Chapter 904
Seeing that Mrs. Wang didn't object, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, Mrs. Wang had nothing to object to. After all, it was her son who got the benefits, not others.

Lin Lang used this fabric to make a simple bunt, and the trousers were not too long. After all, it will be summer soon, and wearing too long clothes is easy to get prickly heat.

Lin Lang made two clothes out of cloth, one long and the other short. She wore long clothes when the weather was cold, and short clothes when it was hot.

Because it was still the busy season of farming, Liu Lang wore old clothes. When he was finally free, it happened to be the Dragon Boat Festival, so he put on new clothes.

"Hey, the sixth brother is wearing a new suit!" The third sister-in-law said angrily when she saw it.

Liu Lang didn't care about women's twists and turns, he just thought that the third sister-in-law was praising him, scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "My lady made it for me!"

When the third sister-in-law heard this, she sighed helplessly as if she had punched cotton with a fist, "Sixth brother is really lucky, unlike us, we don't even have a new dress all year round!"

Lin Lang heard the voice and came over, "Sister-in-law San, the clothes I made for our head were bought with the money I used to make shoe soles. If you make shoe soles, you can also make new clothes!"

Who doesn't know that the old three's is best to be lazy, not to mention asking her to make new clothes, even doing laundry.

"Hahahaha..." The third sister-in-law smirked a few times, and finally thought of something, her eyes rolled, "By the way, the sixth sibling hasn't bought a big bone for a while, and the big bone is not expensive, so don't be stingy !"

"Since it's not expensive, the third sister-in-law can go and buy it back. How about I spend a little more effort and help everyone do it?" Lin Lang asked back.

When the third sister-in-law heard this, a trace of displeasure flashed across her face, she muttered a few words, then turned and left.

"The old three's family is getting more and more outrageous. They want to take advantage of everything, really!" Hearing the movement outside, Mrs. Wang came out, frowning, and said angrily.

Yes, this family is very diligent and lazy, but the diligent ones get very little, and the lazy ones lose nothing. It's really unfair.

Because today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the old lady showed great compassion and bought two catties of glutinous rice, and then took out the red dates picked from the tree the year before last, and asked everyone to put the red dates into the glutinous rice.

For these twenty or thirty people, two catties of glutinous rice is enough to eat a woolen yarn, but the old lady has her own way, making five or six large zongzi, and the rest are wrapped into egg-sized zongzi.

Lin Lang vomited so badly that she couldn't even eat zongzi all year long, which was really frustrating and frustrating.

But the old lady didn't overdo it, and cooked an egg for everyone. Lin Lang didn't eat the egg, but kept the egg for Liu Lang to eat.

The Dragon Boat Festival is also a big festival, and the old lady didn't save any money, so she asked someone to cut two catties of meat back, and asked the butcher to make a few big stick bones, and then bought a few pieces of tofu.

I have to say that the bone soup made by Lin Lang is quite popular, and the big pot is full in a short time.

Spring went to autumn, and soon came the harvest season. During this period, Lin Lang also made a lot of money selling embroidery, but she didn't dare to take it out.

The autumn harvest is a big event for the whole family. Both men and women have to play. As for the eldest aunt and her daughter-in-law who have not worked for a long time, they are not immune. Although they cannot do heavy work, the food in the family falls on them .

Originally, Lin Lang should also go to the ground, but because the bone soup she made was delicious and the food tasted good, the old lady gritted her teeth and asked her to cook at home.

Lin Lang also took advantage of it, but the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law didn't help much at all. They just added a piece of firewood next to them, and then added some water, and sat aside for the rest, doing nothing.

Although Lin Lang was panicking from hunger, she still had to keep doing it, which really made him anxious, so she also stood aside, doing nothing.

The aunt urged, Lin Lang spread her hands and pretended to be innocent and said, "Oh~ I'm so tired, I don't have any strength at all, you should help me, Auntie, otherwise everyone's dinner will be delayed... Then ..."

The eldest aunt was so angry that her teeth were itching, so she could only help Lin Lang to do it together. After a month of hard work, she finally took all the food home, and everyone was so tired that they peeled off.

Seeing Liu Lang's appearance, Lin Lang felt very distressed, and when she was going to the street, she dragged Liu Lang to a small restaurant secretly.

"I'll have braised chicken, braised pork, braised pork ribs, 5 steamed buns, and a pot of rice!" Lin Lang said to Xiao Er.

Hearing this, Liu Lang tugged at the corner of Lin Lang's clothes, "Daughter-in-law, this is too much, and it's too expensive..."

Lin Lang knocked Liu Lang's hand off, "Are you stupid? Look at how thin you have been these days, what's the difference between you and your bones? If you don't love me, I still love you!"

Liu Lang scratched his head, "I know my daughter-in-law loves me dearly. It's not easy for you, daughter-in-law. You just do a little needlework and make a few hard-earned money, all of which are subsidized on me. I feel even more distressed... It's also because I am not good. , not capable of making a lot of money, and unable to give my daughter-in-law a better life..."

Lin Lang smiled at Liu Lang, "The good life in my mind is to hope that you will be healthy and healthy. As for money, you don't have to worry. I still have some private money, enough!"

Hearing this, Liu Lang felt even more guilty. He didn't make much money, and he had to use his wife's private money. What a waste!
"I... I discussed with Chunzi the day before yesterday that I will come to the town to work in a few days. When I make money, I will buy you colorful clothes and beautiful jewelry..."

Lin Lang shook her head, coming here to make money is usually to sell coolies, and doing farm work is already very hard, if you go out to work, isn't it equivalent to overdrawing your life?
"Sanggong, you don't have to go out to work, and you don't have to worry about the money at home, I have everything!
After all, you are busy with farm work. I also hope that you will rest at home for a while and take good care of your body! "

Liu Lang lowered his head, "I have wronged my wife..."

"It's nothing, marrying you is the most correct choice I've ever made!" Lin Lang smiled, and when the food was served, she hurriedly greeted Liu Lang for dinner, and said at the same time: "Father, mother, they still have... After eating, pack some things and go back..."

Liu Lang had indeed suffered a lot during this period, and he devoured his meals. Lin Lang sat aside and looked at Xin Jing, and quickly poured Liu Lang a glass of warm water, and told him to eat slowly, so don't worry.

The three dishes, as well as steamed buns and rice, all went into Liulang's stomach, but thinking about it, it's true that he is a big boy who does so much physical work every day, so there is no one who is not hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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