Chapter 869 Honest Man One
The girl who was asking questions just now was her colleague. Hearing that she was called a handsome colleague by the girl, the colleague smiled very happily and nodded quickly, "I'm free, I'm free all day today!"

Xiaoli smiled, leaned close to the boy's ear, as if she had said something, and then the two looked at each other, and walked out the door together hand in hand.

Lin Lang glanced at the bar, thoughtful, walked out the door in a trance, looked at the dark sky, and sighed.

The next morning, Lin Lang saw that colleague's face glowing red and exuding joy, so she walked over and asked, "What happened yesterday? Why did you leave halfway there?"

When the colleague heard this, a trace of shyness flashed across his face, he thought of something, and pulled Lin Lang aside, "Hey, don't tell others that I left halfway yesterday, in fact, I always have a reason, because I left Good luck..."

"Lucky luck?" Lin Lang said amusedly, "Are you telling me a joke? We all know what you look like. As a brother, I won't lie to you. That girl must be attracted to you." Your purse may have something else to ask for, anyway, it's definitely not love at first sight!"

The colleague sighed, took out a pack of cigarettes from his bag, smoked, and said after a long time: "You are really attracted to it, 500 packs at a time and 1500 nights!"

Lin Lang didn't show any surprise, but nodded knowingly, "This kind of girl is the dirtiest, have you paid attention to safety?"

The colleague nodded, "Of course, but that girl is really punctual, she's really having fun on the bed, and you've been single for a while, do you want to have sex?"

Lin Lang refused without hesitation, "I don't want it!"

When the colleague heard this, he smiled wretchedly, "You're still a virgin, aren't you?"

"Of course not!" Lin Lang vetoed it without thinking, "At my age, I want to settle down. I don't want to have such a stain on my body!"

The colleague nodded in agreement, "I'm just looking for a thrill, so don't take it to heart, and don't tell others!"

Lin Lang followed suit with a smile, and when his colleague left, his expression was extremely ugly. He didn't expect that woman to be so dirty!
Thinking of what happened to the original owner, Lin Lang's eyes flickered, and she searched for a private detective's phone number on the Internet, found out all the information about Xiaoli, and copied it to a USB flash drive.

Life went on as usual. After the holiday, Lin Lang bought a lot of presents, and drove her newly bought car back home.

The old couple knew about their son buying a house and a car for a long time, and they were very relieved. Now that they bought a house and a car, they should worry about their son's lifelong affairs.

Taking advantage of his son's return, the old man was anxious about the seven aunts and eight aunts in the family, and used their connections to find many unmarried girls.

"Look, these are the photos of these girls. You go to see the time, and I have arranged it for you. You can go according to this schedule!" Dad smiled and handed over a schedule.

Linlang looked at the plans full of plans above, and then at the thick pile of photos, the corner of her mouth twitched, "Dad, Mom, marriage is a big deal, don't be in a hurry!"

When mother heard this, she came out of the kitchen and said angrily, "There's no need to rush, if you don't go on a blind date, you're going to be an old bachelor!

While your dad and I can do it, you hurry up to get married and give us a grandson, and our old couple will bring it to you, so you don’t need to worry about the young couple! "

Lin Lang sighed, "This kind of thing is about fate, so forget about these photos. Anyway, I have a car and a house now, so I don't have to worry about not having a wife at all!"

"Nonsense, it doesn't matter if you have a house and a car. Girls nowadays are very demanding. If you don't find one quickly, then other good women will be snatched away!" Mom slapped the table and said forcefully: "Anyway, you Just go!"

Lin Lang had no choice but to resign herself to picking up the planner and the photos.

The first girl is 22 years old, she is very kawaii, and even her clothes have a strong manga style.

"Oh, I'm still so young~ I don't want to find a boyfriend yet. As for why I came here~ Of course my parents asked me to come, but uncle, you are very suitable for me~ Actually, I really like uncle, just... I don't want to come so early Get married~ You can start as my boyfriend first, but when you become my boyfriend, you have to put me first, spoil me forever, love me, and you have to give me everything I want as soon as possible I~"

When Lin Lang heard this coquettish and cute voice, goose bumps almost rose. As the saying goes, the little girl looks really good, but she likes comics and is immersed in the world of comics, which makes him a little disliked.

Lin Lang smiled at the girl and didn't leave any contact information, so she ran away unhappy and went to the second blind date place.

The second blind date with him was only one year younger than him. He wore a black suit, neatly combed his hair, and black leather shoes. He was a teacher by profession, and he looked very serious.

Lin Lang had a fear of primary school students being dominated by the teacher, so she couldn't help but swallowed, looking at the girl in front of her, her eyes were always erratic, but she just didn't dare to look at him.

"As for me, the rules are the most important, and I hate those who are not punctual and trustworthy. If you commit a crime in the future, you will either be fined to stand or copy!

And me, I have a slight obsession with cleanliness, so keep the house clean, because I am a teacher, so I hope my other half is very good, even if you are not good now, I also hope that you can always maintain self-motivation... "

Lin Lang just smirked a few times, didn't say anything, and continued to stare at what the girl in front of her was saying.

"Of course, I'm a bit older, I hope we two get married as soon as possible and have a baby as soon as possible, because I don't want to become an older mother!
Because I am a teacher, I may be busy with work, so the children need you to take care of them, but in terms of children's education, you can leave it to me without meddling..."

Lin Lang kept giggling, the girl was indeed nice, but she didn't suit her taste...

Lin Lang found another excuse and quickly slipped away, this time without leaving any contact information.

The 25-year-old girl I met for the third time is a secretary by profession. She looks average, but she is very good at dressing up.

Lin Lang saw what she was wearing, then looked at her jewelry, and she was holding a bag in her hand, her heart skipped a beat!
"I heard that you work in other places? You are still an engineer. I heard that you bought a house and a car. The salary should be good, right? How much is it a month? Can you tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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