Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 866 Dramatic Life 2

Chapter 866 Dramatic Life II

After struggling all night, Lin Lang wrote a country song, mainly about the stories of parents, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Lin Lang handed the script she wrote to Da Lei. At first, Da Lei was not optimistic about his sister. He took the script and glanced at it casually, and gradually became attracted by the story inside.

It means a story of a virtuous daughter-in-law and a savage mother-in-law, and the singing method is simple and does not require special skills.

Da Lei was overjoyed, and hurriedly took down the script for rehearsal. At night, Lin Lang looked at the faces of the people who came to eat with a hint of joy.

"With this play, our team will be saved!" One of them said happily.

"Yeah, I'm afraid I won't be able to go on!"

The next day, because of his mother's birthday, a member outside invited the theater troupe to sing an opera. I heard that the play was well received, and he was also rewarded by the member, a total of five taels of silver.

The winter is coming soon, so everything that needs to be prepared must be prepared, first of all, the food for the winter, these opera singers, every time they make money, they don’t know what buying a house is, so the money they get is spent and gone.

Lin Lang wanted to buy some properties, but she had too little money to spend, so she had to prepare things for winter first.

I bought several thousand catties of Chinese cabbage and radishes, and bought some seasonings. Finally, seeing everyone's worn out clothes, Lin Lang went to the cloth store and bought dozens of thick cloths.

"They are too shameless!"

"Yeah, they all went out in the same place, I didn't expect them to play dirty tricks!"

"What should we do next? People say that they sing better than us!"

"It's been a few days since this good day, so it's possible that I won't be able to eat again!"

"If it doesn't work, let's go to him for an explanation, why should they take our things and use them!"


Lin Lang heard their conversation, and asked in surprise: "You look so angry, what happened?"

Da Yu curled his lips, "It's not that those two people who ran away learned our new play and went to perform for others, which made us now..."

Lin Lang nodded, "It's okay, it's okay, then I'll write another play!"

That night, Linlang stayed up late to write another play, the most famous one was Yang Bailao and Xiaobaicai. However, this play was relatively long, and Linlang was divided into several scenes. The script of each scene was strictly kept. Even if they wanted to learn, then It takes a while to learn.

But speaking of them, they don't have real skills, so they just rely on freshness to survive. When the freshness passes, unless they come up with newer things, they will one day pass away.

"Brother, this is a new script I wrote, but if they can copy it once, they will definitely copy it a second time!" Lin Lang expressed her worries, "Actually speaking, our skills are not enough, If our kung fu is good, we won't be oppressed and beaten by others!"

Da Lei felt a headache, "Then what should we do?"

"I've thought about it, see if you can find a few people with real skills and come back and teach them, so that our troupe can gain a foothold!"

Da Lei nodded, "Before my father passed away, there were a few friends who were also in the prank group. I'll ask them when the time comes!"

I have to say that this drama is quite popular, first of all, the poor life experience of Xiaobaicai, followed by the ups and downs of the detective suspense, and finally the happy ending.

Lin Lang observed the world and found that there was no such thing as Liang Zhu and Bao Qingtian's story. She was so happy that she wrote these plays on the spot.

The theater troupe is indeed getting better and better, and with those few plays, it has completely stood on its heels.Even if those people rank better than them, they are not as fresh as them.

Da Lei also invited a few people to come back and teach them real skills, but just like this, there are still a few characters who can really stand in the troupe.

It's not that Lin Lang didn't want to go to other places to poach people, but after thinking about it, it's better to cultivate her own people than to poach other people's people, after all, the ones she cultivated are truly loyal and loyal.

Lin Lang adopted a lot of homeless beggars. Don't buy some of them back and teach them how to sing. Gradually, the team began to grow, and the small yard couldn't hold so many people. Lin Lang took the opportunity to expand a lot .

During this period of time, she also made a lot of money. Lin Lang used the money to buy fields and land, and bought a few shops by the way. At least they would not starve to death when there was no singing.

A year passed in the blink of an eye, and their troupe has become the largest troupe in the county. Whenever there is any lively event, they will be invited to sing operas, and some other counties will also invite them to sing operas.

With those dozens of good scripts, the popularity of their troupe quickly opened up.

"Sister, I have good news for you!" Da Lei ran over and said excitedly, "The county magistrate said that we will go to the capital to perform for the Hou Mansion, and the reward will be high, 1000 taels!"

When Lin Lang heard such a high salary, she looked back in surprise. Their troupe was indeed very famous, but to invite them to sing, the most was only 50 taels, and this was plus the tipping money.

This 1000 taels is equivalent to [-] million in modern times.

"Why did you give so much money? Could it be that you did something bad?" Lin Lang asked in fear.

Da Lei shook his head, "No, I heard that the old lady of the Hou Mansion celebrated her [-]th birthday, and the magistrate is the grandson of the old lady. In order to make the old lady happy, I invited them to sing an opera!"

Lin Lang nodded, but she was a bit worried, "This honorable family invites us to sing an opera, but ordinary people invite us to sing an opera, so there are many mistakes that cannot be made, first of all, in terms of etiquette, and...you tell the people below , let them not make mistakes, otherwise...it's not a matter of money, it's a matter of fate!"

When Da Lei heard this, his joy dissipated immediately, "Look at my brain, I didn't even figure this out, so I'm so happy... Then what should we do? Can this matter be resolved?"

"Of course I took it, but before I leave, I want to teach the following things!" The things I teach are some etiquette, and some rules and so on.

When they heard that they wanted to learn this, some people complained, and they didn't want to learn it at all.

"There are so many rules, we are just going to perform once, what are we doing learning these!"

"Yes, yes, it's really troublesome to learn these things. If you have time, why not shoot a few more new plays!"

"Oh, what a waste of time, let's go back, whoever wants to learn will learn!"


Lin Lang looked at them coldly, and clapped her hands, "If you want to go, go, and never come back after you leave. I don't want this troupe to be just a rural troupe forever. I hope he can get out of this county. It is specially performed for dignitaries!"

(End of this chapter)

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