Chapter 902
"Hey, some people are lucky. They only need to sleep until dawn and don't have to do anything. They are like a young lady. Unlike us, they are born to work hard!"

The one who spoke was the granddaughter-in-law of the fourth house, who was of the same generation as her. When Lin Lang heard this, she choked back: "Are the younger brothers and sisters talking about the uncle? But you can't catch up with your envy. After all, the husband can read, and the son can also read." !

It can only be said that you are not married to the right person, otherwise you can be like others, don't have to do any work, just be a young mistress! "

"" Who doesn't know that the eldest family is the lifeblood of the old lady. What Lin Lang said, isn't it the same as offending the lifeblood of the old lady?

"You're talking nonsense. I mean you don't work, but I didn't say that my aunt doesn't work. Don't slander people!"

Lin Lang looked over coldly, "Sister and sister, you are so funny, why didn't I work? When I was working yesterday, you were still lying in the warm bed!

I see that you are not only blind in your eyes, but also blind in your heart! "

"You..." The siblings burst into tears, but Lin Lang didn't want to care, so she let out a cold snort, tidied up and left.

Back in her room, Lin Lang began to think about ways to make money. Rural women like them usually make money by making shoe soles, but those things are not easy to make. It is already very good to make five or six pairs a month. no.

The key pair is only worth 10 renminbi, and after deducting the cost, it only earns 50 or [-] renminbi, which is [-] renminbi a month.
Linlang's handicrafts are not bad. She rummaged through boxes and cabinets and found a few beautiful pieces of cloth. These were brought by her natal family, but they were not too big. They could be stitched together to make a set of clothes, but when they arrived in Linlang Town, There are other uses for these beautiful pieces of cloth.

Linlang first made a few purses, then a few sachets, embroidered with flowers of various colors, and embroidered a pair of purses for mandarin ducks playing in the water. As for the purses, Linlang wove them with thin red thread. There are also two small blessing characters embellished on the bottom, which looks delicate and beautiful.

It took Linlang two or three days for these few purses. Early in the morning of the second day, after a casual meal, he took his own purses and went to the town!
"Hey, isn't this the sixth sibling? Do you want to go to the town too?" It was the granddaughter-in-law who spoke, because she married the eldest grandson in the family, and the dowry was generous, so she didn't work when she married into this family .

Lin Lang nodded flatly, "I made some shoe soles yesterday, and I want to sell them in the town!"

"So it's like this. I know all the proprietresses of the cloth shops in the town. If you want to sell at a high price, I can help you!" The sister-in-law said with a smile.

When Lin Lang heard this, she tightened the basket in her hands, "No need, sister-in-law, you still have to take care of elder brother, I don't want to bother you!"

The sister-in-law didn't force it either, she smiled, and the two of them sat in the bullock cart, neither of them talking.

When we got to the town, Lin Lang came down first, "Then I'll go to Buzhuang first, sister-in-law, you can do whatever you want!"

When the sister-in-law heard this, she waved her hand and didn't take it seriously, she turned around and left.

Lin Lang remembered what sister-in-law said just now, took out a handkerchief from her arms, and wrapped it around her head and face.

"Hello, do you accept purses here?" Lin Lang asked after walking into a more luxuriously decorated cloth building.

Hearing this, Xiao Er looked Lin Lang up and down, and nodded, "Of course I accept it, but we need to see the style!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang took the purse she embroidered, and Xiao Er's eyes lit up instantly, then she took the purse over, looked up and down, and finally looked at Lin Lang's basket like a hungry wolf.

"This...things are not bad. Did you make them?" Xiaoer asked after looking at them for a while, holding the purse in his hand.

Upon hearing this, Lin Lang asked back: "Is this important? I just ask if you accept it. If you don't tell me, I'll go and have a look elsewhere!"

When Xiaoer heard this, he became a little anxious, "Of course I took it, don't worry, your purse is pretty good, but the material is not very good, I'll give you thirty cents for one!"

The material is indeed not very good, but her embroidery is top-notch, and if you take it out casually, it can be worth at least a few hundred coins.

Lin Lang's face suddenly collapsed, and she took the purse over, "It seems that you are dishonest, Xiao Er, so you don't need to do this kind of business!"

"Ai ai ai, don't, if you feel dissatisfied, you can discuss it!" Xiao Er said anxiously.

Lin Lang glanced at Xiao Er, and finally nodded, "My purse must be at least a hundred coins or more!"

Xiao Er knew that he had encountered a hard problem, and gritted his teeth. Originally, he wanted to accept this purse at a low price, and then sell it at a high price, which seemed impossible.

"Okay, okay, wait a moment, I'll discuss it with the shopkeeper!" Xiaoer sighed, and went to the shopkeeper resignedly.

The shopkeeper also heard Xiao Er's words, and he couldn't believe that someone made such a beautiful purse, but he followed to have a look. When he saw the purse, he couldn't help being amazed.

"I can accept the purse at 150 Wen, but I have a requirement. You must only sell the purse to us, and you must sign a contract with me!" The shopkeeper didn't want to let this big fish go.

Hearing this, Lin Lang took two steps back, "Shopkeeper, I can promise you that I will sell both bags and bags to your house in the future, but I don't want to sign the contract with you!"

After thinking about it, the shopkeeper finally agreed, as long as this big fish is too tempting, "I agree with your proposal, but you have to tell me who you are, after all, I have to know who I'm doing business with! "

Lin Lang shook her head bluntly, "I'm here to sell purses because I don't want others to know, that's why I don't want to sign a contract with you!"

The shopkeeper glanced at Linlang, and found that the clothes she was wearing were neither new nor old. Could it be that she was the aunt of a wealthy family who came out to do needlework because she couldn't live anymore?Can't rule out the possibility...

The shopkeeper thought for a while, and finally agreed, "I promised you so many requests, mainly because of your craftsmanship. I also hope that you can be honest and don't be a person who doesn't trust you!"

Lin Lang nodded and handed over the rest of the purse, and got a total of 750 Wen.

Lin Lang asked the shopkeeper to exchange the five hundred cash for half taels of silver, and used the remaining money to buy some green cloth. This green cloth is made of cotton and Gesi, which has the softness of cotton and Gesi In the eyes of the villagers, this green cloth is the best cloth.

(End of this chapter)

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