Chapter 887
Lin Lang looked over calmly and said, "I'm not a fool, I know what you want to say, and I understand what conditions were raised there. It is impossible for me to be a concubine, and it is impossible for two children to become concubines to have children." !"

Wang Qijun looked at the two children with a hint of love in his eyes, finally gritted his teeth and said, "I know I'm sorry for you, but now I have no other choice. I came out because of the oppression of my stepmother. Now her only My son is dead, and there is no other man in the Hou Mansion, I am the only heir, and seeing the opportunity for revenge, I can't give up..."

Lin Lang didn't expect that there was such a story in it, she nodded, "I won't interfere with what you are doing, but my child must not be a wild child without a father!

You can go, but you have to give me a copy and tell you that the child will be brought up by me. When the child grows up, I will not ask you for anything, but you are not allowed to take the child away from me! "

"You...why are you bothering? Children will be better educated if they are with me..." Wang Qijun sighed, "Although they are concubines and concubines, the Marquis Mansion is much better than ordinary people. many!"

"You don't have to worry about it this month. You just need to write a copy of the divorce letter. From then on, marriage between men and women has nothing to do with each other!" Lin Lang said firmly.

Wang Qijun sighed, took out a pen and paper from the cabinet, wrote down what to tell you, and finally thought about it, took out a bank note from his pocket, and handed it over, "They gave it to me, in my hand There is no other money, you accept it, it is my heart for the children!"

Looking at the empty room, Lin Lang thought for a while, and still took the bank note. After all, there were 1000 taels, so it wasn't free.

Wang Qijun entered the room, looked at the two children carefully, sighed, turned and left.

Lin Lang didn't say anything, and cleaned up the house after the people left, but this thatched house must not be rebuilt, the main reason is that the house is like a dilapidated house, and the house will shake when the wind blows. If there is any strong wind If it rains heavily, the house will collapse!
Everyone in the village knew that Lin Lang's husband had left, and laughed at Lin Lang for not being able to keep him. Lin Lang didn't say anything, but exchanged part of the banknotes and moved to the city with the children.

It is indeed difficult for a widow to live with a child, but Lin Lang is tough, plus she has a talented father. Although that father doesn't pay much attention to her, her father is still a scholar and is very famous in the whole town, so no one comes hiring.

"You dead child, your husband is gone, why didn't you tell us? What will you do in the future?" It was Lin Lang's mother Liu who spoke. At this moment, she was holding a handkerchief in her hand, crying Lian Lian said.

Lin Lang sewed the clothes, and said sullenly: "What else can I do? Just do that, other widows can bring up their children, why can't I?"

"It's my husband who died, and your husband didn't die, but ran away!" Mrs. Liu gave her daughter a hard look, "Your father and I disagreed with you marrying him, but you want to marry him anyway!" Marry, it's better now, you've suffered a lot!
Your husband is the son of the Hou family anyway, why don't you beg him, even if you can't be a regular wife, you can be a concubine! "

What kind of theory is this?Let your daughter be a mistress, but thinking about it in ancient times, it should be easy to understand.

But Lin Lang really didn't want to, "Would you like me or not? My son is a decent son and daughter. Why should I be a concubine? If that's the case, then my son and daughter will have to become concubines and concubines." !
Although I have reconciled with him, my son and daughter can at least behave in an upright manner! "

"You... okay, you've got a big heart, I can't control you!" Liu said angrily.

Lin Lang just finished sewing a piece of clothing, bit off the thread, raised her head, and said, "Anyway, I am living a comfortable life now. When the children grow up, I will send them to my father to study. It would be best if I can continue reading." If you can’t read on, I’ll buy her a few acres of land and let him be a farmer!”

When Liu Shi heard this, her heart moved, "What did my uncle leave for you when he left? He is a young master of the Houfu, it is impossible to just pat his ass and leave!"

"I left something for me, but it's really not much. You all know what happened when he came here. Besides, he has a stepmother at home. What good things can I give him?" Lin Lang didn't explain the 1000 taels. Things, after all, money touches people's hearts.

Liu Shi sighed in disappointment when she heard this, and glanced at her daughter who was still beautiful even though she was married and had two children, and her heart moved again, "By the way... you are still so young, do you want to remarry?"

Lin Lang shook her head, dumbfounded, "My mother, forget it, I really don't have that idea, I just want to bring up the two children, and then be a proper old Fengjun!"

Seeing that her daughter was telling the truth, Mrs. Liu sighed, and didn't stay here for long. After talking for a while, she left.

Lin Lang used the money to buy a few shops and some fields. Anyway, the rent collected was enough for the three of their mothers to eat.

Time flies, and in three years, the two children have grown up. Because they are twins, and because they didn't have enough to eat when they were young, the bodies of the two children look a little thin. Ordinary children are smaller.

When the children reached the age of enlightenment, Lin Lang did not send them to study in a hurry, but bought a three-character classic by herself and taught the two children to read at home.

"Sister-in-law Liu, sister-in-law Wang next door is about to give birth, so hurry up and have a look!" There was a knock on the door, and then someone outside the door said loudly.

Although he has money to collect rent, Lin Lang has also started another business, which is to deliver babies. Because of his good technology, whenever someone around is going to have a baby, he will ask Lin Lang to come over to deliver the baby. The fee varies from person to person. .

Some people gave birth to a boy, the family was happy and gave them a lot of money, but if they gave birth to a girl, they would not give anything to those who were cruel, and would give an egg or two to those who were kind.

In fact, Lin Lang did not do this job to make money, but to build a good relationship with the neighbors around her, so she didn't care about gains or losses.

After Lin Lang heard the words, she hurriedly opened the door, "You help me look at the two children first, I'll go there right away, and I'll be back soon!"

The woman who shouted nodded, walked into the room to see the two children, sitting obediently on the kang, playing jigsaw puzzles, and said to them: "Your mother has gone to deliver babies, and she will be back later !"

Although the two children were young, they were bright-headed and sensible. After hearing the words, they raised their heads one after another and said thank you nonchalantly.

(End of this chapter)

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