Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 894 Chapter 903 Fake Prince 1

Chapter 894 Chapter 903 False prince one
The eldest lady listened to this, and smiled flatteringly, "The sixth prince has a heart, and now seeing that the sixth prince is safe and sound, the old slave is relieved."

Lin Lang smiled weakly, then coughed forcefully, "The waiter has a heart!"

The eunuch was also not well, so he stayed here for a while, and after saying a few more auspicious words, he left.

Ordinarily, the throne should not be inherited by a foreign prince like Lin Lang, but who made the third prince not live up to his expectations? He has a bad temper and is proud and complacent. He is not made to be an emperor at all.

As for the sixth prince, although he was weak, he couldn't stand his humility and kindness. He looked like a virtuous king. Even if he didn't take the initiative to recruit courtiers, there were still many courtiers on Lin Lang's side.

Lin Lang lay on the bed, looking at Concubine Rou coldly, "You want to die, but I don't want to die with you. You should know that it's not that easy for me to fall into the water this time. You can fool me this time, but what about next time?"

Concubine Rou cried more and more miserably, like the remnant lotus after the storm, "I...I don't want to, but I really have no choice, I can't leave my clansman...I have thought about it, when you grow up, I will find you a reliable wife... when the time comes..."

"You still want to find me a wife and you. According to the current development trend, my wife is at least from a famous family, and the marriage has to be decided by the emperor. What can you do?" Linlang gasped for breath. gas.

"I...not..." Concubine Rou's tears fell one drop after another, "If you leave, what should I do?"

"You...you really want to piss me off..." Linlang gasped, "Why are you so selfish, you only care about yourself and don't care about me! If I die, as long as your people don't become monsters, they will Will live well!
But if this matter is exposed, I may be fine as the emperor, but as for your clansmen, I think you will all die! "

Concubine Rou just kept shaking her head and crying when she heard this, without saying anything.

Lin Lang was extremely tired. How could she have such a mother? She was selfish and self-interested. As for what she couldn't make up her mind about, she probably just didn't want to take responsibility.

In this way, the matter was delayed. After recuperating for a month, Lin Lang didn't dare to continue recuperating. After all, her father would send her a doctor to see her every one or two days, and she could fool her once or twice. But if there are too many times, it will arouse suspicion.

After Lin Lang recovered, she went to Qinzheng Hall to pay her respects to the emperor.

The emperor is a good emperor, diligent in governing and caring for the people, the only bad thing is that he does not have many heirs.

"This illness has lasted for a month. Have you missed your homework?" The emperor raised his head, glanced at it, and then continued to correct the memorial.

Lin Lang said respectfully: "Although I have been resting in bed, I dare not be negligent. I read the Four Books and Five Classics every day, and sometimes I even ask the Taifu for advice!"

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, "You are doing very well, but you have been sick for so many days, which means that your health is not good. Go to the martial arts hall to ask a martial arts master to teach you martial arts!"

"Follow father's instruction!" Lin Lang said respectfully.

The emperor nodded with a smile, suddenly thought of something, took out a book from a pile of memorials, and asked someone to hand it down.

The emperor: "Look!"

Lin Lang opened the memorial and found that it was from the frontier soldiers, saying that they had been harassed by the barbarians all the year round and asked for material reinforcements.

After Lin Lang found out that the so-called satisfaction was not from her grandfather and the others, she breathed a sigh of relief and raised her head to look at the emperor in confusion, "Father, my son doesn't understand..."

"The frontier has been in chaos these years. Although I have been using force to suppress it, there has been no chaos, but it is not a solution to keep the chaos like this. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Ask yourself a suggestion, and it is a question and suggestion in the memorial. Isn't this letting yourself participate in politics?What is this for?Her big brother hasn't received such treatment yet!
Lin Lang felt as if she was being roasted on the fire, so she quickly knelt down and kowtowed a few times, "I don't dare!"

"Get up!" The emperor was very pleased to see such a humble son. After all, he was as big as Lin Lang, and he had already developed ambition. This son is unmoved, which shows that this son is very stable and has no utilitarianism.

"You've done a good job, and it's because you've done a good job that I want to ask for your advice!" The emperor said gently.

Lin Lang shook his head, "Son, I'm still a brat who doesn't understand anything. Asking my son for advice is to burn the people to the fire. I really don't dare!"

The emperor admired the sixth child more and more, and thought that although Concubine Rou was not very good, but she gave birth to a good son for herself, that would be great.

"It's okay, just asking, you can say whatever you want, I won't be so dazed as to listen to your suggestion!"

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, looked carefully at the contents of the memorial, then raised her head and said, "Those barbarians are making trouble because they are poor. If they had money, they wouldn't come here to make trouble!"

"Yes, it is because they have no money that they harass the people in the border town and plunder their money!" The emperor nodded.

Lin Lang swallowed her saliva, and continued: "The barbarians are indeed very poor, mainly because there is no one to plant fertile land, and there are no usable minerals!
But they have cattle and sheep. If possible, I hope to buy cattle and sheep from the border and sell them to the people of our country!

In this way, the people of our country can benefit, and they will not come to harass the people of our country because they are rich..."

When the emperor heard this, his eyes slowly lit up, "In fact, the method you mentioned was already available in the previous dynasty, but later those people were ambitious, and when they had money, they started purchasing equipment. Later..."

"I know that we can't let our guard down just because we've done business with them. We can use the money from the business to equip our soldiers, so we don't have to be afraid even if we fight!"

The emperor patted the table when he heard this, "As expected of the emperor, you are so smart, it's getting late, you can stay and have dinner with me!"

Can Lin Lang refuse?Really can't!

The emperor's imperial meal was delicious, after all, it was made by the best cook in the world, but this meal made him eat it a little cautiously.

"Eat more, my son, you are too thin!" The emperor said caringly.

Lin Lang showed a shy expression, "Thank you, Father!"

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, "If you don't understand anything in your homework, feel free to come and ask me..."

When Lin Lang heard this, she choked on a mouthful of food, neither swallowing it nor not swallowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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