Chapter 864 Little Aunt Five
Lin Lang's academic performance is indeed very good. When she graduated, several schools had already come to call for her. The tutor wanted her to stay in school, but Lin Lang didn't want to, so she went directly to the government's translation court!
Over there, they often translate foreign documents or letters, and they can get in touch with a lot of things. Lin Lang learns the news from outside and passes it on to others at the same time.

As for the big girl, she didn't expect that a little maid would be able to work in the city government. It's not that she didn't want to make trouble, but Gu Shaoqing said: "That girl is very talented, and she can help me if she goes to the government!"

After Lin Lang made money, she took a few days off work, bought some gifts, and returned to her original hometown.

The house is still the same as before, but it is more popular inside. The chickens are running in the yard, and the smoke is curling up.

"You are..." The aunt looked at the girl in front of her. For some reason, she always felt a little familiar, but she couldn't tell where she was familiar.

Linlang looked at the elderly woman in front of her, handed the things over, and said, "I'm a friend of Da Nizi, he asked me to bring you something back!"

When the old woman heard this, she burst into tears, "How is the child?"

"Very good, so don't worry, he even asked me to bring you some money back!" Lin Lang handed over the wages she had saved over the years. For country people, the money was already a huge amount. money.

The old lady took the money, "This dead girl has a bit of conscience, knowing that the family is sleepy, bring money to the family, you tell her not to patronize the house, but to take care of herself... Me and him Dad is fine, his younger brother also went to school to study..."

Lin Lang listened to these nagging words, nodded, got up and left.

The war was raging like a raging fire, and it reached here very quickly. That night, the eldest lady came to Gu's mansion!
"We're calling now. His father and I mean to go to Taiwan, I don't know about you..."

The old man knocked on the ground with his cane, and shook his head, "When you get old, your homeland is hard to move. If you want to leave your in-laws, you can leave, we will never leave!"

"Then what should I do?" The eldest girl ran out, crying and said, "I've heard people say that anyone who is a landlord will be punished, old lady...don't forget, you are still an official, people I won't let you go!"

"So what? I believe that I have never searched for the wealth of the people since I became an official!" The old man sneered, "And your family... I heard that your family seems to have let usury go!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang's face was extremely ugly, and she glanced at her daughter, "Then do you want to stay here, or go to Taiwan with me and your dad!"

The eldest lady looked around and gritted her teeth, "Of course I will go with you, but I can't go in vain. I am married to Gu Shaoqing. These things are husband and wife's property. He has to give me half of the family's property!"

"What a big appetite!" The old man sneered, "If you have the guts to take it, you have to see if you have the ability to go out!"

Mrs. Wang's complexion changed, she took her daughter's hand, and said kindly: "Master, there are many couples who are divorced before they live together, so they can't live together as a young couple. , Divorce is fine, but my girl has been with Shaoqing for so many years, there is hard work without credit, at any rate... I have to give her something, so that she can have something to rely on in the next life!"

"Okay!" Gu Shaoqing walked over in a military uniform, took out a few dozen US dollar bills from the box, and handed them over, "Put it away, it's messy outside, apart from gold, this should be the only value!"

The eldest lady thought about it, took the things over, and followed her mother without hesitation.

"What on earth are you thinking!" After everyone left, the old man couldn't help asking.

"Master, the Communist Party is a good government and will lead people to a brighter future!" Gu Shaoqing said with a smile.

The old man waved his hand, "Okay, okay, you young people can do whatever you want, my old bones...just rest!"

Lin Lang didn't realize that Gu Shaoqing was the same as herself until after liberation. Later, when she found out that Master Wang had run away, she showed a disgusted expression, "That kind of person should really be struck by lightning. Let him run away, it's really cheap for him!"

Because of her meritorious service, Lin Lang still works in the translation department, but she has become a director. After liberation, she also returned home.

When the old lady saw her daughter come back safely, she cried and said: "You are a dead child, you are finally willing to come back. When the Wang family was liberated, I went to the Wang family to have a look... But I didn't see it, it scared me to death." ...Also, why didn't you tell the truth when we first met?"

Lin Lang patted the old lady. In fact, she didn't want to go back to this home. Now she came back because of her own identity.

"At the beginning, the situation was wrong, and I couldn't tell the truth. I was afraid that you would be involved, but now it's no longer necessary. Now it's all over. I also have a job in the city, so you can also find me in the city!" Lin Lang smiled. Said.

"You've become a city dweller, I really don't understand, but don't forget your brother!" Although the old lady missed her daughter, she still missed her son.

Lin Lang didn't say anything, put down some money and left.

In the new country, there was a lot of waste waiting to be built. Lin Lang quickly started working, and it was already a year later when she was ready to relax.

That night, Lin Lang got off work very late because of a document. Seeing the man standing under the streetlight waiting for her, Lin Lang hesitated and walked over.

When Gu Shaoqing heard the movement, he turned his head slowly. The dim light hit his face, making his face look extremely handsome, with a pair of dark eyes full of depth.

"Let's go!" Gu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and said suddenly.

Lin Lang looked at those hands with clear joints and shining like jade, hesitated for a long time, and then put her hands on them.

When I opened my eyes again, I heard the noise outside. It was not so much noise as it was the sound of various music mixed together, and the sound of someone screaming with a long voice.

Lin Lang had a headache from the noise, and couldn't continue to sleep. She lifted the quilt and sat up, seeing that the quilt was yellow and dark. It was quite thick in this life, but it was a bit hard, probably for some years.

Lin Lang took a look at the clothes she was wearing. It was a simple simple suit, which looked quite capable on a human body, but it did not have the beauty of a woman.

After Lin Lang put on her clothes, she opened the door and found a large group of people practicing in a yard, beside which there were many things for singing.

(End of this chapter)

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