouldn't ask, but I still want to over there...are you okay?"

General Zhao nodded, "Although I was their captive, they didn't abuse me. When I came back this time, they took the initiative to let me back!"

What I want to ask is not this...General Zhao is very anxious, but he is too embarrassed to ask, " How about the enemy leader?"

General Zhao suddenly realized, clapped his hands and said, "Father, I'm afraid you don't even know who the leader of the enemy army is?"

General Zhao followed suit and nodded, "I really don't know. I'm afraid few people know. The only real and useful information is that she is a woman!"

General Zhao nodded, "The key is that we still know this person?"

I still know each other, no wonder I like my son, it turned out to be an acquaintance who committed the crime!

"Who is it?" He really wanted to know which female hero it was, but...according to his ability, he wouldn't be of the same generation as him, and if that was the case, he wouldn't let his son marry him. for people like that.

"It's Lin Lang!" Little General Zhao was still afraid that his father would not be clear, so he said, "It's Xu Shoufu's eldest son!"

General Zhao touched his son's head when he heard this, and said doubtfully, "Oh, maybe it's been locked up for a long time, so the brain is not flexible anymore?"

"Father, I'm really not stupid. I'm telling the truth. Lin Lang is Xu Shoufu's son. At first she disguised herself as a man. Later, because Xu Shoufu had a son, she was ready to kill the grass. She ran out when she saw something wrong. By mistake, he became the leader of the enemy army..."

General Zhao nodded, "So that's the case. That Xu Shoufu is really lucky. I thought I was going to die this time, but I didn't expect to raise a capable daughter!"

Here, Xu Shoufu led all the civil and military officials, and opened the gate of the city early the next morning. When the emperor in the palace heard about this, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

What the emperor didn't expect was that the leader of the rebel army turned out to be Xu Shoufu's daughter. No wonder the country was breached so quickly, it was all thanks to Xu Shoufu.

After Lin Lang settled everything, she began to hold the enthronement ceremony. Above Dalian, Xu Shoufu was canonized as the Marquis of An Le, and a piece of land was awarded. It was said that it was a land, but it was actually to make people look at him!
"I know I was sorry for you before, but your brother is innocent, he is still young, and he can't be kept in the backyard all the time, let him stay in the palace with you, and your mother and daughter The two haven't seen each other for decades, so there should be a lot to say, I'll keep her here too, and take care of your brother by the way!"

Xu Shoufu made up his mind to let his son stay here. Anyway, Lin Lang is a woman, and it would be a breakthrough if she could ascend the throne and become emperor. Could it be possible that she can choose a concubine like a man?
So this throne must fall on their Xu family's head!
Xu Shoufu jingled his abacus, but he didn't expect someone to be louder than him. Lin Lang soon married a husband, and her husband was General Lin Xiao.

Three years later, Lin Lang gave birth to a pair of lovely twins. As for the throne, Lin Lang's daughter also took over.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Lang found herself lying on a kang, and there was a violent coughing sound not far away, as if she wanted to cough up her lungs.

"Old man, get up and drink some water!" A weak voice rang out.

"What else do I drink with my old bones? You save the water for the baby to drink!"

"You are the pillar of our family. If you fail, what will we orphans and widows do? You should come and drink!"

"Forget it, I'll only drink a little, and you can leave the rest for the baby to drink. By the way, how is Ni?"

"It's still so reluctant, I didn't say it, the rich man... is about the same age as you, do you really want our baby to be a concubine?"

"Then what can we do? The family is so poor that they can't afford to eat, and Gen is sick again. If we don't send the girl there, our whole family will die!"

"Oh, my God, what a crime!"

"Okay, okay, don't cry, go and see Ni, and persuade her well!"

"Okay, I'll cook a bowl of sweet potato porridge for her again, she hasn't eaten for several days..."

While talking, the curtains were raised, causing a burst of dust, and an old lady with gray hair walked in. For some reason, the old lady walked around and shook, and when she walked to the bed, she held a piece of paper in her hand. Stoneware bowl.

"Ni, I know you don't want to, but you have to think about this family. Your father has been ill for such a long time, and now your younger brother is also ill. Is it possible that you really want to watch the whole family die?" The wife wiped her tears and said.

Lin Lang is feeling extremely uncomfortable now, feeling that she only has the energy to go out, not to inhale, so she said weakly: " can't push me into the fire pit..."

"I know that man is older than your father, but he knows how to love others when he is old. Besides, his family has thousands of acres of fertile land and several big shops. You can eat and drink easily with him. It's better than staying at home and starving to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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